Toy Story Replicas (No trading-related posts please)

Yeah I know lol

Does anyone, I suppose Emma, know how tall Bo Peep is? I’m thinking about replacing my thinkway bo and I need to know this. If you know how tall the sheep are as well that would help a bunch!!

Thanks :slight_smile:

Which Bo Peep? The only two I know are made by Thinkway and Mattel.

Well the bo peeps have a regular barbie size, means she is around 12" tall. But in the movie she’s meant to be 14.5 inch I think , almost as tall as woody so that would means that the sheep are meant to be 6" tall :slight_smile:.
Well this is how I made bo peep x)

Thanks Emma!!

seeing that my collection of Toy Story is rapidly coming to a close (half sad, half relieved!!!) I am now sorta looking at background props, i.e: star ball, alpahbet blocks. But one major thing that’s a problem is the Playskool monitor. Because I very much doubt I will get authentic ones, because I’m really not looking forward to paying expensive prices on eBay!! So instead I thought of just using another monitor and paint it but I can’t find one that is even close to the playskool monitors mold . . . :~o

didn’t find any playskool one :frowning:, but i found this xD … a_includes[0]=tags&ga_search_query=baby+monitor&ga_vintage_rewrite=vintage+baby+monitor&ga_original_query=2&ga_search_type=vintage&ga_facet=vintagebaby+monitor&ga_view_type=gallery

XD It’s the same shape of the baby monitor from playskool xD! found it cute x)

It seems as though Epoch created different boxes for Stinky Pete this one was sold in Disney Japan apparently. Anyone on this site actually own him?

Stinky pete the prospector by jobber99, on Flickr

I thought this went without saying, but I sell replicas on here for cheaper prices (or at cost) because you are true collectors. Any attempt to resell them on eBay behind my back, like this individual from the message board, will never get replicas from me again … 6rk%3D1%26

its one thing if this was someone who purchased from me on eBay, they can resell whatever they want. But I sell to fellow collectors at a discount. Not even profiting from the clowns on here…seems wrong to think you should.

Thats the same pete wampar has, except he made a custom box for his to get an accuaret box. I think he had that version of the box anyway

How do you make a box? I want to make one for my Stinky Pete. :slight_smile:

Pets box is big! And even though I’ve never attempted at making the box, because I do not own that amazingg Epoch doll that I MUST HAVE RIGHT NOW!!! :open_mouth: This gives the right dimension of old Petes box. Lostdude108 posted this along time ago in this forum hopefully this should give you a rough idea of dimensions:

If I were to have a go at making this, I would print A3 on photo paper. Then cut and glue to a cardboard box of the same size, or to the box that the Epoch stinky Pete actually comes in. Another way that I could think of is printing out the design on a3 photo paper and because photo paper is strong card, cut and stick the pieces of photo paper together to create a box (However I would only suggest this way if your going to have the box sitting on a shelf to resist damaging it.) :wink:

Also, if you dont mind me asking, what Stinky Pete do you have in your collection?

Wow thanks! I have the beanie one lol not as impressive but it will do for now. :slight_smile:

It’s a real shame that the Young Epoch Stinky Pete is so expensive! And I really do not think that we’re going to get another doll that is accurate, I really wish that we do, but I can’t see it hapening because the last time we saw Pete in a Toy Story feature film is in 1999, since then we’ve seen new Toy Story characters which are doing well on the makert and I don’t think Disney or other Toy company’s would make a Pete doll because he just won’t sell well. And now that Thinkway has stopped their line now, the chances of us getting an accurate stinky Pete is very slim. :cry:

Although, I think I’m going to have a shot at making him, I know a fantastic person who’s great with stitching and Ive thought of a way to create the head, hand and feet sculpt (fingers crossed he’ll turn out well!)

Slink, name and shame them. I saw in the description it says they had a small order. From the sounds of it they r saying they made it. :angry:

They just copied and pasted exactly what I wrote. That’s possibly the most irritating thing about it.

I know, it’s well out of order. I saw it a few days ago and was mad for u. Come on name and shame :smiley:

I think it might be Emma…?
The item posts from France, and the user is also selling some Ken clothes.

I’m thinking the same thing

oh dear :frowning: