Things you probably shouldn't enjoy the smell of, but u do.

The stuff you put on car tires to make them shine.

Doggie odor :stuck_out_tongue: . It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

The smell of a dog is probably one of the things I despise the most :frowning:

You do not like anything about dogs. 8D I’m indifferent to animals and their smells. Don’t get me wrong, I love my dog, but I’m not interested in animals at all in general.

I like dogs, except when they’re around me. Both because of fear and for sanitary reasons (including the smell)

I’m a germaphobic. Every time Napoleon licks my hands or face, I sprint to the kitchen and scrub the area with dawn soap. But, I do love him.

Has anyonre ever snithed mr sketch markers?

I’m quite a bit, too.

oh yes. a lot actually, in a very dangerous amount!

Haven’t snithed them in a while though.

DVD boxes. <3

Seems like most people don’t agree with me on doggie odor :laughing: . That’s okay, I’m just weird. And if we all liked the same things, this world would be awfully boring.

How about doctors offices? And I also like the smell you get when you first walk into Publix.

I’m sitting in my new swivel chair from IKEA and it smells absolutely divine. I also have a brand-new Internet modem I bought today humming upstairs and the bouquet of metallic scent it released when it popped out of the box was sublime. :slight_smile:

It has to be good, it’s Swedish!

You guys have no idea how many times I’ve smelled the smell of gasoline in the past 7 days. It’s always an exhillerating smell.

Greyhound and Coach buses.

Easter egg dye.

What does Easter Egg dye smell like?

A combination of vinegar and markers.

Leaf Oregano

Deviled Eggs. One of my most favorite Thanksgiving Dishes second to Egg Nog.

I have no idea what egg nog tastes or smells like.