Toy Story Replicas (No trading-related posts please)

I liked it. What about u Emma?

Someone bought Prospector, hopefully from this site.

yes he is on this site…no its not me :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey there.

hi :smiley:

wow, oh well

Sorry Slink :frowning:

who was the buyer?

dont really know his account name but i know he is a member

Who gave you that information? :question:

he is a friend

You don’t know your friends account name? :confused: Anyhow welcome to Pixar Planet!

lol, thanx

Anyone interested in a Toy Story on Ice Lenny brand new with tags?

Disney on Ice Lenny by ToyStoryFan1, on Flickr

Hey Slink any word yet on the Zurg ?

Nope source was wrong…were prolly looking at a fall release…septemeber earliest

Welcome to Pixar Planet jooojoo93! Cant blieve someone bought that Prospector. They must have a pretty big place n their heart for collection Toy Story items.

^^ Speaking of Zurg, does anyone know if this particular Zurg will have electronics?

Also, thanks for the info on Flickr toystcory21! :wink:

It’s borderline depressing that someone bought it, if it ever appears again, it will NEVER be any cheaper

Yeah I loved it too xD! Mini buzz is funny x)! I’ll have some surprise for you soon xD

I know right .________________.