Things People May Not Know About You

I’m not much of a sports fan at all. I always mix up teams and sports, which brings a lot of criticism from my peers. XD The only sport I’m mildly interested in is football. But I still haven’t watched a game in YEARS. Like, more than five years, at least.

I LOVE video games. I’m pretty knowledgeable when it comes to them, and I love discussing them with friends, especially games with deep story lines. If I’m not on my computer or at work, I’m probably playing something. :stuck_out_tongue:

I usually speak before I think…And when I do think ahead of time, it’s very quick and sloppy, if that makes any sense. And I cower at the thought of speaking in public. If I were to address a large crowd somewhere, my head would probably implode.

I’ve had this bottle of ‘Heet Gas-Line Antifreeze and Water Remover’ on my desk since Christmas…I just have no desire to bring it out to my car…I bet one of these days I’ll reach over and drink from it without paying attention. :open_mouth:

I LOVE singing. But the only two places I ever sing is in my car, and at church. Usually at church, I’ll sing as quiet as possible, because I’m quite self-conscious when it comes to that. But in my car…haha…man, you don’t wanna know. You name a song style, I’ve tried to sing it (Screamo music starts hurting after a while…lol). I have had some people tell me that I have a good singing voice, but I don’t believe them. :stuck_out_tongue:

If there’s ever a memorable moment in my life, I try to find something that will remind me of that time…A keepsake, if you will. Here’s and example: I went to New Hampshire a few years ago with some friends. I have a bag filled with random stuff from the trip (a pack of gum from that convenience store, that rock that looked like a potato (I think we named him ‘Spud’), a hairnet, etc.). I did the same thing when I went to Mexico. I actually bought a Spanish version of Cars at the Black Market, but never watched it…This was the summer of '06, mind you. :wink: And I have a sombrero hanging in my living room. :stuck_out_tongue:

More to come! :smiley:

:open_mouth: OMG, you still have your hairnet?! I think I do too!!! :laughing: And his name was Spud-Nick. :wink: Lol…!!!

Everyone take my word for this… JesusFreak is a great singer. And I’m serious. :stuck_out_tongue:

little chef

JF: Hey, if you love singing so much, I reccomend to continue singing and explore the world of music. Sounds like you and me have something in common.

I can’t sing…seriously…can’t.

I’d bring out the most outrageous critisism from those American Idol judges anyone had heard.

My highschool baseball just played our first game…err…exhibition

Beat “Surrey”

Had 5 stolen bases…2 walks.


I am a Jesus Freak…
I love to do debates and talk about controversial ideas…
I dislike people who are narrow minded and bash stuff without reason or backed up info…
I love Lego’s
I love Redwall
I just got a MSN Messenger account…
I wear glasses…hate contacts
I am a major EA Sports Fan…2k is just too expensive
I SOOOOO want a dog…but my family got a cat.

Let’s see if I can think of a few more

  1. I’m not sure what the word is, but I can change my ‘state of mind’ quite easily (as long as I’m not freaking out over something…which can happen easily-see #2. I know, I’m an enigma). For example, I can go from watching Jesus Christ Superstar, to Life of Brian, to Family Guy, and back again, one right after the other. Another example, my friend and I saw Dark Knight last year and on the ride home I played the Avenue Q soundtrack. The first lines were a cheery “The Sun is shining it’s a lovely day!” She was like “whoa…I cant hear all this cheery stuff now”

  2. I worry over almost everything.

  3. I currently have about 250 songs in my ‘new’ MP3 player. 150 of them are just Beatles, with probably another 30 at least being just solo-Beatles. My music on there mainly involves classic rock, some show tunes, some Disney music, some 80s and 90s pop.

  4. I love shuffling said music from #3. It reflects what I said in #1, where I could go from Helter Skelter by the Beatles, to Heaven on their Minds from Jesus Christ Superstar, to The Safety Dance by Men without Hats and back again to Beatles.

I have webbed toes
I’ve been to Walt Disney World, Orlando, Florida 7 times (6 in a row :open_mouth: )
I KNOW that aliens exist
I think I’ve seen a UFO once (maybe)
I wish I were an extra-terrestrial being
I like cartoon drawings; good drawings make me JEALOUS!!! :imp:
I don’t like war!!
My phone is old… and I’m not (I’m 13)
I act strange in front of friends, and in school
I like to take pictures (especially of nature) and I’m excellent at it :smiley:
I sing “Surfin’ Bird” by the Trashmen in science class
I sing “Peanut Butter Jelly Time” in school (sometimes)
I collect golf balls, buisness cards, and state quarters (I have all 50 state quarters :smiley: )
I like making comic books, and got my start on them after reading a Caiptain Underpants book (thank you Dav Pilkey)
I own a digital camera and a video camera
I’ve never gone on an actual date, been out with anyone, or gotten kissed by a girl
I plan not to kiss anyone until my wedding (that way it’s special)
I call myself Bob Silverstein sometimes, I call my right hand Bob Silverstein’s Hand, my left on Bob Silverstein’s Other Hand, a piece of tape that was once stuck on my face Bob Silverstein Jr, my eraser Bob Silverstein the 3rd, and a green balloon I carried around at a party Carl :open_mouth:
I have my own drawing desk in my room
I named 2 of my stick people (characters in my comics) after me and my (late) uncle
I insist on calling my stick figures stick people
I make constant Pixar references for, like, everything
I’ve gone on for waaaaaaaaay to long now
Fin (of Nemo) Get it? Heheheh. See. Told you so. :wink:

Something no one else knows about me.

I never went to Comic-Con, despite living really nearby it.

-I`m a premee (born pre matured)

-I`m not fluent in Spanish, but I can speak it. Alongside French, and a few words in Italian. O Solo Miiiioooo! :laughing:

-I take Karate. Tang Soo Do to be exact! (Not Tai Kwon Do, TANG SOO DO!!!)I just came back from sparring class a couple hours ago. I am currently a Green Belt 2 stripe.

-I sucked up every little bit of info I could find for the movies WALL-E and Up, especially Up, I even bought the Junior Novel and spoiled myself! It was too tempting!

-I LOVE reading!

Ummm, Im tired! I think Ill stop and go to bed! G’night!
Oops! one more!

-I can only snap myy fingers with one hand!

-I’m paranoid.
-I never panic when an emergency is happening.
-I’m capable of self-defense despite how I look.
-I play the drums.
-I know how about gun safety, how to clean a gun, how to load a gun, and how to properly aim and fire a pistol (specifically, a Glock).
-I enjoy going to museums.
-I find Michael Cera and Daniel Radcliffe both handsome.
-I wish to pursue a career as a hyperbaric chamber operator, occupational therapist, or CEN.
-Adopting a child and helping him/her have a happy life is a life goal of mine.

I had a brain hemorrhage less than 6 months after I was born. Everyone in the hospital thought I was doomed. As a result, I was baptized with a Styrofoam cup in the ICU or ER, don’t remember which. Kinda interesting.

I love video games, but everyone who knows me in person knows that. Trust me. :stuck_out_tongue:

My biggest pet peeve is getting made fun of, especially by multiple people at the same time. I actually had that happen to me at work tonight, I about lost my mind, and almost exploded on one of my co-workers as a result. When I get mad about stuff, I usually play little scenarios in my head that I want to happen, usually involving me ending the argument with the last word, but they never ever happen.

I find it funny that I get so much criticism for being myself, when I’m the most non-threatening person I know. I couldn’t bruise a baby. Yet, people seem to take their insecurities out on me, and I often feel like a scapegoat. I’ve been a lot more optimistic about this kinda stuff lately though, so it’s not so bad anymore. It’s a bit interesting that a co-worker who’s known me for 3 days and has spoken no more than 10 or 15 words to me gets offended by my sarcasm though and threatens to take me outside and beat the f*** out of me (his words, not mine, :smiley: ). He was a bit irritated that night (a bit is a slight understatement if you couldn’t tell) and we get along much better now.

