The Lorax film adaptation

Yeah, that was really weird. And random, I haven’t heard from Zafron in a while. I don’t know why it would of been so hard to get an actual kid to voice him. They just perfer to use people with name recognition. Which is why Taylor Swift is probably involved in this, I bet there’s tons of people who saw the movie just because she’s in it.

I shouldn’t talk, because as I mentioned before, what sealed the deal for me to see this was that Ed Helms was starring as The Once-ler. I’ve always thought he’d be great in an animated musical, since his characters all sing. Sometimes at vending machines:


It annoys me when they get adults to voice kid and teen characters. You can sort of get away with it with teenagers, like with Sarah Vowell in The Incredibles or Jay Baruchel in HTTYD, but with kids it’s just unrealistic. I haven’t seen the film-it’s not out until July here-but watching the trailers with Zafron voicing a little kid is irritating and off-putting beyond belief.

Hahaha, Zafron! That’s the best celebrity nickname ever. 8D

I think I might see this movie in theaters next week or so, especially if I can get tickets for $5 or so. I was listening to clips from the soundtrack on Amazon and most sound pretty cute and fun.

Also, a note: my last post was only partially directed at little chef, but the most was just a general response to what others have said. :slight_smile:

For those who have seen it, how was the environmental message?

Haha, it’s from A Very Potter Musical. Dumbledore has a poster of Zac Efron in his office, and everyone calls Efron Zafron. :laughing:

Oh yesh, I love budget price movies! And it is a good soundtrack. I’ve been rocking out to it the past week. And rocking out to Flight of the Conchords and Eddie Cantor. That’s how I roll.

Gonna go see this today. Hope I enjoy it :smiley: !

Make sure to tell us what you think!!

I enjoyed it quite a bit!

As expected, it can be a little tedious with the environmental message. Not really anything new presented in that aspect, more or less just ‘nature is good’ and there is certainly a tinge of irony there, but oh well. 8D The animation, design scheme and color palette is stunningly beautiful, and very true to Dr Seuss’s artistic style. The songs were nice too. I think for an assortment of reasons I wouldn’t want to see it again for a long time but I liked it, and was pleasantly surprised by it several times. I give it a 7.5/10.

Which irony are you talking about?

I know of one irony. Stephen Colbert pointed out one big one on his TV show. First he said he hated the book because of his dislike for the ‘little orange treehugger’, and then praised The Once-ler for being a ‘Thneed-related job creator’. But he said he loves the movie, because it has product tie ins, and “the more tie ins, the better the movie.” He then showed a commercial of the Lorax selling SUVs.

"Yes, the Lorax is selling Mazda CX5 Crossover SUVs. It’s not a polluting vehical, it’s a hybrid. In that it uses a combination of Gas. and Oline.

He then made this Suessian ryme for the Movie’s producers:

This cash-tacula sell out is not quote enough
I’m demanding more branding of Loraxian stuff!
With what you can buy boy, the sky is the limit!
A fillet o fish meal, with real Hummingfish in it!

Filmakers, get cracking!
The market is lacking
A slendiforous Lorax themed drill made for fracking!

Or the fine certain something that all people need
indeed you’ll succeed if you sold us a Thneed!
they’re easy to make, if you only take
all the Truffula Tufts off the trees by the lake
They’re comfy and thick as the thick ironies
Loraxian and Suess selling big SUVS.

If you’re interested in the whole thing, here’s the link. It’s quite funny … the-lorax-

Haha! Oh, I want to see that clip now. I recall seeing The Lorax in some car commercial, but I didn’t realize it was for a regular gas-consuming SUV! Geez, was that really a good idea? :unamused:

I heard somewhere that they had adults voice the kids because they thought that the kid’s voices would change durring recording. Just thought i’d clarify. :slight_smile:

Yes, I remember hearing about young male actors in particular going through puberty during the voiceovers for animated films, like Flounder in TLM. A 12-year-old boy would be a pretty hard character to cast, and I’ll honestly say that the combination of the look of the character in The Lorax and Efron’s voice make him look a LOT older, at least 15 or 16.

Totally see it, I put the link to that clip in my post. It was hilarious.

There are examples of that happening. But in this movie’s case, I doubt it’d be a problem

  1. Despite what the trailers show, Ted was not a huuuuge character who carried the bulk of the film. Honestly, how long would it take to do his lines? Not long enough for his voice to completely change

  2. His character is pretty young, probably of the age right before those changes take place.

Ok, so I saw this move back in the theaters. It was pretty good. I later read the book, and it’s pretty much the same, but all the other stuff, such as [spoil]Ted’s crush on Audrey and the whole O’Hare Air thing[/spoil] was made up for the film. The part about the [spoil]animals swimming in the marshmallows was kinda cute, and the musical number where the Once-ler becomes powerful[/spoil] was pretty fun.

And in my review, I’d say it was more environmental than any other story with somewhat similar premises… :unamused:

And here’s my biggest critique of the movie, IMO:

O’Hare Air is practically Fire Nation Phase 2. Especially when Audrey’s tree painting gets censored.

gets tomatoed for Avatar reference

So… that’s my review. Pretty good film. The music is what really did it for me. :wink:

I COULD hate this movie; it definitely has a lot in it to want my hate (especially since it pretty much misses the point of the original), but… I’ve seen Mike Meyer’s The Cat In the Hat, so what else you got?

I didn’t think this film was bad. It was cute and silly, but not in a dumb way. I’m sure it could have been better, but overall I thought it was cute. I did notice how things were similar to WALL-E, but those parts didn’t upset me or anything. It’s from a book, that kind of stuff is expected.

And I kinda thought Ted and Audrey were cute together. :blush:

You mean the environmental stuff? Yeah, that’s in the book (and take in mind, the book was written LONG before Captain Planet).

Yes. I didn’t mean the climax, the very end, I know that part’s not in the book. Just the stuff before it. I guess the whole environmental vibe was from the book. Sorry if I was confusing.

Yeah, the “happy ending” was NOT part of the book, in fact, it ends on a pretty bittersweet note.

I thought this movie was way too jumpy. I personally thought the added characters were ridiculous.