TOY STORY 4 Might Be Happening !!!

I don’t think I could have said it better. Though at first I thought, "What? You’re saying opinions should offend anyone? :open_mouth: ". Then I realized “Oh, no wait, I see what you mean. Phew”. Silly me. ;-p

Oops. I’ll edit that right away.

I don’t know if you’re aware, but English isn’t my first language, and I sometimes make slips like that one. I’m glad you understood anyway 8D

Oh that’s alright. 8D I’m no grammar freak anyway. Actually, I think it’s kind of impressive how English isn’t your first language. I wouldn’t have been able to tell. You (both) sound like two of the most proper and most educated people here. Besides, I make errors anyway, and I usually understand if someone meant something different, especially if they are kind members anyway.

I was always skeptical of this rumor, and now I’m certain it was just that, a rumor.

I’m sure it was just a rumor. But Toy Story 3 was really supposed to be a conclusion to their story. Even if a few of my wishes were not fulfilled in that film, it’s still a great story and hopefully some of those wises are fulfilled in the TV Specials and Toons. I have actually really enjoyed the three Toons.

Yes, it really felt like closure.

When it comes to Pixar, no I don’t think it’s all about the money.
When it comes to Disney on the other hand… :unamused:

^OK, I know that Disney hasn’t always been perfect, but I don’t think they’re a moneygrubbing company. As of late, the films and shows they’ve made have made me more certain that they’re focused on doing their best in that way and not focused on just how much their merchandise makes or how much money their sequels make or whatever.

Disney stopped producing the cheapquels in 2008! Anyway, as for Toy Story 4. Do not want.

Agreed. Also, the fact they’re cranking out Toy Story shorts and TV specials is a comforting sign that they’re not spending time developing a full-fledged feature. It’s a great happy medium for everybody.

Planes. And Planes 2 green lit before the first has even been released. Need I say more?

planes were also a Disney Toon studios project they also are responsible for all disney sequels so yeah

Toy Story 4 would be an overkill. >.<


My mom kind of wishes they would make just one more. Plus more Winnie the Pooh! As long as the things I would want in a fourth movie show up in the Toons and specials, I will feel very satisfied without another one. But I would not be 100% opposed to the idea, despite the fact that it would automatically get a 0% on Rotten Tomatoes, probably. Blech. I’m sorry! :`-( but I would love one more if a few certain things happened…

Please don’t fail me, Toy Story Toons! (Hehe, they won’t).

I love the Toy Story Toons. ;-p I think they’re a great way to expand the Toy Story universe without having another movie.

TS4 would be like star wars 7. a total waste of time. and it’ll suck

Umm… we are getting star wars episode 7. I don’t think any of us has the right to call it a waste of time until it comes out.

i know we are. but have you seen the prequel trilogy?

First post on this topic in almost three years!

  1. Toy Story 4 IS Happpening
  2. The Force Awakens was awesome