The Worst Movies Ever!

Hobo With a Shotgun.

Well, I guess I can’t name anything particular, it’s just that everything is really dull, generic, and predictable. To give you idea of what I mean, the main character’s name is John Smith. The same kind of originality (or lack thereof) is reflected throughout the whole thing. But the good thing about seeing it in theaters is that you get the full effect of those famed Michael Bay explosions! :stuck_out_tongue:

By the way, the film is set in Ohio. Ohio is NOT like how it is in the movie. Nothing ever happens here! There are no lush forests or breathtaking scenic views. Even the people here are boring! xD

I saw a Beauty and the Beast movie at Walmart. The Beast looked like a giant gorilla, it was so funny. 8D

Seriously? Creativity fail! 8D I wouldn’t mind seeing it for myself but it sounds like I shouldn’t rush out to rent it. :wink:

I just saw a fake Beauty and the Beast too! Me and my brothers went on a marathon of watching those fake Disney movies you can get On Demand :smiley: They were 50 minutes long and just plain awful. Don’t ever watch a Golden Film :smiley:

^^^ Hahaha, oh gosh. Gotta love some of those down-right awful movies you can find on TV. 8D

Where do I start?

Last Air Bender:Ruined a great tv series

Copper Mountain:One of Jim Carrey’s early films how he still has had a great career baffles me after this movie

Caligula wow Roger Ebert gave this 0 stars too. it was bad.

I heard this was awful, but I never got to see it for myself. I just want to out of curiosity, even if it’s so bad it kills me :smiley:

I’m not a good judge of what’s good and what’s bad, but I really couldn’t stand Marley and Me because the people drove me crazy and they were so stupid! Marley was the only character in the movie that I even liked, and I heard that he dies at the end. Kill the only decent character in the movie? Really? We had to watch it at the end of the school year one year, and thank goodness we didn’t have time to finish it.

I also didn’t like the Unfortunate Events movie. It was too depressing and sad. I really couldn’t stand Count Olaf!

Marley and Me was a a pretty good movie but your right, I wasn’t too fond of the couple. The guy was alright (only 'cause it was Owen Wilson) but other than that, yeah, they were kind of annoying. And yes, [spoil]Marley does die at the end which was quite predictable but still very sad.[/spoil] Unfortunate Events was an OK movie for me since I read most or all of the books (I can’t recall) but I didn’t like the movie Bridge to Teribithia (sorry if it’s spelt wrong). I found it kind of strange and I lost most interest after [spoil]the main girl character died.[/spoil] That just made no sense to me and spoiled the rest of it for me. I’d like to ask what you guys think of Nim’s Island too. I haven’t seen it but my mom keeps saying it’s great and I should watch it. What do you think?

Was Marley and Me supposed to be a kid’s movie? It’s been awhile since I’ve seen Nim’s Island, but I really liked it! I think it was the one with the author, and she was really funny. I guess I liked the Bridge to Teribithia, but I wouldn’t watch it again because of the part you mentioned. I knew it would happen, because I read the book, but I still don’t like it. I hate it when kids and animals die! I mostly don’t like Unfortunate Events because I have pyrophobia and I didn’t like the part at the beginning. Since I haven’t read the books, I didn’t know it was going to happen. My mom rented it and wanted to watch it with me.

Can I add the Fairly Odd Parents Live Action movie?

It’s already out? Not that we need to watch it to know it’s awful.

I saw the trailer for that, and it looked ackward.

I’m curious to see it, but it looks so bad. 8D But…I think my curiosity largely stems from the fact that it looks so bad. :laughing:

Alien: Resurrection (AKA Alien 4). I can’t even begin to say how absolutely horrible the movie is. I only watched it because I had seen the first 3 Alien movies and was expecting something good. I give it only 2/10, 1 point for Sigourney Weaver’s acting which was as always perfect, and the other point for the graphic’s which weren’t half bad. If you’re a fan of the Alien series give this a miss and just think of the Alien series as a trilogy :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, I don’t think Alien [size=85]3[/size] was good either, even if it was Fincher’s, but at least it was somewhat decent.

I totally agree Alien 3 wasn’t that great either but I thought it was still much better than Alien 4. In a perfect world they should have left it at two movies (I thought Alien 2 was by far the best).

I don’t know which one I like more (out of the first two). They’re like two totally different films.

2 is more like an action film, with lots of marines killing lots of aliens and the other way around.

The first one is more of an horror film in space, with a great work on tension and atmosphere.

In conclusion, I think 2 is the most enjoyable, but that the original is a better film, in terms of cinematographic quality. It’s direction is also way better (which isn’t odd if you take in consideration who the two filmmakers are).

I’ve never really been into the “horror” genre which is why I enjoyed the 2nd film better, I love action/adventure/fighting etc: more than horror suspense. I’m actually a fan of J.Cameron because I like that type of genre he usually does eg:aliens, terminator, avatar etc:

Anyway back on topic of worst films I also hate those Epic Movie, Date Movie etc: bleh so unfunny and boring. They try way to hard in my opinion and just come across to me as stupid and not funny.