Toy Story and Toy Story 2 coming to Blu-Ray

I took some screencaps of all of the new shots in the TS3 sneak peeks, if for some reason you canā€™t get the Blu-rays anytime soon.

Some new color script art in the background.

Molly: ā€œWhy do you still have these toys?ā€
Andy: ā€œMolly, out of my room!ā€

Woody: ā€œWhatā€™s going on?ā€

Buzz: ā€œItā€™s under control, Woody, we have a plan.ā€
Rex: ā€œWeā€™re going to daycare!ā€

The ā€œCharactersā€ sneak peek only has two new shots; however it does have a few new things such as animation tests of Lotso and Stretch.

Also, the featurette shows some voice recording sessions which reveal new lines for the characters.

Trixie: ā€œHi, Iā€™m Trixie!ā€
Ken: ā€œBeing Ken is about having fun!ā€
Ken: ā€œIā€™m still just like any other toy; I put my pants on one leg at a timeā€¦Theyā€™re personally tailored pants and I have 92 pairs. Groovy, huh?ā€

Thatā€™s so awesome Bryko614! Thatā€™s some great pics! :smiley:

Ooooooo! Thanks Bryko614! I donā€™t have the blu rays on me just yet, but Iā€™m hoping to have them by tomorrow or Friday!

Anyway, the color scripts behind Lee make me more tempted to buy ā€œThe Art Of Toy Story 3ā€ when it becomes available! As for the screenshots from the movie itself, it looks amazing! I canā€™t wait. :smiley:

I love that animation test of Stretch. Now Iā€™m even more convinced that sheā€™s going to have some stretching action in the film.

And can you believe how real those bushes look next to Woody? I donā€™t think even Toy Story 2 had ones that good.

The shot of Woody and Buzz outside looks odd to me, Woody isnt casting a shadow. Think that oneā€™s not finished yet?

Something else Iā€™ve noticed is that the DVD versions have a significant color difference consistently throughout the film compared to the 2005 edition. Iā€™ve only looked at the TS2 DVD but itā€™s pretty evident.

Blu-ray release:

2005 release:

Blu-ray release:

2005 release:

Iā€™ve seen that on screenshots for the original Toy Story as well, and it kind of bugged me cause they seemed to be giving off sort of a pinkish tint to the picture that wasnā€™t there before.

I might as well say here that I never saw the need of upgrading to Blu-Ray when they first came out with it. Perfect picture is the big thing about it, but other than that what does it have to offer that DVD didnā€™t? VHS tapes were something I knew needed to be phased out and replaced with something better and I still felt that DVDs were advanced enough as it is. Itā€™s actually harder to want to get new DVDs now cause they purposefully leave out a lot of the best features for Blu-Ray, so that to me seems like the only real reason I can think of for getting Blu-Ray.

because blu ray is better than dvd in every way. resolution, color range, contrast. higher bit rate audio, more space for extras.

one thing I love about blu ray, and I know its kind of a small thing, but being able to go to the main menu while having the movie sitll play. you can jump from some bonus feature more smoothly than before. having a larger bottle neck allows you do to do more at once. I love Cini-explore when they do it, but they only seem to do that for new movies. Ratouille did it best I think, giving you the option to go to realavant extras and even easter eggs durring the movie.

granted, they are being unfair by intentioally leaving of things from the dvd, but Im all for it if it gets everyone on one format sooner.

As for the color difference, Im pretty sure its a result of the new shaders they rendeered the movies with. I even noticed it to an extent during the double feature. though much of it was masked bcause of the tint from the 3D glasses.

I think a slight adjustment in color temp on your tv could be all thats needed to bring it back to the older colors if you wanted.

I didnā€™t know you could leave the movie playing and go to the menu at the same time. Guess thatā€™s one thing thatā€™s a step ahead of DVD. Iā€™ll still keep Blu-Ray in mind, even if itā€™s only to see those other Pixar features (I still have an urge to listen to John Lasseterā€™s commentary on Cars that was left out of the DVD).

The only thing that slightly bothers me about the bluray release is, they replaced the Disney castle at the start of the movies but besides that I was really happy how they turned out. Some of the texturing was unbelievable, I really liked how detailed Mr Potato Head was.

Hi guys (and gals :wink: ) .

I just received my Toy storu bluā€™s by mail from the UK. I have two codes for the disney movie rewards, which I canā€™t use myself, so Iā€™m giving them away! First brit to PM me gets them :smiley: .

Btw, I also have a US code from a bugā€™s life blu, same story, first to PM gets it!

About the color difference:
The Japanese Spirited Away DVD had a really annoying red tint that felt just wrong all the way (and the worst DTS track ever, to boot).

Iā€™d say with the new Toy Story releases itā€™s a bit different. The warmer colors actually fit quite nicely, so Iā€™m fine with either version.

I was wondering if any one could post some videos of the special features i wont have them for a while spent Ill my money on tsc potato head.

So, the Blurays of the movies are the retextured, upgraded versions shown in theaters in October, right? Can anyone post pics that show the most apparent differences between the original and ā€œupdatedā€ versions?

One question: is it in 3-D? If itā€™s not, I might just snap. Due to circumstances, I was not able to attend the 3-D double feature, and Iā€™m trying to find some way to see it (preferable BEFORE TS3).

Why would it be in 3-D? Itā€™s Blu-Ray not 3-D.

There can be 3D in Blu-Rayā€¦ unless Iā€™m misinformed. I thought the Blue-Ray visuals were simply in a higher resolution.
I really donā€™t mean to spoil the thread, but the release we got in theaters was a 3D double feature. The home release is not 3D and seperately released.
The only thing that intrigues me is the TS3 material, and bonus features.

Its not in 3D no. itā€™ll probably be quite a while before a 3D version of it hits blu ray.

Iā€™m guessing that to get the most profit, itā€™ll be after TS3 is released.

I realize this topic is a tad old, but I feel Iā€™m bumping it for a worth-while cause.

If you have not yet been able to purchase the Blu-Rays (like me), Amazon (And Wal*Mart, I believe) has a nice deal that might just convince you into it.


Scroll down to their ā€œBest Dealā€ section. You can buy both Toy Story 1 and Toy Story 2 on Blu-Ray for the price of $35 USD, with Amazonā€™s Free-Shipping deal included.

Sounds pretty good to me.