Trying to find a Pixar artist named Audi

On a recent Disneyland trip, we did the Animation Academy (California Adventure’s Animation Building), where they teach you how to draw a Disney character in about 15 minutes. While we were waiting to get in, I talked to a woman who mentioned that her husband is an artist who works in animation…for PIXAR!!!

She said his name was Audi, like the car. I think the last name was Larida. I told her I would look him up on Facebook, but I wasn’t able to find him. I also tried Googling “Pixar Audi”, but I just got lots of stuff about the car.

She said he does backgrounds. He also works for Wylie Publishing, a company owned Pixar’s old buddy Steve Jobs.

Does anyone recognize the name Audi from their knowledge of Pixar films? Am I spelling it right?

Is anyone here interested in a good idea for an animated movie? I’ve had the idea for years but have written just three pages of the screenplay so far… It’s a hilarious comedy :smiley: