Toy Story Replicas (No trading-related posts please)

Sure she ended up 9" tall and roughly 17" long. :slight_smile:

Awesome stuff wampar. Wonder if this stuff could be used to enlarge one of the more accurate smaller slinking dog sculpts out there. I think thereā€™s key chains that look pretty spot on.

Howdy gang. I finally finished a project that took me nearly nine months to complete, and that has roots that date back all the way to the very beginning of this thread. A few years ago, before everything went South with Tyler, he told me about a casting substance called hydrospan. Essentially make a silicone mold of what you want to copy, make a casting of the object with hydrospan, then drop it in a tub of water for what was supposed to be two weeks. The hydrospan absorbs the water and grows. It is essentially a 3D enlarger. You then make another mold from the hydrospan before it starts to dry out, and you make a final cast with a more permanent substance. It took me a few years to finally be brave enough to take on such a huge undertaking, and it ended up taking many months, and many more dollars than I initially thought it would takeā€¦but I was finally able to complete the project, and I am very happy with the results. I wouldnā€™t do it again, but I am glad I did it once. :slight_smile:

Hey did you every think about possibly doing the mutant toys preferably Babyface because I know that head sculpt doesnā€™t exist in an actually size and as for the metal parts those could be made using an erector set I know this project was tough but its just a suggestion. :slight_smile:

what 3d program are you running because I myself am creating some 3d models of toystory characters

Wampar already made the mutant toys :slight_smile:

So, who here has experience with different sculpting materials? This isnā€™t necessarily Toy Story related, although it could be at some point. Iā€™d like to get my feet wet with it at least. I probably wont do this any time soon for money reasons, but sometime within the next year hopefully Iā€™d like to see if Iā€™d have any sculpting ability. Thereā€™s so much I donā€™t have a clue about though. What Iā€™d like to have is a clay that I can step away from for long periods of time and come back to it. Eventually I want to work up to doing resin casts.

Sculpting just takes practice and patienceā€¦and excellent for custom toys :slight_smile:


Hi I have started a petition if any of you would like Thinkway or Disney Living to take up the challenge of creating Stinky Pete please sign. He is an awesome character who is missing in many of our collections. ā€¦ -toy-story

Iā€™ve worked with many clays. As far as I know, all will dry out and become unusable over time if not tended to. What you can do is spray it down with a squirt bottle every few days, wrap it in plastic wrap, and store it in a dark cool environment.

Does unusable really mean unusable, or could I just crumble it up, add water and Im good to go again? It would suck to loose a work in progress but at least I donā€™t have to buy more clay that way once it dries out.

The clay can last for a while . Keep it well covered when not in use and as said on this thread spray it down before covering it


Well if its hardened, its not necessarily unusable and can be softened using water(although if the sculpture is solid, it can still be very brittle because the water wont always soak the entire piece) but it can also dry to the point where it wont work very well.

[b]Look what SpiritMama has created!

For more info visit the FB collectors group.


Those customs are truly amazing Wampar, Iā€™m always impressed to see your new works posted here.

Hey, WoodBuzz, what happened to the Potato Head eyes that were on your Shapeways page? They seem to have disappeared. :frowning:

I remind u that if u need help with finding items just send me a massage :exclamation:

Does anyone know what stores sell the Bonnie doll? Its about 15 inches tall. Please PM me.

Its a european disney store exclusive item

Does anyone know how I can get one? wink wink PM me

Lookin a bit cross eyed there, ha.

I think that was intentional. It makes her look more adorable