Tron: The uprising begins!

Did anyone knew that the first episode of tron uprising is already on youtube?

It makes the legend of korra look like it was drawed by a 3 year old child ( that my friends is one BIG acomplishment ) the story is very interesting , and unlike tron : legacy the fights here are great! :smiley:

This looks amazing! And it’s good that Disney Channel is finally putting more animated shows on because they are just overrun with all that teeny bopper bullcrap now.

I got to see the first episode recently! It is so amazing! I got into Tron as of last year when I saw Tron Legacy (I have yet to see the original) and I am totally geeking out about it! I love the animation, storylines, character design, and all the wonderful things that Tron is! I’m pretty bummed out that my cable lineup doesn’t include Disney XD. But I will go to great lengths to continue watching this exciting saga! Disney’s shows are so good

You should see the original, its an awesome movie! :smiley: .

Now, about following the episodes of tron :uprising, you dont need to have disney XD, you can watch the episodes in the official page or you can watch them on youtube , here are episodes 2 and 3

The renegade part 1: 

The renegade part 2: 

The only problem is that disney will take the episodes down faster that you can say “copyright”

Oh, thank you lord_zedd! I watched The Renegade part one on Disney XD’s website yesterday, and for some reason part two wasn’t loading, so I was left on a cliffhanger! I will watch it before the day is over! :mrgreen:

You are welcome! :slight_smile: , so did you watch it already? if so what did you thought of it?

I just watched it yesterday, as I’d planned. I really enjoyed the two-parter! I’m still often surprised that the good guys manage to come out of these things alive! I also liked that they set up this sidestory about Zed and Mara
 Tron is such an awesome series with such awesome action and suspense and stuff that I often forget about the “human”/emotional side of it. Overall, I’ve been loving it even more now!

Yes, Im also surprised that beck got out alive, Do you think he will survive to see CLU s fall in Tron legacy? , I think that he is still alive , flynn mentions in legacy that there are insurrections in the grid and if they just wait somebody will overthrown CLU , i got the impression that he was refering to Beck :slight_smile:

The sidestory about zed and mara was very interesting but I lost all simpathy for Zed the moment he walked out of the club with Pearl , Im not saying he had to stay but he could
I dont know, make an excuse or something,the way he just let Mara dancing alone wasnt very nice.

Anyway I cant wait to see the next episode, im hoping that they show Quorra and do more than give her a 5 second cameo, because the producers announced that Quorra will apear in the series, heres an image

So even thought Disney messed up badly with the scheduling of this show ( It’s being shown on mondays at midnight for god’s sake!) and has being nominated for many Annie awards, Disney will not give us a second season of Tron : Uprising.

They are cancelling their best animated series so far, and Im sure it’s only a matter of time before they cancell Motorcity too.

^Nooooooo!!! They wouldn’t?! Well, at least they ought to figure some way to continue the stories! Make kids’ books or something! Anything! Is the fandom for TRON really that poor?? Aye aye aye
 I’m sad now :frowning: Didn’t expect this to be my 500th post

Im afraid it’s true


While the fanbase for Uprising is by no means small, Disney expected the fanbase to be HUGE , and I would had expected the same if it wasn’t for the fact that they handled the series like a bunch of morons.

There are a few petitions out there asking disney to renew the series, I have signed them all, but I doubt it will do any good :frowning:

I wonder how many terrible sitcoms will they be able to make with the money that was originally planned for uprising’s second season

Well, here’s hoping that maybe the third TRON movie I’ve heard that Disney’s pulling together will re-spark the fanbase and maybe encourage them to bring it back. And I don’t think that Disney’s sitcoms are all that bad honestly (of course, I am a girl, so that probably explains that
), though I do hope that more awesome cartoons will come out and actually last. They’re supposed to be doing a reboot on Max Steel this year, and as someone who’s been interested in watching the old show for some time now, I’m very excited! Who knows? Just have to wait and see where the world of TRON goes from here

Not to be a pesimist, but I believe Disney made Uprising hoping that it would give the Tron franchise the fanbase it neded, and seeing how Disney still hasn’t confirmed if they will make a third film

This could be the end of line for Tron