Toy Story fan commentary - 10.20.2008

That’s the time that we’ll log on.

I thought that was the time we were going to start because of Netbug… Well, regardless, I’ll be online before then so if you want to start it earlier we can do that (so we have time to chat beforehand and sort any issues out, for example.)

  • will we still be having the break in the middle of the movie? I think we should still have the break because, well, I drink a lot of water. :wink:

  • who is going to introduce the commentary? Usually in the practices someone just goes ahead and does it, but does anyone in particular want to introduce? I was thinking we could say something like “Hello and welcome to the Pixar Planet Fan Commentary Group’s commentary for Toy Story. You can find information about us or give feedback by going to Pixar Planet Forums. My name is [your name].” Then everyone else introduces themselves. Then perhaps a different delegated person could give a little bit of info on the film like the year it was released etc. Then we just go into a normal conversation. How does this sound?

  • during the commentary, would people prefer to be called by their screen-name or their real name? I am going to introduce myself as “Rachel aka rachelcakes1985”, but if you need to say my name during the commentary, I’d prefer Rachel. How about you guys?

You can think about these and we can discuss these points beforehand on a voice chat over Skype, or you can respond here. Looking forward to tomorrow! =)

Netbug actually can’t do the commentary tomorrow, so JesusFreak will take her place.

I think we should have a break in the middle of the movie too.

Here’s something new: I think we should start recording before we all click play to start the video. This way we can put instructions at the beginning of the mp3 file on how to synchronize the video with the commentary. We can do the introductions before giving the synchronization instructions. Since I’ll be doing the countdown, I guess I should introduce myself as well (probably last, so I can give the synchronization instructions immediately afterwards), even though I’m not going to be commentating.

Maybe we should give the URL of the forums at the end of the commentary. It seems like a more appropriate place for that information.

All of those ideas sound good to me. =)

put the mike up to the speaker if possible, then go here is yur sound, or evebn give the time like (00:04) and then play.

I’m interested in watching this. How is it going to work? Are you going to broadcast it live on some streaming site or something?

WALL·E - I can mix in the sound, but I don’t think we’re allowed to use it without permission from Pixar. Giving the time may not work for all viewers, because there’s a black screen before the movie starts, the duration of which is sometimes variable depending on which format you’re watching. I’d like to instruct the viewer to pause the video when the first spark of the magic dust appears in the Disney logo. They’ll start the video at that point when I say “play.”

Bryko614 - We’ll be releasing the commentary as an mp3 file. You’ll be able to download it and synchronize it with your copy of Toy Story.

I see. Thanks a million. :smiley:

the preparation bit was lol.

We’re halfway through now! It’s going relatively smoothly, despite some technical issues at the start, but people have plenty to say and it’s all feeling pretty relaxed now.

Well, we finished recording for Toy Story. I thought it went pretty well. We had a relaxed but informative conversation going on, but I can hardly remember what mostly everyone said, and what I said. Probably due to nerves. A few technical difficulties, but we handled them ok. I can’t wait to hear the end result! Yay for participating in and recording the very first Pixar Planet fan commentary! Well done, everyone. =D

I thought the commentary was done really well. I can’t wait for the finished product. I had so much fun doing it.

Part 1 can be downloaded here. I’ll be going to sleep soon, so part 2 will be available sometime in the next 24 hours. Have fun listening. =)

'specially the beginning where i gave everyone a shock. It was me who was creating the echo aswell. I can of monitor cleaner fall into some money and off the desk.

:smiley: :smiley:

Thanks for uploading the first part, Peter. I’ll listen to it later, when I have a bit more time to spare.

Yeah, I think it went pretty well, especially as it’s the first feature-length commentary that we’ve done. I was worried that we might kind of burn out nearer to the end, but I think we maintained momentum pretty well throughout.

On a side-note, does anyone else think it would be a good idea to have a Fan Commentary section in this bit of the boards, like we do for Fan Art and Fan Fiction and that sort of thing? It might make the threads more accessible, but just a suggestion.

lizardgirl - Rachel and I as well were considering requesting a sub-forum for fan commentaries. I thought that once I’ve uploaded our first feature would be a good time to request one. I’ll get back to editing part 2, then I’ll make a topic in the Pixar Planet sub-forum about a fan commentaries sub-forum.

Edit: Here’s part 2.

Yep, lizardgirl. The fan commentary medium needs its own sub-forum, I agree. And maybe in that sub-forum the thread where you can download all of the commentaries can be stickied up the top. And we could also have a usergroup icon for anyone who’s participated in a commentary. Imagine the possibilities!

Wow. Less than 24 hrs - that was fast. Thanks Peter! Downloading them both now. Full review later!

What an enjoyable commentary. Give yourselves a pat on the back, everyone. =)

It had a good mix of trivia and factual information, and then relaxed tangential moments. I liked how we played off of each other and asked questions and continued on with our points, rather than simply stating something and moving on. So, it sounded very natural and flowed well. It’s funny how everyone was a bit shy at the beginning of the commentary, but by the end, we were all chatting away. It seemed we all got a fair amount of time to talk, too. If I interrupted too many times - sorry! You guys were really gracious in letting me go ahead with speaking.

I really enjoyed recording this with you all - it was such a great experience, and very fun. I hope I get to do commentaries with you guys again, and I’m also looking forward to commentating with other different members, too! Thanks for recording, editing and uploading this, Peter. Not to mention organising it. It turned out great. =)

If anyone who didn’t participate in this commentary wanted to give feedback/constructive criticism, feel free to do so. But don’t be too harsh, we’re just fans here. :wink:

Hooray for completing our very first feature commentary. We did it!

Um… so do any of my four fellow Toy Story commentators have any feedback on the end result of the commentary? How did you all think it went and turned out? What were your favourite moments of the commentary (during the recording or before)? Come on, let’s show some enthusiasm for the first completed fan commentary here, right guys? We all used to give each other detailed feedback, remember?

Furthermore, does anyone who didn’t participate in this commentary have any constructive criticism to give or any comments?

Maybe a feature length commentary is too long for people to take the time out to listen to it and give feedback, I don’t know. Or maybe everyone is busy right now. I’ll be happy to elaborate on my feedback, depending on the response to this post, if you guys want.

:question: :question: :question:

Personally, I thought that everyone who participated did a marvelous job with the commentary. There was a good balance of fact and fun. Everyone had their turn talking and all had strong points.

There were some really funny moments, and for those of you who participated, we did a great job coming back after we were all cut off.