Toy Story 3-D Double Feature Trailer

I’m surprised this hasn’t been posted yet. :mrgreen:

Toy Story 3-D Double Feature Trailer

Gotta love [spoil]the prank played on Rex[/spoil]! The only thing I didn’t like about it was: [spoil]only two weeks[/spoil]?

I saw this before G-Force, it really is a cute trailer :-D) I love the leg twitch Rex does after he falls dow really funny! :laughing: I can’t believe that we only have a month to go! :smiley:

This wasn’t posted? I saw it in 2D in theaters today. It’s kind of weird seeing it in 2D, but it’s still funny.

It might not have been posted, but I’d be willing to bet everyone reading these forums has already seen it. Possibly frame by frame ahem.

Yeah I think its been posted here before because I remember seeing it. Still good though :slight_smile:

Yeah it was posted already, but it’s still nice. Jessie was so cute in that trailer. :slight_smile:

I’m surprised this hasn’t been discussed yet! :smiley:

Everything is better in 3D

Love the visual metaphor, and the announcer’s voice. Rex FTW! :sunglasses:

Well, I’m pretty sure we’ve seen the trailer (since the movie comes out this wkend in the states - hoooray!) and the TV spots but have we all seen the little featurettes of the characters? They’re called “The Toys Are Back” and they’re found on Disney’s website. They’ve done Woody, Buzz, Rex and right now Jessie and the Aliens are up there. Pretty cute!

Those toys are back things are lame to me…they seem to be targeting 5 year olds there. I guess its good for introducing characters to unfamiliar kids, but for fans its all old stuff. nothing but stock footage. though there is a few very quick shots of new stuff here and there.

Anyway, have you guys cheked the official site? they’ve updated with more wallpapers and added new characters. their not in the main line up, but they still give us a bunch of of high res wallpapers of fresh renders of the characters. Bo peep is there now. This is the first we’ve seen of her in a long while. Still wondering if she’ll be in TS3 or not.

Be sure to also check the rest of the characters, because they all seem to have 2 now.

Hard to believe all this time has went by, and I’ve only just now heard of it! It turns out that there IS a 3-D Theater where I live (I swear I couldn’t gather info on one before), so I’m going to attempt to see this. Also going to see if I can get a friend in on it. My cause for seeing these movies will mainly be nostalgia (TS1 was the first movie I can even remember seeing), and seeing it with another fan of the movie sounds like a great time.

Now I just need to find another fan of the movie around here.

New Internet trailer exclusive! I didn’t see the end coming! 8D

Internet PSA

Buzz = EPIC FAIL. Great enviro-message too. :slight_smile:

Hehe, nice. Kind of violent! XD

I keep my glasses, but I don’t throw them away, I collect them! (mostly my Up ones, I’m gonna mark my double feature glasses)

Not sure if this has been posted before, but I was trawling through Toy Story clips when I came upon this ad for the double feature last-year.

Awesome New Trailer-Clip Combo

That’s just the short title for the poster’s longer one. I like how they used Presto’s title screen at the beginning. :slight_smile: