Toy Story Replicas (No trading-related posts please)

I would need to check with my parents, when they come in stock!

Thank you so much!

Just throwing this out there…

I have a friend in the UK who is going to ship me those 3…however, just wanted to point out…they are about $32 each in american currency. I’ve shipped to several people abroad and shipping is not cheap. I could in theory get these toys for people, but shipping, cost and VAT alone would make each piece a MINIMUM of $50 each, I would actually guess they are going to cost me about $60 each, plus the shipping from my house to your house…three items is about $15-20 shipping there…so It would prolly be at minimun $55-60 each, with it prolly be closer to $70…they are totally screwing US collectors.

Great! and I have an excuse to travel to London again.

Can we try and to get this back on topic? This Thread was intended for custom or found toys/props based on the movie. While Thinkway does make replicas, we already have a thread dedicated to them. there’s a lot of dual posting now and it just makes it increasingly difficult to keep track of conversations. Its pretty straight forward, TSC (unmodified usually) goes in the TSC thread, everything else, generally goes here, so long as it attempts to replicate something from the movies (ie we don’t really want buzz lightyear potatoheads).

Just wanted to give a MAJOR SHOUT OUT to WALT7

I had previously sent him a package of US items and he is from New Zealand. He helped me obtain a MEDICOM ROCKY AND JANIE for only $135 american plus shipping, and got them to me as cheaply as possible. They were for sale on a site that only new zealand residents could join!

Thank you so much Walt, a fellow honest and trust worthy collector!

I shall move to the other thread!

Sorry Kyle. But who CARES! Just leave this thread alone! It is possible to talk about the same thing in 2 threads. So Kyle, Stop it. This is the only thread i read. And that the discussion of these toys is part of this thread cause there replicas. Sorry Kyle but, STOP IT! Trying to make this as nieces as i can.

P.S It is on TOPIC!

Medicom Rocky VS Weight Lifting Rocky:

Thanks again Walt!!!

Medicom Rocky Looks the best! Medicom Rocky WINS!

I knew it would be better…but this one is WAY better

Its not. Read the original post again. Not to re open that can of worms, but regardless of people’s opinion on Tyler, he clearly wrote out what this topic was intended for. He cared, I care, and Im sure other people care.

But now Im getting off topic, so Im dropping it.

It might be off topic…but TSC are technically replicas, its not like they are talking about Cars 2, or their favorite scene. It wouldn’t hurt to lighten up on occasion…and say something when the thread gets out of control

Guys, i’m from the U.K and I have just pre-ordered Dolly, Buttercup and Mr. Pricklepants from Amazon. I will post on here as soon as they are released and again when they arive! :smiley:

P.S @Slink, would you sell me a shark?


No probs!

Absolutely, whenever I get around to painting them, send me a PM

No no i mean un-painted, i’d like to have a bash at it myself? If you dont mind that is, yours looks soo good and I just think it would be fun to have a go. I feel kinda lucky living in the U.K now, I used to hate it when it came to collecting, America always gets much better stuff than us guys here in England. Do you know how hard it was for me to get a hold of the TSC Rex, Aliens, R.C and the Disney Store Hamm! Think of it this way, it’s what i did “The fun of being a collector is in the hunt!” Gave me something to look forward to as apose to having every item I wanted a car drive away. But I will help in any way I can. :unamused:

ohhhhh…i guess that’s fine, send me a PM

My mom does not want me to buy the “Lotso garbage truck” because of that and it is also boyish.

Anyway, I love the new collection but it’s sad it was released in the UK only. My sister wants Buttercup and I want Dolly.