Things People May Not Know About You

I’m generally into obscure things (RPG’s, Pokemon, Gargoyles, generally nerdy things), and I get weird reactions from people for it. That’s not what makes me such an outcast though.

When I really like something (certain video games, and now, Pixar), I become so completely in it, and so intensely euphoric when around it, that some people think I’m insane (no, like legitimately). A few of my friends recognize what I’m going through though, and understand that I’m just very, very passionate about what I love. I share this trait with my brother, and Russell as well :slight_smile: I really love what I love.

Thanks mo. It’s nice to get support from others while my dad is away. I can’t wait for him to come home. :cry:

What else can I add…? I haven’t posted here in forever… :laughing:

  • Despite how weird it is, I really wish that I could have my own child right now. Yeah. I’m only 17, stop looking at me funny. But I made a promise to myself to keep myself pure before marriage, as a gift to my future husband, and hence why I proudly wear a purity ring on my wedding ring finger. :slight_smile:

  • On that note, I would give up anything in the world to have a baby boy of my own.

  • Although I have been single my entire teenage life, and wish to remain so until I meet Mr. Right, there are pieces of me that often desire to have a man in my life. Right now. :frowning:

  • I have a hard time listening to people who don’t give a crap about relevent issues going on around them.

  • I’ve had my best friend tell me I was crazy, because I have a very real, passionate view on life and am not afraid to make points, state my opinion, or give the facts.

  • On a related note, I find it frustrating that many of my peers are not informed about relevant issues; if the teens in this generation were more aware/informed about what was actually going on around them, I don’t think our world would be half as messed up as it is. But I ramble…

  • My favorite beverage is Iced Cappucchinos from a Canadian franchise called Tim Horton’s (basically a Dunkin’ Donuts, except it serves soups and breakfast sandwiches).

  • I can honestly say that the one movie that has touched pretty much all areas of my life for the better is Ratatouille.

  • I could care less about going to college. Frankly, I cringe at the thought of it and will not go unless the career I decide on absolutely requires it. :laughing:

  • I often daydream about several of my original stories being motion pictures, and imagine how different scenes would look on the silver screen.

  • I have over a hundred original characters all running around in my mind; each with a unique backstory and personality.

  • I have a huge crush on my best friend’s brother, but he lives downstate and I have never talked to him personally in my life. :frowning:

  • My sister and I are inseparable, to many people’s surprise. They always wonder how we get along so well and can share a room together. :unamused:

I keep rambling. Enjoy these for now. I got more.

little chef

Well, I don’t want to reveal too much, but here’s a random list of things you probably don’t know about me…

– I’m a lefty
– My favorite Disney park is MGM studios
– I have a First Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo
– I have a HUGE crush on Corbin Bleu
– I am a Christian
– Some people like to call me an Albino (because I’m so white)
– I have an extremely large family (meaning cousins, aunts, uncles, grand parents, etc.)
– I’ve drawn behind the desk of a real Disney artist
– I’m a teen, but I still like to dress up as Violet sometimes (and, no, I’m not crazy)
– I love to play Nintendogs on Nintendo DS
– I have 6 Leopard Geckos
– I would like to get a Siberian Husky when we move into a home and out of the apartment
– I’m an A, B student
– I’m home-schooled
– One day, I’d like to base jump
– I want to work for Pixar as an Animator/Character Designer and eventually work my way up to Writer/Director
– I used to want to be a Herpetologist (study Reptiles)
– I grew up watching Jeff Corwin, Steve Erwin, Amazing Animals (with Henry the Lizard), and Mickey Mouse Musicals
– Instead of dying my hair, I like to wear wigs (sometimes)
– I’m an only child, but sometimes I wish I had a brother or sister
– I’m a little bit of a Tom-Boy
– My favorite snake is a Black Mamba
– My favorite car is an Audi
– My grand parents are really, REALLY cool!
– I’ve met Raven-Symoné, Joel Osteen, and Wyland “Artist of the Sea”
– I’d like to meet Sarah Vowell, Brad Bird, Corbin Bleu, and Phil Collins (just to ask him what “ABACAB” and “Sussudio” mean :laughing: )
– I have my own signature characters
The Incredibles inspired me to become an artist, before that, I never even had any interest in art
– I can do an excellent Carol Channing impression :laughing:

WOW! That’s a long list :open_mouth: ! Well, that’s it for now I guess. I might add more later.

