Toy Story 2 Home Video Standee

Hello Pixar Planet. You may have noticed me posting around already, however, I may as well give myself a proper introduction. I have been a Toy Story fan since 1995. That was also the year I was born. From that point to about 2003, I’ve been a die-hard Toy Story fan, amassing just about any TS-related item I could get my hands on, from bean bags to Buzz Lightyear Rock 'em Socke’em robots (I became interested in Toy Story and PIXAR again because I was cought up in the hype of Toy Story 3).
I’ve realized I had a lot of rare items in my collection (many I’ll probably talk about later), but the one I want to talk about in particular is the Toy Story 2 promotional stand.
It’s been a tradition for me and my family to rent a tape (now I feel old) from Wegman’s video department. One particular day in 2000-2001, I noticed an employee carrying a standee for the promotion of Toy Story 2. It must’ve been the look on my face, or the fact that I was most-likely wearing one of my many Toy Story tee-shirts (or maybe both), but he actually asked me if I wanted it, because he’d throw it out anyways. I accepted.
I couldn’t wait to set this up in my room, but my brother, being a greedy jerk who didn’t even like TS that much, said it wasn’t fair, and wanted Buzz. So my parents gave him Buzz, and Woody and Jessie were left. Since it wasn’t fair that I got both, I chose to keep Woody while they threw Jessie out.
Since my brother is very rough, it’s no surprise that Buzz got his leg ripped off in no time. Over the years, my parents probably threw Woody out when I was at school. All that I know is that he isn’t here anymore!
When my brother’s room was getting remodeled, he found Buzz preserved under some junk and gave it back to me, which is the only part I still have.
It was a shame that my parents had to throw it out, because most of my Toy Story items are still in very good shape (except for my first Buzz and Woody, but I thinkwe all can relate).

Sorry about the long writeup, but that was probably one of my favorite things as a kid. Anyone know if any others have surfaced? Any idea of a price outline?

Welcome to Pixar Planet, Dinoco! This is the only one I could find. It was made for the original Toy Story. … 602_263622

I hope this helps in your search!