Triangolo D'Amore

Good job. I think you did the scene between Sally and the Nurse very well. I’m looking forward to see what happens next.

Thanks! I’ll keep working away to bring you more chapters! :smiley:

Thanks for update soon! great job as always :smiley: really? do you like the idea making a romance between Lightning and Holley? It would be interesting to read something about them and see what Sally would do in front of that situation. :laughing:
and about the chapter it leaves so much suspense that you wanna know right now what’s coming next but it’s ok to keep that misterious stuff between every chapter :smiley: I’ll be waiting the next chapter so keep it up! :slight_smile:

Ohmygosh, Mini Cooper!!! :3 <3 I love Minis and I love you just for thinking of me like that. :mrgreen:

I think you did a pretty good job with the whole car anatomy thing and describing Lightning’s appearance and injuries. I also liked the conversation between the Sally and the nurse too. I think it’s clear whose on the other side of the phone and I’m excited to see how that conversation turns out. Nice chapter! :smiley:

Yay! I’m thrilled that you enjoyed me putting that in there for you. :smiley: And thanks for your feedback! Good to know. :slight_smile: Yup, I’ll try to get the next chapter out in the next few days!!

Well, I wasn’t able to get the chapter out quick like I had hoped. :cry: My apologies again. I’m hoping to have more writing time once summer rolls around and school is done. But, here’s the next chapter for you!

Chapter Nineteen – “Sussurra” (Whispers)

Sally stared hesitantly at the public phone. The hallway was dead silent and she didn’t feel like breaking that peace. The exhaustion was really weighing down on her now, she just wanted to close her eyes and be still. However, she’d already come this far, might as well take the call.

She reached for the button to line three and spoke politely, “Hello?”

The reply came sharply, “Sally? Is it-a you?”

“Yes, Francesco, it’s me,” she confirmed.

“Francesco was-a unsure that you would-a be here. There was-a no other way to get-a hold of you!” he gushed over the telephone with a sense of accomplishment that he had tracked her down.

“Look, it’s really late here. Could you just tell me what you’re calling for?” she said while she watched McQueen be rolled out of his room in the distance.

“Could you-a accept an apology from-a Francesco? He really would-a like to-.”

“I’m sorry; I just don’t have time for this. There were so many things that happened, it wasn’t just you. I…,” she tried to remember all the things that had led them to this point. Somehow she couldn’t put it into words. She was at the hospital, McQueen had survived a terrible accident, and there was nothing more important at the moment.

Francesco ended the pause in their conversation by asking her, “Please, tell-a me if he is-a OK.”

“He’s going into surgery now. I think he’ll be alright, don’t worry,” she told him. She could visualize him nodding with sympathy on the other end.

“Well, you-a take care of yourself and-a him too. Ciao.”

Her lips nearly smiled. “I will, thank you, Francesco, goodnight.”

When the phone was hung up she returned to where the crew was still located by Lightning’s room.

“So, now we just wait?” she said as she surveyed their faces.

“Yes,” Sarge responded, “Get some sleep, won’t you?”

She nodded lethargically and squeezed into a spot beside Guido. “Sarge, I’m uh, sorry for how I acted earlier,” she apologized meekly.

Sarge didn’t say anything. He simply gave her a look of forgiveness and let her fall asleep without another word.

It was the sound of whispering that finally woke Sally several hours later. She peeled her windshield open and found that it was only herself, Sarge and Fillmore. Her eyes roamed groggily in search of Guido and Luigi.

“They’re getting brunch from the cafeteria,” Sarge informed her. Sometimes she had to wonder whether the military car ever actually slept at night.

She smacked her lips together and wished for some fuel to wet her own appetite. Then a car emerged from Lightning’s room. It was the nurse, whom she’d mentally begun to refer to as ‘Nurse Cooper’.

“Oh! She’s awake! Perfect,” Cooper grinned in Sally’s direction.

“Is he-?”

“Yes, he’s awake. And you’re in luck; he’s been asking for you all morning,” Nurse Cooper gestured to the door, “Don’t keep him waiting!”