:open_mouth: WHOA. Me too!!!

If I were in public high school, I probably would have made the honor roll. :smiley:

…Except, where you put the Incredibles, I would put Cars… although I’m not a rabid Cars fan like I used to be, it first inspired me to actually try new ways of drawing and pursue art seriously. Ratatouille took that love several leaps further. :wink:

little chef

Pretty interesting facts you put up about yourself Violet Parr. Most of them, I would have never guessed. Really cool.

TSS- Yeah, I though I’d surprise you :wink: . Thanks, TSS :wink: .

Little Chef-I guess we have a lot in common :wink: .

Huh, so you used to be into Cars? Cool :slight_smile: . That’s neat how you can be one way one day, then God puts something in your life that changes everything! I used to be firm in my dream of studying Reptiles. But after I saw The Incredibles, it didn’t take me long to change my mind. But for a while I still wanted to be a Herpetologist, but I had started drawing… Well, when I showed people the pictures, they’d ask me if I was gonna be an artist. Suffice it to say I shocked them when I said “No, I wanna work with animals.” But, after being asked repeatedly, I started to think about being an Artist/Herpetologist. But, I soon realized, my heart was in a different place. That’s when I chose art. And it’s been that way ever since.

And you like Audi’s, too, huh :wink: ? Cool :slight_smile: ! Hopefully when I’m older and have a good job (God willing, with Pixar :wink: !) I’ll be able to get either that or a Jeep.

And I thought of three more things :wink: :
– My favorite TV shows are “Who’s Line Is It Anyway?,” "America’s Funniest Home Videos,“The Nanny,” “The Golden Girls,” “Amazing Animals” (no longer airing :cry: And I loved Henry.), and “Frasier”
– I love to laugh :laugh: .
– My favorite character used to be Henry the Lizard (I still sleep with a stuffed animal I named after him :wink: .)

(Edit: Sorry, me and TSS must’ve been posting at the same time :blush: .)

Since this thread has been brought up again, I decided add some more:

-Although I am a kid at heart, I have always been more mature than many of peers; never interested in the “typical” teenage activities. As a result, a couple of my closest friends in high school were teachers. I’ve been out of high school for two years and I still talk with them on a regular basis.

-I have a brother who is 3 years younger than me. We used to fight. A lot. Now we’re pretty close and I miss his silly antics when I am away at school.

-Family is of utmost importance to me and I am very grateful to have a close relationship with the majority of my extended family. One of my favorite places to be is at my grandparents’ house… especially when there is a family gathering going on. My family is the best support system I could ever ask for.

-I love to read. I used to read quite a bit, but have recently noticed that the amount of books I have read this past year is quite pathetic compared to how many I have read in the past. I spend more of my time online now… I’m determined to change that and am in the process of putting together a reading list.

-When I was a kid, I wanted to be a special agent. My cousin, my brother, and I used to play “Mystery Solvers” and save the world daily. I admire the confidence and courage they exude. Although I love animation and am determined to get into Pixar, I still imagine myself as a special agent to this day. That’s probably why my favorite TV show is NCIS.

  • I can make crème brûlée. Pretty random, huh?
  • I’m a leftie.
  • The only continents I have not been to is Africa and Antartica.
  • I grew up as a loner in my childhood, but have traded it off with a bunch of awesome friends.
  • I am an INFP (Myer-Briggs Personality category BTW).
  • I used to be a die-hard Apple fanboy. Now that I see that the dark side had cookies, I use the best of both worlds now.
  • I got subscription TV specifically to get the Disney Channel. :stuck_out_tongue:
  • On the topic of inner child, at first glance I seem to be adult-ish, but get to know me I’m quite a kid at heart :slight_smile:
  • I am a Catholic.
  • I grew up in a liberal environment in a conservative community. Naturally that made me a moderate in terms of my political views.
  • I am ex-treme-ly sensitive. I think extremely is an understatement. I don’t think people don’t know how sensitive I am, but I guess that keeps me kind & nice to people :slight_smile:
  • I’m the pinnacle of shyness.
  • I run a small web design studio.
  • Phileas isn’t actually my real name, the name is a derivative of a long-running joke with my friends and is really a long nickname for me. I don’t use my real name (complicated story).

