I got Twitch and Chunk in the mail today from the Disney store. Man they are awesome. I will apologize for no pics as I have no way to post pics at the moment. I think everyone will be very satisfied with these two bad boys. Here is a quick review of both…
Twitch is just about the same height as Buzz, probably taller. He has a swivel neck, ball jointed shoulders, hinged elbows, swivel wrists, twisty waist, hips are ball jointed, hinged knees hinged feet like blast off Buzz, Wings swing out but are not ball jointed.
Features: Push on his head and mandibles open, works pretty good. Push abdomen button and wings pop up, they make a clickity sound.
Twitch is very light weight almost like the plastic the shogun warriors godzilla is made of, but he is plenty sturdy. No real painted highlights other than the orange on the legs and feet. I love him and wish I could have more of these insect warrior characters in this scale.
Chunk is short and stocky. He has cut shoulders, swivel biceps, hinged elbows, swivel waist, cut hips, hinged knees.
Features: Push button on head and face rolls to mean face and so on, as head rolls little “rocks” rattle in his head.
Chunk is also very light weight but sturdy in construction with sturdy joints. His rock body has painted high lights here and there. He is just a great toy also making me long for more characters from this rocky world. They arrived in like two days after I ordered.