Thy Brave Reviews

Hold on, a 61/100 score on Metacritic? WTF?

I know it’s better than Cars 2, but not THAT much better! Please don’t tell me Pixar is going downhill, please.

On Rotten Tomatoes Brave has gone up to 71% :slight_smile:

Still lower than the first Cars movie. Seeing this review makes me shake my head.

Wow, just wow. I thought they would redeem themselves with Brave, I guess I was wrong. Cars 2 was only the beginning of what could be Pixar’s downfall. Maybe I’m overreacting a little but I do feel a little concerned seeing as they’ve released 2 average films in a row. I just hope the score will go higher.

Okay, sorry to double-post, but the RT score is now 73%. Hopefully it’ll get higher. It should also be interesting to note that Cole Smithey gave it a positive review, which is surprising considering he disliked Toy Story 3.

Well it’s nice to see more positive reviews are coming in. But since the ratings for this movie are rather low for a Pixar film I wonder if this means Armond White will give it a positive review. I will be blown away of that happens.

I think he stopped during reviews sometime last year.

Yeah, his old reviews even got removed.

I heard something about him disliking some critically acclaimed films just for attention. Could be wrong on that though.

Good lord, you’ve GOT to be kidding me. I thought the score had improved but it’s now at 67%. I can’t believe this is happening. At least it’s somewhat better than Cars 2 which was trash. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed it and didn’t think it was as bad as people said, but was NOT Pixar’s standard.

It’s still a little too early to tell. The Pixar films usually get about 200 or so reviews.

I just hope they give the film Fresh and not Rotten.

Me too. It would just look bad to see a studio like Pixar get two duds in a row.

Oh man, at this rate I can just hope it just stays at fresh. I hope this doesn’t mean Pixar is losing it’s touch.

I’m really not getting all the hate. I guess people are shocked by the unoriginality and confused by the mis-marketing of the film as an epic adventure rather than a family story. And the twist after the first act is a bit jarring if you’re not expecting it. Personally, I thought it was miles ahead of Cars. High 70s-80s would be a fair score.

I haven’t seen a single negative review from an average person, either. I think most moviegoers will love it.

I think this is the ultimate reason why people are being so harsh towards the movie. Mis marketing worked in the past for Disney with tangled because the marketing led us to believe it was going to be like a run of the mill Dreamworks film by trying to be all Jazzy and modern (hell do you know how much they played that annoying “Trouble” song in the trailer?). But as soon as people saw the film, they got the complete opposite and they ended up seeing a classic Disney film in cgi. That was genius marketing.

But here is seems that the Mis- Marketing backfired on them because people were expecting this big epic adventure and they’re obviously seem to be getting the complete opposite.

I still have nightmares about that “She’s been grounded… like, forever!” tagline. :open_mouth:

Lol, like I said, all a part of genius marketing. Make the audience think they’re gonna see something like a typical Dreamworks movie or some crap you see on Disney Channel and when they see the movie they get good ol’ classic Disney instead.

But back on topic, I’m hoping more positive reviews for this movie come in eventually.

I do as well. Fortunately right now, there there is twice as many Fresh reviews as there are Rotten. That still isn’t at Pixar standards though. Could this score have something to do with Cars 2? Just imagine if Brave had been released right after Toy Story 3 and Cars 2 never existed. Don’t you think the score would be better?

Actually I was thinking the same thing! I guess some critics still a bad taste in their mouths from Cars 2. But they shouldn’t let one bad film make them view a rather good looking one in a negative light.

I’m going to have to see what I think before I can decide for myself.