TV Shows You Watch

Anyone mention Project Runway yet? Although the current season has been disappointing so far. My favorite had to be season 3. How can anyone forget Kayne!? :laughing: And I’m so glad Jeffrey won.

Wheel of Fortune, WordGirl (PBS), Americas Funniest Home Videos

The Gadget Show, Top Gear, Dr Who, Mock the Week, Dead Ringers, BRAINIAC, Harry Hill’s TV Burp, BBC News, Look north. And sometimes the one off specials they have on 4.

I am not a fan of Project Runway, but my little sister is addicted to that show. So in turn, she got me a tad intrested. I only saw two seasons “this and last season”. I can’t say if this one is disapointing, but the previous one was better in my opinon.

Oh I nearly forgot, HEROES!

That show looks really intresting to me, but I just can’t find time for myself to watch it.

I love Heroes. I’ve only seen episodes 3 onwards of season 1, and am going to start watching season 2 soon, but so far it’s good even though I’m generally not into sci-fi. Hiro and Claire are my fav characters, [spoil]but I wish they hadn’t killed off Tawny.[/spoil]

OMG NATHAN (THE SENATOR GUY) gets SHOT just as he’s about to tell evry1 about his power!! OMG AND THEN SYLAR COMES BACK!

Season 2 spoielrs (the very end)

Anyone here a fan of Most Extreme Elimination Challenge? I thought that was the funniest show I have ever seen. THe dubbing was hilarious, and the events look super crazy.

Is anybody here a Doctor Who fan, not the older shows but the newer ones with the 9th and 10th Doctor? I am so obessed with this show and I was wondering if there any other fans like me out there?

The Star Swordsman - MXC is, quite literally, one of the best shows on television at the moment. There have been times where I’ve laughed so hard that I wet my pants… (snigger)

– Mitch

I agree. I sometimes wish they made new episodes of it.

The Star Swordsman - Actually, I think they did roll out a new season last year. I’ve only seen a few of the episodes though, if it was indeed a new season.

– Mitch

Hmm, I must have missed it. I’ll check on it.

If you like MXC, you have to watch Takeshi’s Castle - it’s the same exact show, except it’s not dubbed over like on MXC, which I find a bit annoying. Some of the obstacles they think up are so creative - one was very similar to something out of Super Mario Bros..

I think I know what event that is called rachel. In MXC, it is called "Dash to Death/Bits) or something like that. BUt I will check out Takashi’s Castle eventually.

Takeshi’s castle is laugh out loud. Especially with craig charles!

Yay, Ugly Betty’s coming back! Finally! It’s been so long, I can barely remember what the storyline was when it stopped!

heroes’ll be be back on soon!

co-signs this statement

Oh yea…need a laugh, watch MXC :-D)

Look like America’s trying to jump on the bandwagon with “Wipeout”. People still just as stupid and silly, their hosts give a little competiton, but the dubbing takes the cake for me…8D
