things that freaked you out as a kid

And crows are scavengers because they help keep our roads clean by eating roadkill (animals that have been run over).

When I was little, we went to this gift store that had this little baby alligator/crocodile, and I thought it was real, so I was scared to go near it.

It might have been real. I still don’t know to this day. It was about a foot long or so.

^Was it in a tank/enclosure?

…No. :open_mouth:

It was probably fake if it didn’t have a cage of some kind.

I was scared of escalators because one time I sat down on one, and of course at the top it tried to eat my shorts. I can use them now, but whenever I see one I feel nervous.

I’m not scared of escalators, but I am wary of elevators.

Is it because some people get stuck in an elevator when it suddenly stops working between 2 different floors?


Things that freaked me out as a kid
The super scary scenes in the early Disney films.

^Which super-scary scenes? The ones with the Disney villains?

I rewatched Raiders of the Lost Ark last night and it made me remember how, seeing it for the first time at age 10, I was super freaked out by that ending scene where the nazis open the ark x.x it’s really gross (or some of the more gruesome violence in the movie in general)

dark alone streets,

whenever i got late for home while coming back from my tutions, there was a pole which always created some problem and street light always gone, so which made me feel scary to pass through

I know the feeling. Sometimes when I walk alone on a dark street, i always get the feeling someone is following me. it gets pretty sketchy.

Yeah, Maleficent freaked me out. Also every other scene in Pinocchio. :laughing: Bambi and Snow White also have some pretty dark and twisted scenes.