“Oh!” Sally gasped with delight and bolted into the room. She raced to his bedside, wailing out, “Stickers!” as she did.

Lightning’s eyes grew at the sound of his pet name before settling affectionately upon her. He was in much better condition than when she’d last seen him. His decals were removed, but his hood had been replaced and his torn up side was bent into a regular curve. His tires had also been changed and his front half was propped up on a cushy pillow.

“I would kiss you if I could,” he chuckled softly from his spot on the bed.

A brief giggle escaped from her, followed by a sigh of relief.

His eyes motioned to a magazine on a low table across the room. “Go look,” he whispered excitedly.

She glanced towards the table skeptically, but the youthful tone in his voice made her obey without question. As she drove over, she found that the magazine was spread open to an article titled ‘Wedding Rims For Her’. Sally halted at the table’s edge and peered down at a dozen pictures of jeweled rims. She’d never seen a rim more dazzling and eye-drawing than her mother’s engagement rim- but all of these topped it.

She spun around quickly to look at Lightning. He beamed at her like a pride-filled child, a relaxed smile displaying his adoration for her. “Pick whatever you like,” he coaxed, “that is, if you’ll marry me.”

This chapter was kind of short so I'm going to try and get the next one out ASAP. It's mostly written so it shouldn't be too hard. Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this one and will feel compelled tp leave a review! Thanks for reading!  :smiley:

So cute! :smiley: you should make it longer even more in the part when Sally sees Lightning but it’s ok. I hope you’re not going to make us wait 'till next week! :unamused:

I really enjoyed it. I like the way you finished the chapter, I thought that was a great moment. I can’t wait for more.

Thanks guys! It’s nice to know that it had a good ending to the chapter too. And yes, I’m going to try and have the next chapter out soon!

Quick update! Yay! Enjooooy :smiley:

Chapter Twenty – “Confessione” (Confession)

She could hardly process what he had just said. Lightning McQueen had just proposed marriage to her! At last, she’d won this game of romance and courting. She’d made a car feel enough for her that he wanted to indebt his whole life to her. And not just any car- a racer known world-wide and a formerly egocentric jerk.

She thought about how far they had come since that time. Then she reminded herself of how much she had wanted this. But now that she had it, it felt nearly worthless. She didn’t need a studded rim or the prefix of “Mrs.” What she had wanted she’d had all along. Ever since the day Lightning had asked her to go steady it was an unspoken promise of faithfulness, support and happiness. A title didn’t prove that he loved her, everything else did.

She moved back to his bedside and gazed up at him. “I love you,” she said softly, “But you don’t need to do this.”

He brushed off her objection, “I want to do this, Sal. Now, I know this casino where they can wed us tonight if-.”

“Stickers,” she interrupted, “What are you talking about? We’re in Las Vegas, and you’re in a hospital bed-.”

He continued to ramble, “We don’t have to wait. You’ll like it, it’s a nice little place and I think-.”

“Lightning!” she cried out, and he finally gave her his attention. “I said you don’t need to do this for me.”

“But I do!” he protested frantically, “I need to do this! For me.”

She blinked with confusion and waited silently for him to explain.

He closed his eyes for a breath or two. When he opened them again they were misted as he told her, “Baby, don’t you know you take everything?”

She stared at him speechlessly as the impact of his words was scrawled across her memory, never to be forgotten.

He let a few tears slide and confessed, “I’ve let myself lose you twice now, and I can’t believe how long it’s taken me to realize that without you… it’s just like-.” He was fumbling for words. “Look, I always want to come home to you, no matter what. And the only way I can make sure that happens is if I legally make you mine. I should have done it ages ago, but I was blind and I took you for granted. And I want you to know that it was never about money or publicity or anything stupid like that. I’d give you every dollar I have, and then I’d build you a vacation home in Brazil if you wanted!”

She let him catch his breath and smiled through her watery eyes. “I wasn’t thinking straight, Stickers. But I know that I love you, and that I’m not going anywhere, whether we’re married or not.”

