Toy Story and Toy Story 2 coming to Blu-Ray

Kyle: The Blu-rays came out in the UK (and the rest of Europe?) today. And yes, I’m severely disappointed to hear this. It’s not a huge deal, but I’m gonna miss the original fade and music if it’s completely gone.

Yeah basically they’ve just replaced the old castle and intro music. I know some people aren’t bothered but to me it’s not the same without it.

What about the Pixar logo? I’m just wondering if maybe they put it in-between the old transition to the wallpaper.

Are you kidding me? :angry:
I liked the old castle. The beginning won’t feel the same.

A bit off topic, but how are the Toy Story 3 sneak peaks? Is there much new in them?

I’m actually gonna wait until the steelbooks, which hopefully they have soon (if they even release them, which Im really hoping they do)

I will definately have to get the blu-ray for all 3 as soon as they come out. the normal dvd in my blu ray player looks awesome.

Heads up guys, amazing deals to had here.

Copy and pasted from a post on IGN.

I’m going to try this tomorrow night myself.

Wasnt even planning on picking up Frog, at least not this soon. But for I’d be insane not to for this price.

Not all cashiers will allow you to use two coupons on one item though, but a lot do. their allowed to as long as they ring up (and they will) but their not required to to either. but with any luck you should be able to walk out with all 3 of these blu rays for 6 bucks come tuesday.

Edit: it worked. I got princesss and the frog for 2 bucks, so assuming everything goes okay come Tuesday I’ll only have to pay 4 bucks for both Toy Stories.

Wow. That’s the best deal ever.

EDIT- There’s no need to quote the entire post when it’s directly before your own post, thanks!


For every one who lives in Canada on the Disney Movie rewards website with the coupons Like kyle said BUT. . . TRU has a deal that is buy one get one half off plus the coupons Toy Story would be $16.10 and Toy Story 2 would be $6.94 so. . . $23.04 all together!

i wish i could get them… but i need a blu-ray player first.

They come with the DVD versions.

Your right, you wont get all the extras, probably just the commentary and a few other things. but you’ll have the movie to tide you over until you can dive into the blu rays.

I stopped by Toys R Us tonight to try this out. All the coupons/promos stacked together and worked. The only thing is that the $10 for reserving TS1 and TS2 is supposed to be a deposit, not a discount.

*Reserve TS1 and TS2 = $10
*Purchase PATF Blu Ray $30 - $15 off TRU promo for reserving - $10 off coupon - $5 off coupon = “FREE” (just had to pay $1.69 for sales tax)

*Pick up TS1 and TS2 $33.98 - $10 deposit - $10 off TS1 coupon - $10 off TS2 coupon = $3.98


TOTAL $13.98 (plus taxes) for PATF, TS1, and TS2 Blu Ray!

I wonder if you would have tried to use the 5 dollar ones as well if it would work. that would take 10 more dollars off.

Kyle: The coupons say that only one can be used per item, so they wouldn’t work.

As I mentioned, I as well as many others were able to use 2 coupons for princess and the frog. It does work, despite the fine print. Your only road block would be if the cashier decided not to scan them. As a general rule, if they ring up its cool with them.

I’m having my mom doing the pick up for me, so I’ll update you guys when I find out what the total was.

Edit: okay, looks like the total for me was $5.97. (and no tax in Delaware). didn’t use or need the 5.00 coupons for the toy stories.

Now I have to wait for her to get home, as well as my blu ray player which should be here any minute now. (my ps3 is no more)

Kyle: Oh, OK. I only used the $10 coupons.

When my mom went to get them, there was apparently a huge ordeal that the coupons were probably fake, although I don’t see why they couldn’t have just scanned them in the first place. However, (this is extremely nitpicky), she accidentally got the DVD case version of the TS2 Bluray instead. Is there a reason to release both case versions? I’m going back to the store to swap them now, though. Pretty excited for the new extras.

Yeah, sometimes you get stupid people. there’s no reason they couldn’t have tried it. a fake coupon wouldn’t even ring up.

as for the packaging, they are virtually identical on the inside. the different packaging was done to appeal to those who have yet to make the transition. it kinda tricks them into getting the blu ray whether they want it or not.

I made sure when I pre ordered that they scanned the blu ray packaging, so hopefully the same thing didn’t happen to me. I wont know for a few more hours when I have them in my hands. if it turns out its the dvd packaging, I think I’ll just stick with it. too much of a hassle going back and I’m getting impatient.

Edit: okay, I have them now. they gave her the blu-ray packaging of the Toy Story, but the DVD one of the TS2. ughh. its going be weird having all but one be the same size. I I think I might hold off and exchange it some other day this week. I at least have the first toy story and princess and the frog to hold me over.