Up Awards

Add two more awards to the ever growing list: Up just picked up the Annie awards for best animated feature and best director. Congratulations! :smiley:

And one more: Kevin Nolting won the ACE Eddie (the American Cinema Editors’ award) for Best Edited Animated Feature Film (over Coraline and Fantastic Mr Fox).


Just won two BAFTA awards:
Anthony Asquith Award for Film Music
Best Animated Feature Film

Did not win:
Best Original Screenplay (Winner: The Hurt Locker)
Best Sound (Winner: The Hurt Locker)

Yep, very excited to see another win for Giacchino, as well as the Animated Feature win. MG just has to win the Oscar now!

Oh, and one more “guild” award for Up: the Motion Picture Sound Editors (MPSE) awarded Up for best sound editing in an animated feature. (They actually had 7 nominees in the category: Up, Coraline, Mr Fox, PatF, plus 9, Cloudy/Meatballs, and Monsters vs Aliens.)

I think this is the last of everything before the Oscars.

Oh, I have been reading Awards Daily a lot in the lead-up to the Oscars, and they had a thread of comments on favorite scenes from 2009: LOTS of mentions of the Married Life montage from Up, several mentions of Carl finally looking at the rest of the Adventure Book, a couple of mentions of the Carl/Russell Badge scene, and even one mention of Dug on the porch. Nice to read so much love for the movie on a “general” movie site.

Later - I’m very annoyed with BBC America’s broadcast of the BAFTAs. In order to fit the (tape delayed) program into the alloted time slot, they didn’t show all the awards - and of course, Score was one they skipped. Unless I missed something, they didn’t even do a little voice over going out to a commercial break to announce the winners they didn’t show. At least Animated Feature got on, and Pete Docter got to speak, which was nice.

Aaaaand, one more edit: If anyone comes across a video link for Michael G accepting his BAFTA award, please post it. He was there; he was sitting on the other side of Mrs. Peterson. I’m still miffed they didn’t show that category.

Ah, you beat me to posting it. Just read that Up won the BAFTA for animated feature, and MG won for best score. Good to see.

More excitement, courtesy of the International Film Music Critics Association:

Film Composer of the Year: Michael Giacchino!

Film Score of the Year: Up

Best Original Score for an Animated Feature: Up

and, just for good measure…

Best Original Score for a Fantasy/Science Fiction Film: Star Trek, by MG

Oscars are Sunday! Bring it on! :smiley:

Oh, and 3 more shout-outs for Up, from the Visual Effects Society’s awards:
Outstanding Animation in an Animated Movie: Up
Outstanding Effects Animation in an Animated Movie: The balloons in Up
Outstanding Animated Character in an Animated Movie: Carl in Up

Major thanks for the info Karly, MG’s really hitting em hard! And for good reason. Excellent.

Holy cow! I guess Michael Giacchino really needs some sort of dedicated trophy room at this point (if he hasn’t got one already). :wink:

I’m getting my hopes up for Sunday. I’ve just witnessed the power of Up. It was showing at my Dad’s office so we brought her along. She said when nominations came out that it should not have been nominated, her first words after the movie were “I was SO wrong!”

I hope Up made that same impression on those who voted. It truly is an excellent film, all Pixar obsessions aside.

I would love to see the Oscar ballots for Best Picture. I don’t expect Up to win BP, but I would bet money that a lot of people ended up ranking it in their top 4 or 5. It is still favored to win Animated Feature, and Score. (And I’m still hoping that Dug turns up as an animated presenter - assuming they’re doing that this year, although it’s become a pretty regular thing.)

OscarOscarOscar, come on, let’s go! I can’t remember the last time I stayed up for the whole show, and I am going to be useless on Monday morning, but I can’t wait!

I really like Up, but I don’t think that it’s gonna win Best Picture. I think it might win every other category it was nominated for.

UP ust won 2 oscars!!!

Best Animation
Best Music

I’m so thrilled for Docter and Giacchino!! :smiley: :sunglasses:

Congrats on Best Animated and Best Music, Pixar! The ceremony is still ongoing, so fingers crossed for Best Pic… though I wouldn’t place my hopes too high.

Hurt Locker got Best Picture, so that leaves Up with Best Animated Feature and Best Score.
Finally Michael Giacchino got his well-deserved Oscar. :smiley:

And btw., Logorama, which won Best Animated Short, contains a BnL logo… :wink:

Congrats to Up for all of its nominations and wins.

It does?! Where?! %D

Anyways, BAF win, Score win, and BP nom. Not bad at all. :smiley:

It appears somewhere near the end of the film, half sunken, from what I can remember.

I think it’s a great idea to put the BnL logo in there, as the concept of the short is a world which consists of nothing but corporate logos and mascots.
So BnL’s “we basically own the whole world, including you” attitude fits rather nicely. :wink:

Up for Best Animated and Best Score! Awesome! I think Bob Peterson got robbed for Best Original Screenplay. I really wanted to see him on that stage, but still, it’s a win for Pixar. 2nd feature win, and a BP nom is really great.

I really wanna see how it did against the rest. Is there any way we can find out?

Congratulations for Best Animated Feature and Best Original Score awards! By the way, Michael Giacchino is the first to win BOS award with roots from the video game industry.

I was very glad to see Up win for Best Animated, and of course Michael for Best Score – both much deserved.

I also enjoyed both acceptance speeches (they seemed to be very strict this year about keeping them short): Pete Docter’s mention of making flip-books as a kid (something I used to do all the time myself) and Michael’s about those around him encouraging him and never saying things were a waste of time.

Congratulations to Pete Docter, Michael, and the talented folks at Pixar! I know very well how fortunate I was to be just a small part of this.

(And I’m sure Michael will forgive the two presenters for mispronouncing his name! :slight_smile: )