She watched him nod and then begin to scoot backwards on his hospital bed. He pushed the pillow onto the floor and reversed as far back as he could. His face tensed painfully from all the movement but it eased away after a moment.

“Come here,” he said and looked down at the empty portion of the bed in front of him.

She batted her eyes bashfully but complied with the demand. She carefully let her front half settle onto the mattress while her back tires remained on the cool tile floor. When she was situated, he met her in the middle and pressed his lips lovingly to hers. The intimacy set butterflies free in her and she instantly succumbed to the kiss. His lips caressed her mouth gently as his tongue danced lightly across hers. He caught her lower lip between his teeth and gently pulled away to gaze into her eyes.

They exchanged a few more kisses before she lowered herself back to the floor. Her entire body felt like it was sparking with electricity. It was feeling that had to be on par with the shivering sensation of their very first kiss.

“Have you had lunch yet?” he asked casually.

“No,” she admitted. She’d forgotten all about it actually.

“Well, go on then. The nurse will be here to check on me soon anyways.”

“OK,” she agreed slowly, “I’ll be back soon.”

“Don’t worry,” he winked, “I’ll still be here.”

Lame ending to this one, but my favourite lines of the whole story are in this one: 

[i]“Baby, don’t you know you take everything?”

She stared at him speechlessly as the impact of his words was scrawled across her memory, never to be forgotten.[/i]

<3 Hehe, I just really love that part. But what I really want to know is YOUR thoughts of course. Thanks for reading as always.  :slight_smile:

awwww! how beautiful <3 , it’s so cute <3 I love it. That kiss is the most beautiful and sweetest kiss ever! What more can I say? Great Job! :slight_smile: Thanks for update as soon as you can, I feel like if I need to read this chapter one more time while the other chapter is coming <3 I wish you can upload it tomorrow but I don’t think so, you have things to do, right? :slight_smile:

Aww! You updated so fast, I missed reviewing the other one! :frowning: :laughing: But yeah, it was great! The ending was so cute, can’t say that I didn’t see it coming but I was still surprised. :wink:

Okay, chapter 20- completely adorable. Make-ups are always the best and it was just so cute! <3 I’m with Destiny too, the kiss was so sweet! And Lightning’s little speech was great, that was my favorite part, I would think. :smiley:

^^^ Love those. <3

The ending was not lame! I thought it was very appropriate and I liked it. :wink:

I enjoyed this chapter. I think you really wrote a great moment between Lightning and Sally.

Thanks everyone! Your comments were wonderful. :mrgreen: As you can probably tell, I’ve most likely just got an epilogue or possibly one more chapter before that. Just have some loose ends to tie up! But yes, unfortunately I haven’t had any writing time yet. I just spent almost 12 hours at school and then I’ll be getting up tomorrow super early for an all day school trip as well. Then I have a dance Friday night. So, I’m going to write whatever final chapters/epilogue on the weekend and then update Monday. At least that’s my plan, just to give you a general idea. :slight_smile:



Thanks so much!! :smiley: Hahaha, yes, that’s what I mean about PG 13. 8D I tend not to write too explicit, more implicit. So, if you think something is suggestive, it was probably meant to be. :laughing: And I’m sorry, I’ve fallen a bit behind on my plan so I’m unsure when the next chapter will be out. I’ll try my best to get it done though!

Finally! Sorry everyone, I’ve been practically living at school due to our school play. But it’s all over now, so here’s the last chapter! :smiley:

“Epilogo” (Epilogue)

“I’m home!” Sally’s voice carried into the house on the hot air of outside.

Lightning emerged giddily from the kitchen and met her at the door with a kiss. “It’s about time. I could use some entertainment.” He grinned cheekily, flashing a glimpse of his enthusiasm.

She laughed lightly, “You could use some entertainment? I’ve been going for hours with work!”

“Try being locked up inside for six weeks,” McQueen countered, “You’d go bored out of your mind if you were me!”

Sally rolled her eyes playfully. “Yes, Stickers. But I was only following doctor’s orders by keeping you prisoner here.”

“Well, those six weeks are up now! Let’s go celebrate. How about racing up to the Wheel Well?” McQueen wiggled his windshield in enticement.

