Toy Story Replicas (No trading-related posts please)

yeah none of the toys are really at the exact size in toy story. Still, I’m not planning to make all of the small fry toys, and as Buzz seems to be the major character of the short, I’ll just keep zurg next to the sunnyside toys and get the big one for my first shelf xD.
And I agree with you Wampar, It’s more possible that fast food toys goes for 3" and not 6". Still, this buzz is 5.5" tall during the all short (i’ve compared to jessie and woodie too)… So I don’t really know ^^

Am not sure if to get the small figures, if i did i prob only get small buzz and zurg

with the 7 small fry toys i have got made they are all about 3-5 inches tall but not queen neptuna she is a bit bigger and the buzz and zurg i am using so far is the buddy pack versions of them i will post some pics here very soon waiting on my trixie to be finished (=

What’s currently the most movie-accurate Trixie available?

This one I think ^^ > … allpartial

^Thanks, not movie-size but I guess it’d look okay.

Hi people, here is the start to my sids mutant toys ducky, here is the head for the pez and the pez next to it, I used a normal pez and now have just sculpted a clay head for it, then I will buy the baby torso and whatever else is required to make the rest. Plz give me feedback on it.

You forgot to upload a picture. :slight_smile:

Im not even sure where to display small fry buzz(and zurg when i eventually get him). I have one unused shelf so Ive been thinking of just using it as a toy story toon shelf.Eventually get he hawaiian vacation Ken and Barbie, little zurg, and something from partysaurus rex

Yeah lol I put it on but file size was too big, its on now :smiley:

It could just be me remembering wrong, but it seems a bit too square on the corners. It migh look a bit more accurate if they were more rounded. But overall, I think it looks good so far

Thanks :slight_smile: I tell you now actually lol it is harder than it looked lol, the ducky head is more rounded yes and the top is ment to be slanted, I just went by wampar’s version which I thought was very good. The pez was fairly easy to custom, I could of kept it as a pez but it would of been pretty hard, it was a hello kitty pez I think lol, it was pink, so I took the head off then sawed the plastic off that was remaining then sprayed it red. Now I just need to sand the ducky head to curve and round it off more and then paint it, and it will be done (well the pez side of it then I will have to get the baby torso, spring thing, and plunger, and base lol.
Thanks for the advice, Eliobeno :smiley: :slight_smile:

If you painted the pez, you should spray it with some kind of paint sealer to keep the red from chipping off :slight_smile:

So i went to my local ToysRUs and Wal*Mart. And i saw the Buzz lightyear Power Blaster. He is made by Thinkway. Whats the weirdest thing about this is, it seems like that Zurg toy we seen, will be part of a set with this Buzz. Know i can’t confirm that, but i pushed the buttons on Buzz and almost every thing he said had Zurg in it. Like i will blast you Zurg and The Evil Zurg, know these are not what hes says but you get the idea. So for me hands down that the Zurg we see is from Thinkway, i could be wrong but what Buzz says and we’ve seen them on the show floor at the same time plus the confusion of the person that works there said it was Thinkway… So i think we will see this Zurg hit store shelf’s very soon and if Zurg is part of a set with Buzz, approx he will cost $45.

Kind of a weird thing to base tha theory on but hopefully that turns out to be the case. I wish more info would turn up on him, they’ve been silent since his was quitely revealed.

Anyway, know this has been brought up ebfore, but whats the most accurate (parent) Luxo lamp to date? parent as in the red one in the toy story movies, not Jr.

Fakebrittishaccent made a pretty cool looking one, but its still a far cry from screen accurate.

I figure theres got to be a way to make your own if you can’t find one stock.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the lamp it was based on in the first place. … 2a217cdb40

Mainly it just needs a different rounded base.
The head would still not be quite right either, but it would be a start.

Seeings how the buzz is thinkway…I tend to also lean toward this. The new rex is easily explainable…the new short… But why would disney release just a zurg and a rex? Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense?

Of course nothing the disney store or thinkway has ever made sense to me, and thinkway customer service are known liars. And if Buzz and Zurg were a set, why not the same release date?

I wish they’d just release it so we’d know whats going on

Many reasons why Zurg is not out yet. A lot of Toy companies do this, for what reason i do not know. Going to guess its something about sells and crap. But really did the TSC wave 1 have all the same release dates. We see Mattel doing this a lot with there smaller Toy Story toys. Plus Thinkway has a lot of other toy brands there working on. My hands are still down that Zurg is Thinkway… But if i’m wrong, i’m wrong. hahaha

Regardless of who makes him, we now have zero reason to believe he is a disney store exclusive. Several TS items fropm the same show as zurg have popped up in various stores so whose to say where zurg will show up?

Be great if it’s a toy story collection Zurg

well considering zurg is known to be out by Christmas, Im pretty sure they would have shown more of the wave by now.