Things People May Not Know About You

Well I go to a new school now so there’s probably lots of stuff people don’t know about me :stuck_out_tongue:

  • I can’t draw or create art for nuts. It’s just too bad that I’m just so into Pixar, which happens to be a creative venture. :stuck_out_tongue:
  • I MUST go to a Disney park every year. It doesn’t matter what location, whether in Disney World or Disneyland Hong Kong, I simply must recharge my inner Disney-ian every year. I’m actually willing to spend my life savings just to be able to (and, to be honest, I have). Too bad living in Australia makes me so geographically challenged…
  • As a little kid, I was really into computers and web design. At the age of 6, I was already in front of a computer, slaving away at developing websites. What did I put in my websites? My fake company. :stuck_out_tongue:
  • I know I mentioned that I’m sensitive, but I don’t think I’ve conveyed how sensitive I am. I am really, really sensitive. I couldn’t hurt a fly, seriously. Also, I’m a big crybaby. Go figure…
  • Like Czarine, I can’t make social interaction. I really, really can’t - I’m just too dyslexic. I can’t really talk on the phone, I stumble my words… and don’t get me started on trying to hold up a conversation. Those who have been in a PPMN with me knows that I don’t really talk much. The only exception is online, where I can think things out before speaking.
  • I was class leader/president this year. I think I did a pretty good job leading the grade. Like wisecookiesheet, I’m also a 2011’er.

- Yeah, a food channel does wonders, doesn’t it? It makes you hungry and you learn a thing or two about ingredients at the same time… You can’t get any better than that.

Netbug & Czarine - Wow. Just wow. You know, I seriously couldn’t tell. That is really surprising - it just goes to show that psychological conditions are subject to so much discrimination and the like. It’s just so sad.

I’m surprised at just how many people dislike tomatoes- I don’t like them either! But pretty much everyone else I know loves them, and they just don’t get it!

I do love olives, though. Could eat green olives all day.

I like olives too. I prefer the saltier kalamata olives to the green variety though. :stuck_out_tongue:

  • I hate bacon.
  • I can touch my nose with my tongue (yes it’s gross, I don’t do it often).
  • I’m slow at typing.
  • I like Golden Retrievers.
  • I don’t like squirrels.
  • I have a horse.
  • I’m super shy, but I try not to be, I really don’t like being shy. I just can’t talk to people, I can never think of what to say.
  • I wash my hands all the time because I’m scared of germs.
  • I love purple.
  • I like sparkley things.
  • I have pet snails. They are easy to take care of and are always there if I’m lonely.
  • I’m a fan of Lord of the Rings and Star Wars.

Stopped being anti tomatoes just this year. Grape tomatoes helped me make the switch.

LOVE olives.

Skunklover; Aw pet snails! Do they have names?

Yes, their names are Dory, Flo, Violet, Dug, Flurry, and Neem. I can’t find Violet and Dug though. I used to have another one named Fluffy, but I set him/her free.

Awww Fluffy the snail! That is too awesome. Nice names :wink:

Okay. Here goes…

I’m homeschooled, I’m afraid of rollercoasters, I’ve been listening to country music since I was 8 or 9 (and I still like it), I suck my thumb in my sleep, I’m very moody, I can be lazy sometimes, I’m terrified of crickets and grasshoppers, and I love tomatoes. ( :laughing: )

:open_mouth: That must of been the most craziest thing I ever heard!

Thanks. :slight_smile:

Tyler1995; I don’t like it because it made me throw up once. So now I get a stomach ache every time I smell it.

skunklover: I’m the exact same way with tuna fish. I used to absolutely LOVE tuna fish, but I had a tuna fish sandwich one Christmas at a party when I was like 6, and it had onions or something in it made me throw up the rest of the day… and I can’t even smell tuna fish anymore without wanting to be sick. It’s more so mayonnaise, though. I HATE mayonnaise OR Miracle Whip. Just… eww kjdsajfk gross.

little chef

skunklover and little_chef_eva09, I have the same thing (where you feel like you want to be sick when you smell or taste a certain food) with Peanut Butter, Mayonnaise, Shrimp, or Twinkies. Peanut Butter cuz I ate it every day for lunch last school year, so I’m just completely sick of it. Mayonnaise is just gross to me in general. I’ve never really liked mayonnaise. And at a new years party a few years ago my mom had a bunch of shrimp and she took these twinkies and deep-fried them (sounds gross? that’s cuz it was). It made me throw up for about 24 hours and now I just can’t stand the taste of shrimp, twinkies, and most things deep fried.

I think I can come up with a few more :wink:

  • I’m a huge Green Day fan (even though most people probably know that about me now)
  • I love Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups (the only way I eat peanut butter)
  • I play bass guitar (I think I mentioned that before, but now I’m actually playing it and learning songs)
  • I just got an xBox 360 today (Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is awesome!)
  • I drink A LOT of water (like 8 or 10 water bottles a day (don’t worry, I reuse the bottles))

Um, that’s all I can think of, I really need to start writing stuff down when I think of it. :laughing:

Hmm…things people may not know about me…well, I collect dolls that are from the grave, lol.

…okay, what else…I’m into some strange and not so strange things…I seem to have a liking for characters that are dark, angsty, or whose lives weren’t always the best…and my two favorite colors is black and purple.


  • I always have a character with pink hair in a story.

  • Somehow, Pixar finds it’s way into the stuff I create. (e.g. a desk lamp, a ball with a star, A113, etc.)

  • I like orange juice but not oranges.

I’m a band loser, I’m Baptist, everyone hates me, and I have Asperger’s. I’m also addicted to watching Freakazoid! on youtube, and playing with my Facebook and Youtube pages. Marching Band is my only outside of house abd school day activity, so yeah, I’m a loser, and all the Finding Nemo fans on PP hate me by now, even though I do like it. I like them all, but since it’s my least favorite, I know at least 2 people who want my blood. I’m Sorry!!! :cry:

Whoo~ Marching band loser!

What do you play?

Clarinet :slight_smile: but I adore them all :smiley:

Clone! points

-I was at the mall in Portland where they had the test screening of WALL-E once… on the day of the screening. I’m still beating myself up over being so close and yet so far. xD

Alrighty, here’s a few things about me:

~ I’m a computer FREAK! If I go even one day without using the computer itself (not including Internet), I go crazy!

~ The Lion King is my favorite non-Pixar movie! :smiley:

~ I live in Indiana. :stuck_out_tongue:

~ I’ve only seen A Bug’s Life one time. :cry:

~ I’ve never told anyone at school that I love Pixar movies, because I’m afraid they’ll laugh at me. :blush:

~ I LOVE Kingdom Hearts! <3 :-D)

~ If it weren’t for my school, I would’ve never loved Wall-E. (We watched it at school one day!)