The Worst Movies Ever!

Best worst thing ever put on a motion picture! 8D

I still say Terminator is the worst (even though I’ve never actually seen it).

The funniest thing is, that’s not even the only memorable line in the entire thing. There’s just way too many to list. :smiley:

“Good morning my little flower!”
"No more popcorn!
“Do you want some, Joshua?”

And Evs, I hope you’re not referring to the original Terminator from 1984. Terminator 3 and Salvation are pretty mediocre at best, though the first two are huge favorites of mine. Dated? Sure, but very memorable imo.

I mean, I don’t want to see Terminator for…personal reasons.

Ah, okay then. I won’t ask why.

I just don’t think the Terminator is as friendly as WALL-E is. (And I’m thinking the Terminator is more of a destructive type.)

That is true, haha. He actually is more of a good guy in the second film, but still not the sweet and innocent robot that Wall-E is. :laughing:

I saw Marmaduke a few moths ago. shudders

Spock would agree with the logics in that… 8D

I thouht Terminator had some merit. It’s not amazing but I liked it.

I remember when that came out, probably saw the trailer as well. Just looked like another generic “talking animal” film as far as I’m concerned.

I have a list on IMDb of films I consider the worst:


What’s wrong with Hairspray and The Nut Job, MonkeeJuice?

1st of all, I much prefer the original 1988 version from John Waters which the musical is based off of.

I’m not a fan of lightly calling any film “the worst ever”, and I usually don’t post here, but Maleficent needs a mention.

Never saw that film thank goodness

This needs to be nominated: Sharknado.
Good grief! That movie seemed like a really reaaally bad and a long joke, and not a good one. But to be fair it was only a TV movie… Most TV movies suck.

Shall we add Transformers: Age of Extinction, which makes the horrible previous three seem like masterpieces.

I didn’t watch the 4th transformers. I was over it after the 2nd one.

Same, but I also watch some films that I know are going to be bad.