I feel unappreciated very often, and am constantly starving for recognition, and can come off as, or just outright act like a showoff. I associate that with the fact that I have trouble making friends, and desperately want more, but instead of the solution, it often acts as the problem. Thankfully, college has led me to a group of friends who love me for the awkward, geeky, and socially inept little person I am. My new obsession with Pixar (and Up) is a bit out there for them, but they’ve come to accept it for the most part. It’s friends like those that can make a guy really happy.

Most siblings tend to have some heat between them, generally speaking. My sister and I don’t have that much in common, but we love eachother. I feel like I have more of an attachment to her than she does to me, but she’s 27 and married, it’s to be expected. She’s got a lot of stuff in her life I can’t understand, and she’s busy all the time.

My brother however, is quite possibly the most important person in my life, ever. We get along as well as any 2 brothers could. We both have our own ridiculous obsessions (me with video games and Pixar, him and roller coasters, amusement parks, old theaters, and traveling EVERYWHERE, although his is more healthy :stuck_out_tongue: ) and we both appreciate them a lot, and accept each other for them. Whenever we’re around each other, we’re pretty much inseparable, we do everything together, act like total dorks while doing it, and love every second of it. He’s much better at making friends than I am, but I generally get along with his friends. He hasn’t met my new friends yet, but I’m sure he’d like em. :smiley: I freaking miss him so much, and I wish I was up in Ohio, hanging out with him this very moment. My brother is the coolest, most awesomest, most loving and caring person in the entire world, I’d be totally different without him. cries

Up until this last monday, I thought I was a terrible artist. Thanks for the inspiration Pixar, I really think I could do this!

I never really had a good father figure (my dad used to act like a total jerk about everything, but now he’s an awkward vegetable that lives in our house when he’s not at work or on a business trip). My brother is the closest anyone has come, but I absolutely CRAVE a good father figure. The father-son relationship is one I envy, especially around friends with a strong one (not that many of my friends do though, most are in divorces, or just have kind of absentee fathers/parents). As a result, after my first and second viewing of Up, I was kinda in a depressive state for a while. I was so struck by the parts in the movie that parallel that, and it made me start overanalyzing my relationship with my dad (Treasure Planet did the same thing about a year ago, but much more extreme. That was a crazy week). Thankfully I got over it, and could start focusing on the beauty and quality of the movie as I do now. Still, I really wish I had an older male role model to spend time with, like a foster father. I’m a bit old to be talking about that kind of thing, but it’s something that I’ve always thought about.

I feel like I could be a total prodigy in school (not to brag or anything). Here’s how I figure. Most of the curriculum I’ve encountered throughout my life has been very manageable. Where I fall short is my CRIPPLING lack of motivation to do the work. I’m a terrible TERRIBLE procrastinator, and find it hard to get myself to do what I need. I generally still make A’s and B’s, but I feel like I let myself down when I look back. I have the most free time out of anyone I know, but I just sit around all day, every day.

I have really bad issues with how tired I am all the time. I’m always so lethargic, and it’s because of how I eat. I have the worst diet ever, but I hardly eat, so I’m actually pretty skinny. I also deplore physical activity (besides swimming, I LOVE swimming, and me being geeky and creating/mimicking sword/bo staff/spear moves from video games and movies), so I have like 1% muscle. I’m a wimp, basically. One of my friends was gonna be my trainer at the local rec center, but he’s back at home now, so I have to wait til school starts for that again.

Anyway, this is more of a giant elaboration of my personality, but hey, I felt like I needed to spill.

There’s nothing wrong with a good spill, ffdude1906. :laughing: That’s cool that you and your brother get along so well, it must be nice to have a really good relationship with your sibling and to know that they’re always there for you. And yeah, I know what you mean about procrastination. It’s annoying when you feel as though you haven’t achieved your full potential, but it’s good to remember that there will always be future oppurtunities to do so.

Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself, it’s nice to get to know members on the forums like that. :smiley:

Yeah, my brother’s an amazing guy. I tend to want to confide in other people about my issues pretty often, I really like to talk about what’s going on in my life and stuff. As for the procrastination thing, I’m just kinda annoyed how much it’s held me back. I know I could have a 4.0 GPA, but I just can’t apply myself. I seem to understand stuff much faster than other people around me, but I’m so reluctant to do the work, it pushes me down. I really hate it.

On the other hand, I do take pride in my moral values, I’m probably the most morally decent person I know, save maybe my brother and my mom. I absolutely detest drinking, smoking, drugs, and premarital intercourse. I hardly ever use cuss words, and it irks the heck out of me when people start randomly insulting other people for no reason. It can tend to get me in trouble, since I started speaking up about that stuff, but at least I’m trying to help people out.

It’s a bit funny that I mentioned my moral values on here, when pretty much everyone on this board is about as decent as I am about this stuff. I’m really surprised to find so many great people in that regard. :smiley:

I’m very like yourself in that respect, quite open and happy to talk about my life. I think it’s a good thing, because if you’re honest about your experiences and who you are it’s likely that you’re honest about a lot of other things.

Well, maybe it’s the work itself that’s the problem? If you’re studying stuff you enjoy, you’ll obviously do better in it. I don’t know how much flexibility you have in terms of what courses you can choose and what stage of your education you’re in, but if you can, going down the route of choosing things that you love tends to be the best option. For the qualifications I’ve just completed, it was a completely open choice- I could do any four subjects I wanted. And to be honest, I chose completely the wrong ones because I thought that the universities would look favourably upon them. Though this may be the case, it does mean that I probably haven’t achieved the grades I would have been capable of had I taken subjects that I really enjoyed. (Though admittedly I did take Physics for a year and although I adore that subject, I am completely rubbish at it, so this doesn’t always work. :laughing:)

And your view of morals is perhaps a little different to mine, but we won’t go there. :laughing: Either way, whatever your opinion is, it’s good that you stand up for yourself and speak up.

I didn’t know we had this topic! XD

  • I am the oldest sibling in my family and the second oldest of all the kids in the extended family.
  • I am a soprano in chorus, and a bit of a loud one. XD
  • I have almost 700 songs on my iPod. I listen to a lot of music on shuffle, so I may go from Fall Out Boy to the Jonas Brothers to My Chemical Romance to Miley Cyrus to Cobra Starship to Taylor Swift. . .My iPod may have a lot of popular current artists, but it’s very random all the same.
  • I am one of the three smartest students in my class. It usually fluxuates between first, second, and third.
  • When I was in kindergarten, my parents were given a choice to have me skip a grade. They said no. :frowning:
  • I learned how to read when I was 3.
  • Even though I never saw any of their videos, I was one of the biggest N’Sync fans when I was little. I remember getting their album Celebrity and I just screamed out “I got the new N’Sync CD!!!” to the whole world!
  • The first fanic I had ever written was for Danny Phantom. I still remember I wrote it in a Harry Potter journal. It went from being a journal to a notebook. XD
  • I have a bit of roller-coaster-phobia. I can only ride on coasters that are meant for the whole family. No flips, not super fast, just simple coasters. :slight_smile:
  • I’m a Steelers fan
  • I’m the youngest of all my friends. Well, I might be older than one person, but sadly, I don’t know their age. grins sheepishly
  • I stay up late and sleep in late. It’s my sleep pattern I guess.
  • I have a MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter.

I don’t know much more to put on here. I’ll tell more if I can think up of more. :slight_smile:

Well, I just left my first year of college this past spring, and I’ve really only done my basics and some minor programming (I was originally going into game design, but I may change that). This upcoming semester, I’m taking a lot of programming and computer classes, as well as linear algebra and english comp 2 (bah, maybe my new found love can help me with that). Thankfully, I won’t have to change much in order to switch gears.

As for the subjects I love, I really haven’t gotten completely into a particular subject, but I’m good at math and science. I hate science, but I’m good at it. There’s also an exception regarding math: the dreaded physics. I absolutely HATE physics, it’s basically everything I don’t like about math piled into one giant headache of a subject. I did terrible in that class.