She pretended to contemplate the idea for a minute, then laid her own inviting expression on him. “I’ve got something better in store. Follow me.”

McQueen trailed behind her, out into the dying heat of the day. The sun had sunk below the horizon, but the evening was still muggy with the humidity of the day. He hadn’t really been out of the house in quite some time and he missed the late July heat.

She took him out Willy’s Butte, where the orange of the sky fringed the ridge in a beautiful desert scene. Off to the side of giant landmark, McQueen could make out several figures like a mirage in the distance. He sped up gently to drive by Sally’s side. He looked over at her with curiosity, but she drove on as if the collection of cars was completely normal. He could see the smallest tug of a smile on her lips and he knew it was something of her doing.

When they were close enough, he was able to pick out the familiar faces staring at him. First, he recognized his fellow residents, including Mia. Then he saw The King and his wife, Lynda. Lastly, he noticed Holley beside Mater, and Finn parked nearby.

“What’s all this?” McQueen finally asked when they had joined the smiling group of friends.

Everyone waited silently for Sally to explain. “Well,” she began, “I know we said we weren’t going to make a big deal out of this marriage thing, but I thought you might like if we still had a mock ceremony and reception. Maybe someday we’ll have a real wedding, maybe we won’t, but I didn’t want you to miss out on the experience of it if that’s what you really wanted.”

McQueen gazed happily back at the cars around him. He looked over to Sally with astonishment. She truly was a genius at times. “Yeah,” he agreed faintly, “That would be amazing, Sal.”

Finn separated himself from the group and came forward. “Well, in that case, I’ll be your priest for the event. Shall we begin?”

“And now,” Finn finished up his closing remarks, “witnessed by your closest friends, I pronounce you unlawfully wedded husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

McQueen reversed slightly to look his ‘wife’ directly on. The light of the evening had faded away, yet the sparkle in her eyes remained. He whispered loud enough for only her to hear, “I love you, Sally.”

“I love you, too. Now, are you gonna kiss me, or are you gonna keep these cars waiting?”

He blinked bashfully at her witty response and threw back with a smirk, “Oh, I wasn’t trying to keep them waiting. Just you.”

An amused laugh escaped from her until she abruptly smothered his lips with her own. They held the act for a few seconds before breaking apart to face their adoring crowd. Sally started to lead the way down the partition of bodies as McQueen settled against her side.

The guests were still talking loudly among each other when they reached the end and Sally smiled at their obvious excitement. She felt a certain closing for having arranged the small ceremony and going through with it. It was like they had given each other that sought after commitment without the heavy classification of being married; it was the perfect compromise.

Just then, she felt McQueen lean more into her side. “Do you know what my favourite part about a wedding is?” he asked her in a soft, teasing voice.

She looked over at him dubiously. “What is that?”

His lips curled desirously as he answered, “The honeymoon.”


This story was really difficult to end but hopefully it made sense and was a satisfying finish.  :laughing: For those who are interested, my next work will most likely be a one-shot (I haven't forgotten some of the requests I've gotten!) and/or some additional chapters to my Doc story which I put on hiatus. Then, to take a break from the Sally/McQueen pairing and to refresh myself, I'm going to try to write a sequel to "Dangerous Keepings" which was my Finn/Holley fic. I have the plot but I just need to start putting it into words! Well, thanks to everyone who read and reviewed, it is such a motivational booster and very insightful too. I hope you'll leave a final review on ths one if you like and I will be looking forward to writing for you again in the future!   <img src="//" width="15" height="15" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green"/>

AWWW <3 I love Lightning and Sally. Thank you so much for the story, I really enjoyed everytime you update it you made my day! :laughing: But I gotta say that this chapter was a bit poor for being the last maybe if you had written more about the honeymoon would be interesting to read about it but it’s ok, anyway it’s a great story, one of my favourites I would say :smiley: Thank you again and I’m going to read your new stories because you’re a great writer :smiley: by the way, I hope you don’t forget my idea about a love triangle between Lightning, Holley and Sally :smiley:
