Things People May Not Know About You

I’m glad this thread seems to be going strong after all this time!

Now to think of some things people might not know about me…

-I’m a huge, huge, huge, comic book fan. One day I hope to have a career in writing them full time. That’d be me happy and set

  • Much like Littlechef above i have a strong addiction to caffeine

  • I dropped out of college when I was 17, mainly because I didn’t feel as though it was serving any sort of useful purpose for me at the time. I don’t regret the decision at all

  • I have an older brother, which isn’t the most exciting information in the world. But it’s something you don’t know :laughing:

-As far as school is concerned, I got quite poor grades at the time. Mainly i blame myself, but our teachers were quite useless to be fair to them.

  • I used to act and do Drama in school, which was something I was quite good at apparently. (My teacher compared me to Monty Python which i never forgot, it meant quite a lot to me)

  • I wrote a rhyming story about a traveling freak show called “Harvey’s Curiosities” which is to be published in a book to be released in October. That is something I found to be quite exciting at the time

  • I’ve met Alan Moore twice (Famous comic book writer, Watchmen, V For Vendetta, etc) and he is a really nice and lovely man who I can’t say enough good things about.

  • In case you haven’t noticed, I’m quite a geek. If you like, Star wars, comic books, lord of the rings, or any other facets of geek culture. We’ll no doubt get along quite well.

  • Finally, i have a huge appreciation for The Muppets, i’m a sucker for anything Kermit and the gang get involved with.

-Oh, and I quite like Pixar!

Interesting stuff here. Here’s some of mine:

  • I am a Christian

  • I am homeschooled

  • I’m a Star Wars fan

  • I enjoy watching Sonny With a Chance

  • I’ve listened to various re-mixes of the Star Trek theme (it helps me get into the mood for writing my WALL•E fanfics)

  • When there’s nothing to watch on the kids’ channels, I watch the Food Network

  • I’ve realized that when you combine the typeface and colors of the Costco logo with the initials of Big Lots, you get the BnL logo :wink:

  • I always try to find things in movies that may be similar to things from unrelated movies, shows, or games. I’ve done this with WALL•E and Star Wars, and when I saw Up, Russell instantly reminded me of Bessie Higgenbottom from the Nickelodoen cartoon series The Mighty B! :smiley:

  • I have trouble creating original stories, so I usually spoof movies and shows I like, sometimes even combining them all together :laughing:

  • My drawing style is similar to the animation style of Kim Possible

  • Speaking of that, when I watched that show, I was pretty much a fan of Kim’s combat nemesis, Shego :smiley:

That’s all for now. Maybe I’ll put some more in the future.


I am sensitive
My friends say i’m contradictory :unamused:
I am brutally honest without being rude about it
I hate apple computers
Met Claudio Corsi
Loves Metal but abhors Slipknot
I can be anti-atheistic
Toy Story is still my favorite movie :laughing:
Jim carrey is my favorite actor
I can draw very well
Have “taught” myself electric guitar for 4 years and STILL cant sweep XP

thats all the things I’d imagine that people dont know about me.


  • I absolutely HATE tunafish. Even the thought of it makes me wanna gag.

  • That being said, the same goes for mayonnaise. Miracle Whip, real mayonnaise… it doesn’t matter. It all makes me feel like vomiting.

  • A lot of my art and stories gets randomly inspired by music; sometimes even stuff without words

  • I live in a state famous for its lobster and have never eaten it in my life

  • Me and my mom get along so well and are so alike that we literally finish each other’s sentences, think the same things at the same time without telling the other, or make a noise and think of the same thing :laughing:

  • I have never had a single vaccine injected into me since I was born (they had to give me a couple shots for something when I was first born and in the hospital, though)

  • Was single my entire teenage life until last week - I refused to give my heart away to just any guy… I wanted the right guy. :wink:

  • I hate cold weather

  • I’m obsessed with Converse and wish I had more pairs of them :frowning:

  • I weighed only 90-something lbs when I was 14, and I was never anorexic or anything

  • I had braces from December of 2003 (when I was 11) until October of 2006 (just after I turned 14). So glad to have them off :smiley:

  • I have never had a real x-ray (besides ones for your teeth) in my entire life until I had that problem with my neck at the beginning of this month

  • With that said, I have never had to undergo any serious medical procedure so far in my life, and am pretty glad because I absolutely HATE the hospital :open_mouth:

Hmm, can’t think of any more right now…

little chef

Lol you recognized the moar krabs! :mrgreen:

Well, I’ve actuall changed a bit since this thread first opened, so I’ve got some things to say…

-I’m a christian, but I’m not a great christian. I should probably work on that. :confused:
-My acne has pretty much cleared up now. Back in February it was like really bad, but now I’ve pretty much just got a little on my chin and my right cheek, so yeah, I’m pretty proud of that :smiley:
-I think a lot of you know this, but my favorite band is Green Day
-Some of you may remember a guy at school who used to beat me up and stuff, well this school year I decided I was going to stand up for myself more than last year, and yeah, I don’t get picked on anymore. Actually, the guy who used to mess with me is actually a pretty good friend of mine now. Weird how things work out, huh?
-I have to wake up at 6 A.M. every morning so I can get to school by 7:30 A.M.
-I’ve never had a girlfriend until a couple weeks or so ago. But yeah, it’s working out great if anybody’s wondering. :wink:
-I’m a junior in high school, I’ll be graduating in June of 2011.
-I am a Stephen Colbert fan, and that’s the truthiness
-I’ve still got straight A’s in school, hopefully I can keep it that way.
-I’m still in my school’s improv club, but we’re going to join the comedysportz thing, which is bassically a league for improv. It’s like a sport to them.
-I love watching South Park and this new show called Secret Girlfriend, both are pretty much guy shows :wink:
-I’ll be getting my braces off sometime between this upcoming January to June.
-I’m addicted to Taco Bell. Nothing fancy, just there bean and cheese burritos. It’s like a delicacy to me :laughing:

So yeah, that’s about it. I think I’m gonna start keeping a list and add to it whenever I think of something, then just post it. It’d probably be more efficient.

We are all sinners, mo, and we all have struggles through life. But always remember that the Lord is faithful and just. He is always willing to forgive you.

Would you like for me to pray for you?

Wow, never seen this thread before.
Must Post.

  • I miss the Subway pizzas. Pepperoni with Pickles. Mmm… delicious
  • Coke with no ice plase
  • Barely passed Algebra 2 with a 71 for the year, but am acing Pre-Cal with an 85 average for the past two six-weeks
  • I’ve snowboarded and have gone skiing for the past 5 years
  • I absolutely love playing Christmas music
  • I’m a member of a Brass Choir of a church that I’m not a member of
  • I hated the Inkheart series. Inkdeath kinda killed it for me
  • I love shrimp
  • I’m a junior in high school, Representin’ teh Class of 2011
  • I took Tae Kwon Do and stopped after my purple belt
  • This was my first year in the competition block
  • Sometimes I can pull a strong Canadian accent
  • I’ve never had braces :smiley:
  • Milanos are my favorite cookie

More later if I can think of any :sunglasses:

Aaawww, thanks JustSoWall-eCrazy, it’s alright though, you don’t have to pray for me, it’s more along the lines of me not wanting to follow what it says in the bible. I know, kinda bad. :confused:

What’s up!?! Class of 2011!! Juniors rule!!

:laugh: Actually, I had no idea what “moar crabs” was until I Googled it… and then when I read up I started laughing because of the coincidence of me posting that right after your post, and you have that as your avvie…!!!

little chef

Hmm, let’s see…

-I always listen to music while I go on the computer.

-I write poems based on movies

-I’m the only member of my family to adore seafood

-I’ve got three EVE plushies…and I always cuddle them! Especially the 22 in. one.

-I even got a set of reject-bots, which I call by the human names I’ve given them.

-I’ve actually tried to write parodies of Weird Al’s parodies!

-I seem to have a thing for humanizing non-human beings in my artwork (robots, fish, vehicles, and now I’m doing weather!)

-I attempted to take real-life corporation logos and redesign them in the style of the BnL logo with Paint.

-If I’m not mistaken, this is my 100th post!!!

  • I have ADHD/mild autism.
  • I’m nice to everyone, no prejudices, but if people aren’t nice to me, I’m not nice in return.
  • Yet, everyone at school treats me like vomit.
  • I hate school.
  • I hate social interaction.
  • I suck at it anyway.
  • Internet = my life… the big bad world out there holds no interest for me, except my future carreer (which might be internet anyway…).
  • I have a bad view of myself.
  • The outside world encourages the above fact.
  • I’m member of an orchestra and a band.
  • I love music.
  • I’m considering leaving both though, as I really can’t be arsed with these people anymore.
  • Right back at me, they said.
  • Electronic music is like… the coolest thing ever.
  • Tiesto <3
  • I also love fireworks.
  • 31st of December 10AM til 2AM later that night. That’s the only time in the freaking year I go outside voluntarily and actually have fun doing so.
  • I spend… a lot of money on it.
  • I plan the video compilation of the above event months in advance.
  • Same for my collection.
  • If the police would search through my house now, I’d totally be busted.
  • The local media would speak of explosives… I laugh at the media.
  • Cops stealing my belongings makes me a sad panda… :frowning:
  • Cops leaving me alone makes me happy.
  • So far, they did. So I’m happy. :slight_smile:
  • I just made the biggest post I’ve ever made on this forum. Cheers!


-I really like mangoes.
-I’m a HUGE Pokemon nut
-I collect Art Of books
-My favorite TV show ever is about a 14 year old and his robot monkey friends trying to save a pink planet from a talking Skeleton… and I still believe it was totally underrated.
-I wear glasses. I just never draw myself in them because they’re for nearsightedness, so I don’t wear them when I draw.
-I have asgerpers. No, not the “I took an online test that said I might and I’m a social outcast!” kind, the officially diagnosed kind.
-I LOVE the library. LOVE IT.

  • I play a pretty mean harmonica.
    -My biggest fandom crush ever is on Usopp from One Piece. Yes, the scrawny guy with the long nose. This wouldn’t be so weird, but I don’t JUST like his personality. I seriously think he’s physically attractive as well. WUT.
    -I grew up in SanFransisco, 30 minutes away from Emeryville… and I became a Pixar geek after I moved hundreds of miles away. DARNIT. xD
    -Despite being really tall, I have tiny shoulder. I have to use a children’s backpack. It looks awesome though.
  • My favorite genres of music are Christian, rock, techno, soundtrack, and the dance music from Dance Dance Revolution (the one at the arcade).

  • I’m very picky about how I eat tomato sauce.

  • I actually dislike tomatoes.

  • I’m a fan of Pajama Sam. Seriously, if you’ve never heard of this game, give it a chance. It’s so fun!

  • I’m a fan of gourmet cooking. Must be all that Food Network…

  • Everytime I listen to music, I try and imagine a music video to it using characters from my imagination.

  • I browse websites of department stores to get ideas for designing clothing on my characters.

Wow, I listen to TONS of DDR music JsW-EC, I’m a really experienced player myself (although, I haven’t played on pad in a long time. Still, I can play 9 and 10 footers!) That’s really cool that someone else I know of listens to a lot of that music. Right on!

ffdude: Too bad I already knew that about you. :wink:

While we’re on that topic…Pretty much all of the music I listen to and own are Video Game soundtracks. In fact, most of the time I listen to remixes of Video game songs at OverClocked Remix… The best part is, a good portion of the time, music inspires what I draw. :slight_smile:

I can totally relate to these! I’m not big on tomatoes either unless they’re in sauce, but only in certain ways.

Also, man I played PS all the time as a kid. 8D

Holy cow guys, I feel the same way about tomato sauce, too. And tomatoes. If a sandwich I order somewhere has tomatoes in it, or like some kind of dish that someone makes for us has tomato chunks in it, I’ll… pick them out. Yes, like a little kid. :blush: Hey, I have a thing about the texture of certain foods. I can’t stand certain vegetables because of their texture, not necessarily their taste.

That being said, I could care less for salads. They just seem so dry to me, and I feel like a cow when I eat one. (You know how cows are like, constantly eating grass? Yeah.)

little chef

Oh my gosh! Who knew we had so much in common?!

Netbug009: Yeah. The only ways I eat tomato are if it’s meat sauce (without tomato pieces), and in meatball sandwiches. Also, glad to know you’ve played the games. I’ve only done the first one (the one about the darkness), and I seriously want to play the second and third ones! I’m actually working on writing a manga-style adaptation of the series (first I need to teach myself manga!).

little_chef_eva09: Wow, I didn’t know you’d also dislike tomatoes. Once at an event at my church, theiy had chicken sandwches, and I ended up picking out the lettuce, tomato (of course), and cheese (it was a cold sandwich, and I only like cheese on burgers and certain hot sandwiches). Then I used a fork to scoop out the mayo. :blush:

I’m ok with salads, but only with lettuce, croutons (delicious), and minimal blue cheese dressing. Yeah, my food habits are weird. :open_mouth:

I never thought I’d see a whole group of people who love ketchup and other tomato products, but don’t care for tomatoes themselves. I hate tomatoes, but ketchup is one of my best friends. XD

I love salads, but they gotta have cheese. Cheese rules! XD Dressing prefered, but optional.