I really like some of the art classes I’ve taken, and I’ve been in band since 5th grade, but haven’t joined college band. I may do that this spring. The fine arts are great, but they don’t necessarily cover stuff I want to do in there. I’m hoping to take a lot of digital media and art classes this spring.

~I’m actually also a Disney Channel fan, I usually try to keep this to myslef since I’m a guy :frowning:
~My voice is really weird, and I hate it
~I love Pirates of the Caribbean
~One day, I’m going to marry Demi Lovato :wink:
~I have gone to a Disney Park 8 times and I hope to go again next year
~I love anything that has the name Disney on it.
~I’m the oldest child
~I have a personal letter and drawing from Byron Howard, the director of Bolt! :slight_smile:
~I have a pretty big Disney pins collection

My name is Donovan.
I am 15
My birthday is Jan 25.
I love techno music
I create techno music
I love 3D Graphic Design and 3D Animation
I either want to work for pixar or be a multi million dollar techno star :smiley:
I have hazel green eyes long alburn hair.
I can type 80 WPM without mistakes 90WPM with few mistakes
I am ok at guitar hero. I can pwn expert if I sit down and warm up.
I am kinda tubby but will be working out soon.
Im on vacation in Arizona right now :smiley:
Im homeschooled and hope to go to college by 17.
Most my friends are 18+
I have my New Cellphone in the mail and will arrive within 4 horus:D
My brother is a rapper and goes on tour.
I love pixar movies
I like most action, comedy, and scary movies.
Im sexy and available:P hahahaha
and I just joined planet pixar.

Thats all I can think of at the moment other then my cousin is the new michael jackson replacement… He is dancing to all his songs and doing the moon walk right now -.-

Donovan: Hey, welcome to PixarPlanet!! 8DDD I hope you enjoy it around here!!!

Oh, and trust me - there is definitely hope for you going to college at age seventeen if you’re homeschooled. I’m sixteen years old, turning seventeen on August 10, and I graduated with the Class of 2009 on June 27. I could go to college if I wanted to, but I feel that right now I need to stay close to home.

As long as you work hard, I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to meet that goal! :smiley: Just a little encouragement from a fellow homeschooler. :wink:

little chef

Here’s some more facts I feel like I could say.

  • My dad is in the National Guard, currently in Iraq. :frowning: He’ll be coming home the first week of September. An exact date isn’t really known yet.
  • My favorite band is Fall Out Boy.
  • I love to dance. Me and my friend Emmi were going to sign up for dance team this year, but we were too late to. :frowning: Oh well, there’s always next year!
  • I’m a shopaholic you could say. I love to buy loads of clothes when we go shopping for school and summer.
  • I am very sensitive. A lot of things make me cry.
  • I have anger issues. Never make me angry!!! :angry:
  • My favorite TV show (or cartoon you could say) is Danny Phantom. It sucks Nick canceled it!!!
  • My favorite color is dark blue.

There’s some more facts! XD

LightningAndDoc, your dad is cool for putting his life on the line for the safety of the others. My respect is always with him and anybody else with that job.

-Here’s some more stuff about me:
-My favorite bands are Green Day, Metallica, Sum 41, The Ramones, Jimmy Eat World, and The Explosion.
-I just got back from Las Vegas and there was almost nothing for me to do there since I can’t gamble, drink, or see the cool shows (Which I wish I could have done) :angry:
-My computer is a 13" macbook
-I’m going to start my Junior year of high school on August 31
-I hate it when school starts up again
-I just started skateboarding again (I haven’t skated since some time in January)
-The only trick I can do on the skateboard is an ollie, but I try to practice every day.
-I’ve never had a girlfreind and I’m starting to it’s gonna stay like that.
-The girl I like at school has me in her “just freinds” group.
-I like to drink virgin margaritas (My mom lets me take sips from her alcoholic beverages sometimes :stuck_out_tongue: )
-I have a 4.00 GPA

That’s all I can think of right now.