thewisecookiesheet's tasty tidbits

Thanks TSS!!

Gemini: More or less, I suppose. I did find the poster online, and then with a little cut here and there, and changing the opacity around, and trying to cut out and outline a figure, would you believe I’ve never taken a design course? Although, I like doing more complicated works, it feels rewarding. :sunglasses:

And as for simplicity, I think I unconsciously took what you said as a challenge. Not in a bad way, but now my expectations of myself have raised :sunglasses:

Two more:

One for the Lifted:

And another for an Incredibles Fan

Wow, those are really great! I’ve never seen that art for those before, pretty cool! Great job ma’am

I like them. I especially like the one of Lifted. It’s simple but it still grabs attention. And the Incredibles one is very clever as well. Great Job! I can’t wait to see what else you can do. :smiley:

Thanks, thewisecookiesheet for the Mr. Incredible sig! It looks great, though I might need an avy to go with that… :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks guys. :smiley:

Okay, I hope you guys are hungry for some more, because I’m dishing out some Ratatouille!

{Maybe I should cool it on the puns, eh?}

OMNOMNOM, these are brilliant ma’am, very well done. I’d use the 2nd one if I wasn’t so insistent on having an Up sig. Keep em comin, these are fantastic!

Ah! Fantastic! Adorable Ratatouille sigs. :smiley: Just look at those delighted faces…

The previous WALL-E, Incredibles, and Lifted ones are also great! I like how eye-catching the Incredibles one is.

ffdude: You have challenged me, and I have accepted.

Huh? Whad’ja think? :sunglasses:
{Now off to find the special picture}

BDD: Why thank you very much :smiley: I’m glad you like them

Wow, that’s really great, I’m using that sucker! Thank you so much! And good luck finding that pic, that’s really cool that you’re gonna try to find it for me. :slight_smile: I’m not the biggest fan of Muntz, but that’s like the coolest pic of him I’ve ever seen, I love it!

Dang, I love it here, you guys rock!

Alright! Alright!

Stop begging!

Here’s a Cars sig, for all you Cars fans out there


K’chow, that’s a pretty schnazzy sig there! Me likey!

Oooh, I love the siggy thewisecookiesheet, and the background makes it look so much better.

Thanks guys :smiley:

It was weird going back to an old style

That signature is awesome!!! Sure I’m more of a Doc fan than a Lightning fan, but every Cars fan has to love that siggy!!!

I have wanted to do a Cars one for a long time now, and that is the first one that I have been able to work with.

But do not worry!

Doc isn’t far behind :wink:

squeals of fangirlly excitement I can’t wait!!! I’ve just been using Danny Phantom pictures as makeshift signatures for a while after my one Doc sig just seemed to get tired out. Even though it is funny to look at a “sleeping” Doc on the racetrack.

I hope you don’t mind if I use your Cars signature :wink:

Ah, no problem woody