Toy Story Replicas Take 2

Hello all,
As my “andys toys” collection grows, I realize that my Sunnyside collection is not going anywhere anytime soon. Which made me think, if I need the money for more of andys toys why not sell the Sunnyside set? This set would include Lotso, his dumptruck, his cane, sparks, chunk, twitch and the monkey(all with their boxes). If anyone might be interested in buying this set, please let me know, and also let me know if you think if I do sell them, if I should sell them as a set or separately?



^If you want to make the highest profit, sell them individually (or at least the monkey individually, he’s worth a good $70ish).

Check this out: … 5903wt_928


Sorry for the long post but here is some more useless information from our friend at thinkway, Jenny Sze

Thinkway toys,

I’m sure you’ve gotten many emails about toy story collection wave 3 but it
seems as though you keep on pushing back the release date, I’m starting to
wonder is this wave even going to happen? Could you give me a confirmation
or any other details about the wave? I’ve spoken to others about your
replies you give, how you don’t have a clear set of what toys you want in
this wave or any other details; but I’m asking you, because I know you have
at least one toy you know will be in wave 3, could I please have some

And also did thinkway display the new toys in the wave at the London toy
fair? Because there is a rumor that these toys will be included in the next



Dear Andy,

Thank you for your interest in our Toy Story toys. A part of our new
release, Hawaiian Vacation Talking Figures of Buzz Lightyear, Woody and
Jessie are already launched in North America and up on our website,

There will also be new talking figures of Power Up Buzz, Lots O’Laugh Woody
and Sing & Yodel Jessie to be launched in August in North America and will
soon be up on our website. These items were not shown at the London Toy
Fair as they are restricted to the North American market.


Jenny Sze
Customer Service
Tel: 905-470-8883 Ext. 248
Toll Free : 1-800-535-5754

Yes that is very useless info isnt it!

Well yeah, because we are looking for the collection wave :slight_smile:
But still an info, it means they are productig new toys until the new wave :slight_smile:

Three re-hashes, again? Anybody else think that they’re just stalling releasing wave 3 by bringing out these new almost-useless sets?

Bummer. Maybe there will be no more “Collection” figures. It seems off that Thinkway would announce/confirm another three “variants” (on top of the Hawaiian Vacation variants), but not mention anything about a third wave of “Collection” figures if they were still planned for release.

The next Toy Story Toon needs to solely focus on Trixie the Triceratops, Evil Emperor Zurg and Stinky Pete the Prospector to increase the chances of seeing those characters made into screen accurate figures!

I assume this is one of the ‘intermediate’ wave. Havent found anything on Woody and Jessie

They have already confirmed wave 3, and that they already have at least some of the characters confirmed, they just “arent ready to market” them. Whatever that means, if they intend to release by christmas, i assume news has to be soon.

However for those of you hoping for Zurg and Stinky Pete, I wouldn’t get my hopes up. I have a feeling, if they arent in the short, they wont be in the wave. Same thing goes for the “TSC Twitch” and Big Baby, or characters like Stretch or Bo. I have a strong feeling, and maybes its wrong, that chuckles (who appears in the shorts) is much more likely than Stinky Pete or Zurg. Which kinda sux, as personally I’d want a Pete, Zurg, Trixie, Mrs P, and Chuckles first. I’d also like a stretch and changed my mind about big baby. I honestly think that if they released pretty much any character, it would sell well enough. And the more the merrier. But I really feel like “bonnie’s toys” and a small chance of Mrs. P will dominate the wave.

They will probably make mrs potato head no ? She’s so important!

By the way :slight_smile:
I’m done with the Bookworm ! I have to add the torch in :slight_smile: Tell me what do you think about it!
As soon I put the torch in I’ll take a picture of the Gang, with my STRETCH GLASS :slight_smile:

Very nice (as always)…I wish I had thought of using a metal hoop to make the flashlight removable. Great idea. Can’t wait to see Stretch. :slight_smile:

Thanks Wampar, it means a lot from you :slight_smile: ! Yeah the loop is the best way to hold the torch i think :slight_smile: and because of the shape of a typical torch, the loop won’t be noticeable :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah You won’t be disappointed by Stretch, I think she turned out really well, There are the suction cups missing only :slight_smile: But it will be truely cool I think :slight_smile: I really like how the glass represented perfectly the sticky aspect of Stretch ! <3
Maybe I could show you how it looks so far ?

Could you possibly make another set of the dresses? I would love to own my very own!

PS I would pay you much :slight_smile:

BRILLIANT Emma as always my friend!
Pete should be complete by Monday. I made his hat today! :stuck_out_tongue:

Well the thing is I asked to someoneelse to make me them and I don’t really know if I’ll be able to remake them by myself + I don’t have the machine :angry: !

Thanks ! RoundupGang :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok ok, here my stretch !!! I have to make the mouth darker and add suction cups :slight_smile: !!! I will post a better pic really soon with the other toys too :slight_smile:, I know that the legs are not long enough, but remember it’s glass, and it was quite difficult to make them, otherwise it wouldnt stand properly :slight_smile: ! so here it is!!

Wow Emma your Stretch looks great! Also are you gonna put suction cups on Stretch?

I really need to know how to post piictures on here without it destroying this forum?
Any help?

Thanks !
Of course, I mentionned it :slight_smile:

Go on :
Browse a picture, upload it, clik on the frame with your picture on and do right clik “show picture” and then you copy paste the link here, you select all of the link and you click on the “Img” tab that appear when you post a reply, hope i’m clear :slight_smile:

Here a picture to show you : (browser’s french,but should be ok to get it)

Glass? Wow Emma, impressive.