Hannamation - ahhh… siblings… gotta love/hate them. But the fighting thing is so true - I have a sister, we used to fight a lot (I mean, a lot!) when we were both little, but now we’re quite close now, and she shares a lot of my interests.

Vi - If I wasn’t a guy, I’d dress up as Violet too :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t care what people think about my Pixar fandom (well, actually, I do, and on crummy days, I take it to heart, but what I meant was I’m proud of my fandom, and I would never give it away any day). Black Belt? Better not mess around with you then :stuck_out_tongue:

little_chef - Sigh. Crushes suck. They’re either unreachable or just too awkward. I’ve been through so many phases of crushes, it’s not funny.

LightningAndDoc - Wow. National Guard, eh? You must be proud of your dad, even though he’s away.

YES :smiley: ! Finally, I’ve met another lefty! In my life I’ve probably only met 4 or 5, maximum. Only about 10% of people are lefties, and we usually think very different from others. So, it’s always cool to meet fellow left-hander. Tell me something, do you ever have trouble communicating with others? 'Cause I now I tend to loose people sometimes when I’m trying to talk to them.

And you should be proud of your fandom :slight_smile: . It’s part of what makes you unique.

And, about the Black Belt, you don’t have to be scared of me. I only use it if I have to. Believe me, our instructor was strict. If he caught you using Taekwondo for the wrong purpose, we’d have to do one-hundred push-ups, or sit in the corner. And his voice alone was scary enough :shake: . And he’s about 6 ft. tall, so you wouldn’t wanna push his buttons. As long as you were respectful, he was fine. But sadly, he’s not teaching at the school we’d usually go to, so we stopped once I got my Black Belt. (We meaning me and my mom. Told ya my mom was cool :wink: .)

Nice to meet you too, fellow leftie! My family is all lefties except my sis, and I have a few left-handed friends of my own, but, yes, our bunch is rare and special :slight_smile:

Oh man, we have a lot in common! :smiley: I DO have communication troubles, as I get really unsettled talking to someone else for some reason, and I stutter (you probably wouldn’t know that because you can’t stutter online :stuck_out_tongue:), and I do tend to lose the plot when I try to convey an idea or something similar. Could there be a link to this and left-handedness? :wink:

Woooooow. Should I be scared of your family? :stuck_out_tongue:

Your whole family?! Holy crap! You’re blessed! I’m the only lefty in my entire family. And, as I said, I have a HUGE family. I probably have over 50 living relatives, and NONE of them are lefties. Well, except for my dad, but he’s actually my step Dad, so I don’t know if that really counts.

Same here, only I don’t really have trouble speaking (I tend to talk people’s ears off :laughing: ), it’s just that I tend to lose people when I’m trying to explain something, because they have a hard time understanding me.

And your communication skills do have a lot to do with which hand you write with. Because your left hand is connected to your right brain, and your right hand is connected to you left brain. And each hemisphere has different functions. Your left brain is suited for things like reading, writing, speaking and common sense. While your right brain is designed for things like art, 3 dimensional perception, music, and imagination. So, yeah, it has a lot to do with which hand you write with.

Not unless you try to mess with us :wink: You’re fine :stuck_out_tongue: .

Heh. I really only meant my immediate family. 50 relatives? Whoa, that’s huuuuuuge! That means lots of cousins, eh?

Well, I do have that problem too and my stutter. I guess most concepts are hard to explain. :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, I knew the two sides of the brain had links, but I thought one may be more “active” than the other, but I never correlated my writing hand to it. I guess you learn something new every day. :smiley:

Violet Parr: You are a black belt? Hmm, seems if you were to don a Super Suit, you might be a solid crime fighter. I mean, I wouldn’t want to mess with a black belt.


Well, I have 3 cousins on my mom’s side. And my dad has between 5 - 6 siblings, and I think most of them have kids. So, yeah, I have a pretty good amount of cousins.

Yep, which hand you write with has a lot to do with your personality and talents. I guess that’s why we get along so well :wink: .

The Star Swordsman- Well, maybe if I worked out more often :wink: . Thanks, though :slight_smile: !

My folks come from large families too, and I have about 9 uncles/aunts, but I don’t have much cousins, only a handful :frowning:

LEFTIES UNITE! :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, if you ever want another (pretend) cousin, I’m open :stuck_out_tongue: ! We seem to have enough in common :wink: .

Yeah :slight_smile: ! there’s gotta be an on-line club or something like that. Maybe we should start a thread called “South Paws’ (Lefties’) Club” :laughing: .

Anyway, just for the sake of staying on-topic…

– My other favorite TV show is “World’s Dumbest…”
– I’m not into politics, but if I had to define myself I’d probably be a Neutral (not Republican or Democrat) Conservative.
– I’m a night owl, and NOT a morning person in any way.
– I love the cold, even though it gets really hot where I live.

I couldn’t Agree more!

I’m left handed, and though some strange twist of fate I found a girlfriend who is also left handed! I have someone who actually understands me, and wants to become a Primary School Teacher

And it gets better in my martial arts class I am one of 3 members (girlfriend is another) who like to confuse the instructor… luckily enough he’s chose us to become part of the Instructing team, as an Assistant Instructor! Mainly cause of how I constantly aide with the children’s class, and have already learnt the syllabus higher than my current grade.

I study Choi Kwan(g) Do. And currently a Green Senior which places me roughly 18 months away from a black belt grading (that is if I continue to grade at the current rate I am)

Vi - Oh, I’m flattered about your offer :smiley:
And, yes, we should probably start a club, complete with badge, membership ID and an annual ball for lefties :stuck_out_tongue: Nice name BTW :wink:
Ahhh… hi5 for policital neutralism! And this is getting weird - I AM a night owl too and I absolutely lovvvvvveeee the cold, which is weird because I live in a country that is known for it’s heat… :laughing:

Captain Pan
- Ha, that’s awesome having a leftie GF! Good luck with your CKD. I have a few Martial Arts friends of my own :slight_smile:

Hmm, let’s see if I can come up with a few more random things.

  • I only started trying to draw well in 2007
  • I can’t stop listening to the song Like a Star by Britt Nicole mostly because it sounds so much like a WALL•E/EVE song, it’s almost scary
  • I have to leave the room when my computer is booting because I hate watching it (mostly due to the incident I had in January :laughing:)
  • I adore coffee. Anything with caffeine in it, basically.
  • I’ve held a driver’s license for an entire year now
  • I graduated at age 16
  • I usually forget what I dream about at night, but I always know I was dreaming
  • I’m obsessed with movie scores and songs from musicals
  • I can’t play video games for more than 20 minutes 'cuz I get easily bored (unless it’s a new game and I really want to beat it)
  • I get depressed when I’m away from PixarPlanet too long :laughing: (I was miserable downstate when I visited my family, 'cuz their computer was broken and I couldn’t get on the internet)
  • I’ve been writing stories since I was 6 years old
  • Most of the music I listen to was stuff I hated at one point
  • Sometimes I wish I were an only child, only to realize how miserable I’d be without my siblings, no matter how annoying they are
  • I can’t stand screamo music. Like seriously, it makes me want to cut myself. :laughing: I’m not even kidding, I hate it. I don’t even know how people consider it music. :stuck_out_tongue:
  • I’m very opinionated, but I don’t try and force my opinions on others. On that note, I don’t take crap from anyone yet I’m very sensitive about what they say about me
  • I get random bouts of mild depression, mostly relating to art and writing

Yeah! That’s more of me… :stuck_out_tongue:

little chef