The Worst Movies Ever!

Spock would agree with the logics in that… 8D

I thouht Terminator had some merit. It’s not amazing but I liked it.

I remember when that came out, probably saw the trailer as well. Just looked like another generic “talking animal” film as far as I’m concerned.

I have a list on IMDb of films I consider the worst:


What’s wrong with Hairspray and The Nut Job, MonkeeJuice?

1st of all, I much prefer the original 1988 version from John Waters which the musical is based off of.

I’m not a fan of lightly calling any film “the worst ever”, and I usually don’t post here, but Maleficent needs a mention.

Never saw that film thank goodness

This needs to be nominated: Sharknado.
Good grief! That movie seemed like a really reaaally bad and a long joke, and not a good one. But to be fair it was only a TV movie… Most TV movies suck.

Shall we add Transformers: Age of Extinction, which makes the horrible previous three seem like masterpieces.

I didn’t watch the 4th transformers. I was over it after the 2nd one.

Same, but I also watch some films that I know are going to be bad.

I onlt watch it if my friends invite me because they are too blinded by the hype

I don’t pay for those, of course. I wait until I can watch them in Blu-ray.

I try to wait until it airs on Tv .

I don’t ever watch anything on TV, so…

Ah, ok, i see.

Yeah, I hate watching movies on TV. I’m sure this movie has been posted on here, but:

The image isn’t showing

The Last Airbender