The Worst Movies Ever!


i mean, both are terrible, but this one was worse. if you really want to see /some/ of it, the nostalgia critic did an amazing review of it.

oh, and by the way, the titanic was actually sunk by a gang of sharks and a giant octopus with a dog’s face.

just in case you didn’t know.

I guess you learn something new every day. 8D

What? There’s a worse Titanic movie than the talking dog one? Is can’t believe it!

Wow. And I thought the live action version was bad.

Both movies were bad. But I liked the third TMNT movie as a kid. It was hilarious.

I remember thinking when I was little that the Super Mario Bros. movie just looked silly.

Same here. I was thinking that the vision that the director had was just too wrong.

The two worst movies I’ve seen were the Super Mario Brothers Movie & Bio-Dome.

LOL! I think it’s official: no one liked the Mario Bros. movie. 8D

Movies based on video games usually suck anyway. The Tomb Raider movies were decent and the first Mortal Kombat movie was a nice thrill ride, but other than that they usually aren’t that good.

This has probably been discussed, but I still can’t get over how funny the remake of The Wicker Man is. It was on telly the other day, and the last 15 minutes leave me in hysterics every time!


Sorry for the spammy quote :slight_smile:

i liked hoot! hahaha but i didnt like happy feet or any of the spykids and babe:pig in the city was bad 2

Hi Katies_Cousin! :slight_smile:
I wasn’t a fan of the Babe sequel either, but the first film was awesome!

Yes, the original Babe was extraordinarily good for a talking animals film. Heck, it even got nominated for Best Picture.

But I never saw the sequel.

Whaaaat? :open_mouth: I didn’t even know there was a Babe sequel.

Babe: Pig In The City :slight_smile:

The Last Airbender directed by M Night Shamalamadingdong. Plus I really felt sorry for the kid that played Aang because that was his very first film role and now because of M Nights crappy directing, it’s possibly also his last film role. A promising acting career flushed down the toilet because of a god awful film is his first one. That just makes me despise M Night even more. :imp:

Another movie I’ve seen that was bad was The Last Airbender. It was a good example of taking good source material and just wrecking it.

Oh man, ouch. I didn’t even know Noah Ringer was a new actor. :laughing:

Well according to IMDb, he’ll have a role in Cowboys & Aliens, so I guess The Last Airbender won’t be his last film role.

Red Riding Hood was pretty bad as well… goes to show why you should never, ever turn a childhood fairytale into a thriller.
The Last Airbender though… I only made it through the first 15 minutes before I had to stop watching it. First time I’ve ever done that in a movie, but they just completely ruined the whole thing. I’ll stick to the TV version thanks.