The Worst Movies Ever!

^ Okay, that settles it. I need to see this movie. 8D

YES, I love that part. 8D LOL and the bit with the toy dispensers!!

Haha, it’s all on youtube!

Leirin; Haha, I know! I like the Martian’s choice options on those dispensers. It’s like 4 lame toys.

Wow, that DOES sounds bad. The title is one of the worst I’ve ever heard. :laughing:

I heard the worst movie ever made was Plan 9 from Outer Space. It was made in 1959, I never have seen it before except a few clips.

Yeah, I’ve heard that’s gained it’s reputation as a cult classic. Tim Burton even made a movie based around the guy who made it.

Yes. Ed Wood is famously considered as the worst filmmaker ever.

Hey, look on the bright side. At least he was somewhat passionate about filmaking and did the best he could. Uwe Boll on the other hand…

Ugh, he pretty much acts like he is better than everyone else. He’s living in a fantasy world where he is a better director than Martin Scorsese or Steven Speilberg. If you don’t believe me, just look at this: … ion/200646

“Every weekend”? What kind of person says it like that?

You’re totally right.

I’ve always admired Wood’s passion.

I need to see Santa Claus in the MSTK version! and Yes I do remember that but i have not seen it!

Super Mario Bros. 3/10
TMNT III 0/10 (yes, it’s that bad)

^ oh Mario, I love to death all your games, but the film from disney was terrible

You know what they say…

Haha, I don’t think it was put out by Disney, but it sure as heck was awful…in an weirdly amusing sort of way. Halfway through I forgot I was watching a Mario movie. :laughing:

I can only think of a few good video game-based movies, and they’re all Japanese and animated: the Animal Crossing movie from 2006 actually made me cry, and the recent Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva was quite well done.

Whaaat, no Donkey Kong Country: Legend of the Crystal Coconut? Even though it was French originally… 8D

Yeah I know it’s just four episodes put together and proclaimed to be a movie, but it’s the closest us DKC fans will ever get to something we can call a DKC movie.


Oh, really? I don’t recall them making a TV movie out of the series! Now I have to watch it!

Honestly, if you revamped the animation…those cartoons are really pretty entertaining.


there is. another. animated. titanic. IT IS WORSE THAN THE VERSION WITH THE RAPPING DOG.

brb screaming forever.

You mean the one with the magic tear’s, the glove sniffing guy, Talking animals to humans, and Whale’s and giant octopus. That one?

Seriously? I knew there was another one, but I had no idea that it could be worse. :open_mouth:
And do we seriously need more talking mice families?

Another one?! Nooooooo!

You’ve watched it? Dang, now I have to see both.