Up already released in some stores

I was in Wal-Greens today with my girlfriend and I saw Up 1 disc edition for DVD.I have the BluRay 4 disc pre paid at Best Buy…but I was wondering if what they are doing is ilegal…I looked up everything I could on what days what editions are being released and they all say November 10th,2009…I’m just a little confused.

I might have to swing by Walgreens and check that out, but that sounds really weird.

This happens pretty often, usually they get in some trouble, but it’s not a big deal if you buy it. I already have a preorder at Best Buy as well so I can’t run out and get it, but it’s still neat that it’s out. Thanks for sharing Chopper_Dave!

very welcome Bryko614! Looking to pick that up and Monsters Inc on the 10th.I have all the films on DVD but…got I bought a BluRay player so I must buy them all again

Something similar happened at my Wal-mart when the Beatles remasters were coming out. You know there was the big 09/09/09!!! hubbub, but they were right there a day early!

I know for a fact that the stock is already at the store, it’s just waiting in the stock room so it’s an easy mistake for it to be put out onto the floor early, I guess. Someone from here should by the DVD early and let us know what the extras are like!

Now if something like that could only happen with Star Trek, I’d be golden. But I wouldnt want the one-disk… Notice it was the one-disk of UP that was out. Most people will probably want one of the other versions…

Hmmm… heads out to walgreens :smiling_imp: Its only one disk? What features would it be missing from the original full set? :question: