Thanks for compiling the available times and the selection criteria suggestions, qxgnxamy. Unfortunately I’m not free till after my final assessment on 29th October, so anytime after that is the only time I’ll be available.
As for the commentaries I’m interested in, I have discussed with Peter, but for the rest of you here are my top five in order of preference:
- Cars
- Wall-E
- Ratatouille
- Finding Nemo
- The Incredibles
The rest I have either watched once, too long ago, or not really interested. Of course, this order may change once I ‘rediscover’ my childhood classics, but as of now, this is my current standing.
I like the ranking idea better as it sounds easier to understand and execute. For the auction, you’ll have to consider many factors. I’ll give an example:
Say for a full year, we’ll do one feature film commentary per month, and as Pixar has 9 films altogether, that gives us extra months in case of scheduling conflicts or to do practice short film commentaries. So a full annual cycle comprises all nine Pixar films. If people join in the middle of the ‘cycle’ for some reason, since they would be given the same amount of credits as those of us who have started from the very beginning, they would have more credits to ‘play’ with and hence gain an unfair advantage over other people auctioning for the same film. Even if they weren’t, how would you decide how much credits to give them? After all, there’s no ‘limit’ on how much you can bet on one film and the remainder that you don’t use is kept for future films down the cycle. I may spend 75% of my credits on the first three films, while you may keep 50% for the second, fifth, and last film, and a third person may blow all his/her credits on the sixth film, so how do you ensure that latecomers have the same playing field as all the early adopters’ various ‘strategies’ at that particular moment in the cycle?
For that, we would have to ensure that everyone who ever wants to participate in a commentary must enter straight from the start of the annual cycle so that everyone gets the same amount of credits from the very beginning, instead of latecomers popping in and we having to decide how much credits we’ll have to exactly give them.
The ranking system eliminates the need for a necessary decision at the start of every year, and new forum members can enter anytime without having to consider the amount of credits they get to be fair.
If I sound longwinded or if anyone’s confused, I apologise and please lemme know which part you don’t understand.