Things People May Not Know About You

Some more:

  • I like watching old cartoons
  • I have…an anxiety disorder
  • I name everything Bob, Mo, or Mitch
  • I am crazy about Dove Chocolate! It’s so good!drools
  • I still love Veggie Tales

Join the club! :smiley:

I play the violin :slight_smile:

Oh boy! A club! I’ve always wanted to be in a club! :laughing:

I find things funny that your typical teenager doesn’t.

  • For example, when The Simpson’s movie came out, everyone found the spider-pig thing funny, and I found it pointless :wink:

  • I also find if someone says something as an ‘example’, that is true (in my opinion, if it’s the same opinion as myself), like if i say name an average footballer (soccer player), and someone says ‘Benjani’, or ‘Steve Finnan’ in response, I would find that amusing as I agree with it and they just so happened to say it. ← when everyone else would just nod in agreement and not find it funny, or maybe a slight snicker.

  • And if someone for example says ‘garbage that comes out these day’ - whether meaing music, or movies, I would just find it very funny, the fact that they said it (don’t know why thouughh!)

I don’t know why I find those kind of things funny it’s just the way i am :smiley:.

… I am actually quite much of a jerk IRL… apparently.

I prefer to say socially challanged, but… yeah. :neutral_face:

As of lately it’s not uncommon for me to watch or play something and giggle in excitement, even if it’s something mildly scary (i.e. Halo or Terminator 1).

I tend to get over-emotional sometimes. Actually, a lot of times. And… I PMS really bad, so that plays right into me getting over-emotional. I absolutely hate feeling depressed, and that’s usually how I feel when I’m PMSing. :frowning: I never used to have it that bad before, but recently it’s been horrible - where every little insignificant thing that happens just makes you wanna cry, yanno? C’mon girls, holla if ya hear me. :stuck_out_tongue:

little chef

is so happy to be a guy right now

Haha, you should be! :laughing: It really is no fun sometimes.

Usually eating a ton of chocolate helps me. :slight_smile:

little chef

I hear you, red! :laughing: And as someone who has suffered from depression and anxiety in the past, that time of the month only makes things worse. Let’s just say I used to spend a lot of time in my dressing gown and slippers.

I’ve had my share of depression though, and know what it feels like…

So yeah, I’m sorry you’ve been feeling horrible lately. :frowning:

I think The Simpons is terrible. It’s not like it’s stupid AND FUNNY, it’s just stupid.

Simpsons is about the only cartoon sitcom out there that actually is funny. :stuck_out_tongue:

Devoted Simpsons fan speaking here - I think you’ll find that the episodes BEFORE Season 11 are so much better than what they’re doing nowadays. Seasons 5 and 8 are particularly classic. Back when they had good writers, you see. :wink:

Hey, I like The Simpsons! They may be stupid sometimes, but they are hilarious.
Okay, here are some things about me:

  • I am the oldest of six kids
  • I lack self confidence, and therefore find it hard to make friends
  • I’ve never had a boyfriend (though I’ve had several close shaves!)
  • I have an insane rabbit who likes to hump footballs (soccer balls)
  • My biggest fears are fires and elevators
  • I’m very random and tend to have hyper moments
  • Music has the power to change my mood (usually from depressed to satisfied)
    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

-I HATE rock music ( especially the songs!)
-I get a different tune of music stuck in my head almost every day.
-I have over 50 stuffed dogs in my room
-I enjoy mixing drinks together, and they have all turned out great except for milk and Sprite. Yuck.
-I’m learning Latin, though it’s very boring! :frowning:

Haha, I know how you feel about Latin, K9Girl. I studied it for six years and though I really rather despised it at the time, I’ve sort of built up an attachment to it now. Plus, believe me, it will benefit you in later life- I recieved an email from one of my university choices a while ago that said that they were impressed with me having taken Latin, and that it had actually influenced their decision to accept me, despite me applying for a completely different course! So you never know when it might come in handy to show off to education institutions or employers.

And I hate rock music too. High five! :laughing:

Im shy
Im related to a founding father- Samual Chase
I don’t have a cell phone
Look young for my age
The first girl I liked was when I was 7.