Things People May Not Know About You

JustSoWALL-eCrazy:Really so does my Brother.

Um,I hate snails and slugs… :shake:

Me too! I find it to be no surprise, considering how long we hold obsessions =P

As do I. I personally believe that cartoons and aspergers are connected in a way.

Anyway, facts about me:

I led a former life as Taco Wiz, a YouTube Pooper nobody liked. (true)


IncredigirlVirginia: I’ve got high-functioning autism.

I have OCD. And a phobia of intestines. I wonder if there’s a Latin term for that?

^ Interesting. I guess that means that dissection in Biology is quite uneasy for you.

My favorite characters in Lost in Space are Dr. Smith and the Robot (especially in the middle of the first season!)
"Did you LAUGH at me?
“Laughter is not in my programming…laughs

Haha, I have so many random things to say about myself. Ask one of my friends, and they’ll probably confirm that I’m an incredibly peculiar person.

-I don’t play video games. Period.

-I would probably die without the internet!

-Despite the fact that reading is one of my favorite things to do in the world, I haven’t read a book simply for pleasure in about half a year. I just don’t have the time to finish a good read, I guess.

-I can speak Mandarin Chinese fluently.

-When I was little, I wanted to become a disk jockey.

-I can solve a Rubik’s in under 20 seconds. Well, I used to be able to. Now, I’m not as obsessed with speedcubing as I used to be, so I’m probably really rusty. But I could probably still consistently do sub-minute solves.

-I’m an avid skateboarder and snowboarder, and I hate the negative stereotype that the general public has towards the two sports. Well, more so with skateboarding, snowboarding has become a lot more accepted because of the Olympics and stuff like. But I’ll go skating with some friends at a stair set or something, and random people will walk by and yell at us disapprovingly. Like, we’re not harming anyone or anything! When pedestrians are nearby, we stop skating because we don’t want runaway boards hitting people. (Ok sorry, I just had to rant a little bit!)

-I have a chronic case of extreme procrastination. :stuck_out_tongue:

-I’m probably the least organized person you’ve ever met. For example, I have over 120,000 unread email messages! (Mostly from Facebook notifications, I’m too lazy to turn them off.)

-Almost everyone in the real world that knows me calls me Ding.

-I overuse the words “epic” and “awesome” waaay too much.

That’s about it, for now!

Oh, I wasn’t lecturing you, I just meant for everyone in general :wink: .

Ah, I love cheese :slight_smile: ! But I’ve never had it on broccoli. That sounds pretty good!

Haha, what are the odds that I actually come back and check the board after a few months (what, 1? :stuck_out_tongue:) and there’s a response today xD

First comment: Ah, gotcha :wink:

Second comment: Yes! Cheese on the broccoli. It’s absolutely amazing. I always ask for it as a side at restaurants because mom says I can’t have two potatoes… and there’s like nothing else to chose from fries and baked potatoes xP Cheddar on top is my personal favorite

Things people may not know about me? Well, I was born with half a heart, and at the age of five, I got a pacemaker. And, I have been in the hospital MANY times.

I’m very depressed, been seeing therapists since I was 8. Also loads of medication, also for ADHD and mild autism.

Real life hurts…

I’m not very interesting of a person, but here’s a few things…

*The most played song on my iPod is "Bohemian Rhapsody" the Muppet version
*I perfer cooking over baking
*The farthest I’ve been away from home without my parents was England
*The only fast food I’ll eat is Taco Bell and In-N-Out
*When I was in middle school, I took a lot of art and cartooning classes at my community center, and a teacher told me I had a lot of potential to become an animator.
*I use to take medication for Depression and Anxiety Disorder, but I stopped taking pills
*I use to be able to play ever Disney Princess song on the piano
*If I was a boy, my parents would of named me Jacob
*I’m afraid of butterflies
*My favorite chef is Anthony Bourdain. I love his TV show and books

  • My favorite thing to cook is anything with stocks. Like soup or gumbo
    *I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve been to Disneyland Resort
    *I use to have a sheep named Stephen Colbert.
    *I use to HATE Pixar, or any animation that was CGI.
    *I learned on a boat ride from Wales to Ireland that I get incredibly seasick very easily
    *Last year I got E-Coli from working with livestock. I was hospitalized twice. Now every year I have to go to the docters and have my kidney’s monitered for possible failure
    *I own 2 voodoo dolls, both bought in New Orleans.
    *In my Senior Year High School Yearbook, I was voted “Most Involved in Agriculture
    *I’m a public speaker. I’ve done 3 extempouraneous public speaking contests in Future Farmers of America, placing 5th, 3rd, and 1st.

Czarine - Don’t give up - believe me, you’ll be able to get over your mental health difficulty sooner rather than later! I guarantee you that. Just keep getting treatment and before you know it, you’ll be more than happy with life than ever before. :wink:

ellie-jessie-eve - Oh, how interesting that you’re a public speaker! Have you done any mainstream public speaking contests? Were you part of a debating team? Also, out of curiosity, have you heard of a Model United Nations?

- I hope you’re doing fine! You’re with us, and I bet even with “half a heart” you’re still 100% full of heart! (I know that’s a bad pun, haha. :stuck_out_tongue:)

Cookie - Doofenshmirtz + Broccoli = ?? :wink:

If you wanna know more about me (I doubt you will, haha!), throw some questions at me in this thread. I’ll do the same for any repliers.

My public speaking career only goes as far as Future Farmers of America did! I did a contest once a year. It was Extempouraneous, so it was unprepared. I pulled an agriculture related topic out of a hat, and I had a half an hour to write a speech and then present it. (topics included International Agriculture and it’s effects on Global Hunger, Organic Vs. Conventional farming, Agriculture in Space, What is Animal Abuse, Agriculture Economincs)

My first year I got 1st place at sectional level, and then I got 7th place at regional level. 2nd year I got 3rd place, and 3rd year I got 5th.

I was the President of my school Future Farmers of America chapter, so I did public speaking at meetings and presentations to the community. I did other FFA related public speaking contests such as Opening & Closing Ceremony.

I wasn’t a part of a debating team, or anyother public speaking class like Forensics. And I never heard about Model United Nations, what is that?

I have an anxiety disorder too! Those panic attacks are awful. :shake:

Yeah, it use to be super bad my freshman year, to the point of physical abuse to myself and having to almost be taken to the ER during one attack. So I took pills for a few years, some consuling. I still get really stressed very easily, but now as bad as before where it stopped me from functionig.
I’m sorry to hear about your panic attacks!

Wow, that is bad. :open_mouth: Glad you’re getting better.
Well I’ve only had one panic attack so far, but I nearly had one last week when my biggest fear happened. I have this huge fear of throwing up and my sister did in the car. It was awful, but my uncle was with us and I got to ride in his car on the way home.

Here’s something you probably didn’t know about me:

I have a major bug phobia. I automatically start to panic when I know that bees are buzzing around flowers, and I freak out when I see a live scorpion on TV or on a picture. The only bugs I’m not afraid of are butterflies and ladybugs.

Really? Yeah scorpions freak me out too. I don’t mind bees, because they provide ever so delicious honey! :slight_smile:

However, unlike you, I hate ladybugs. And I don’t hate butterflies, but I’m kind of scared by them. They CREEP me out!

skunklover & ellie-jessie-eve: They are awful, arn’t they? Stay strong though! We’re all in this together! :wink:

ellie-jessie-eve: Ah, I see. Well, it’s great to see that you are pretty interested in agriculture… to the point to be a great speaker about it. :slight_smile: