The "Introduction/I'm Back" Thread

Soon, our powers will be strong and world domination will be within our grasp!!!

Mwahahaha! But seriously, any ideas? :smiley:

Hahahahaha :laughing:
More like the world in the grasp of the 6-and-more-than-likely-to-expand-Pixarteers! XD

We DO need to make this popular club more Official…how though?

We could be like Phileas and have crowns stating that we are in said club. :slight_smile: I love our club!!

HEY!..I created it :3

Bow down to me ;-p

Nah just playing

No such thing as one person bigger than another person in our club :slight_smile:

We really should ask Phileas how he got the crown and get some.

Maybe we could petition for it to become a usergroup! It could be super exclusive, and you would have to pass a grueling seven hour exam to get in. :stuck_out_tongue:

Or for the time being, we could a just put a message saying “I’m in the Pixarteers club!” in our sigs or something like that.

We should all wear cowboy hats and red shirts that say 95 for people who love cars and I for those who love the incredibles :3

Who is gonna make the club cookies!? :open_mouth:

Who knows how to cook? :confused:


Yes!! The cowboy hats could also count for…r <3 Woody <3

They do :wink:

Oh wow! This is exciting! The forums should have a clubs section like some other forums I’ve been to. It’d be quite popular.

I tried to put the club in my sig, but I had no room. :frowning:

Haha yeah, that’s a good idea, Rayhawk! But then, what conditions would differentiate the club from the general mass? “Oh yeah, here at Pixar Planet we all love Pixar, and you can join the Pixarteers if you also love Pixar!” You see what I mean?

Which is why I’m still in favor of making it an elitist group with a grueling seven hour entrance exam!

(Nah, jk. :stuck_out_tongue:)

Why is it that when I try to type out a quote under my sig it cuts off? By cuts off I mean only the top half of the letters show lol

Let’s just say it in our sigs. :slight_smile:

Our club is now basically the whole point of the forum xD

Originally, the rules were if you were going to be a jr in high school and liked Cars xD

Good, because then I would be an illegitimate member because I’m a sophomore next year!

That may have been true but you still like Cars :wink: not many of us Cars lovers.

I adore Cars, but I’m just now going to be a sophomore in 3 months. I think we should make avatars that say we are in the club.