Up Characters!

Russell sort of looks slightly oriental to me. It might be his eyes. He looks really cool- I love the overexagerrated badges that he’s got, and his uniform.

Is it just me, or does the very general, basic outline of Up sort of remind you of Monster House? By that, I just mean the whole wife being represented by house, kid getting involved type thing. I’m sure the two movies will differ radically when we find out more about Up.

Except Up doesn’t have a Monster house. lol
And there are no nosy kids that are messing with a house either.

Russell’s character only comes in the movie because he was gonna go to Carl’s house and try to get his one badge he needed for helping the elderly.

Ooh, okay, a bit of a spoiler there that I’d rather not have read, Disney_Guy. I like to keep my Pixar movies completely under wrap until I’ve actually seen it in the cinema. The pictures on that link tempted me, but I’m going cold turkey from here on in. :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s actually a picture of Carl and Ellie at their wedding, of course among other photos so it blended in a bit. Ellie is quite pretty!

There was also a bird. There were two pieces of concept art that had Carl, Russel, the dog and a bird, so just speculating, maybe we could look forward to a feathery friend?

good to hear that up is already becoming a preivewed movie.

the sooner the news comes to us about info the better.

Of course he looks a lot like Pete Sohn !!! :slight_smile: They’re almost identical :slight_smile: It was my first impression when I saw this character :smiley: This makes me feel an instant sympathy for this character :slight_smile:

I can already tell Russell will be a favorite character of mine!

BUAHAHAHA! Carl’s adorable!

And nice to see an Asian character. You almost never see those.

Russell is so cute. He looks very enthusiastic and I’m sure he will get a lot of laughs. It’s easier to tell what a character’s like from watching a video, but if you read into the picture enough, you could get plenty of information. Nothing about anything Pixar does is ever an accident, especially when it comes to character design. It’s good to see an Asian character make it into a Pixar film, as well. I didn’t think of Peter Sohn before, but I can see the resemblance now that you mention it.

Russell looks like he’d be perfect for a plush character, or a little hard-plastic sculpture.

Being half-Chinese, I do like to see an Asian character in a PIXAR film. Though I have this horrible fear some ‘yahoo’ out there is gonna be upset because Russell is a ‘fat Asian character.’ It seems every film that comes out someone has to bring out the watering can and rain on the parade. I’ve heard Disney’s got quite an earful from their ‘Princess and the Frog’ film.

Wonder if they’ll hand animate all the stuff on the back of Carl’s pack or code something to do it automatically. Seems like something that could drive an animator insane doing.

^ Never underestimate Pixar. They are the kings of animation, and know what takes to produce the best animation possible, with no quality or aspects left behind.

As for Russell, yes, he does appear to be a lazy kid. Because in all the footage I’ve seen with him, he only complains about how exhausted he is and how he wants to take a break, as he drags his feet on the ground - and then the eventual passing out onto the ground.
I couldn’t stop laughing at this little guy. Haha
But he does seem to have some sort of big energy in his, as he quickly scampers up and chases after a bug. So I guess if there’s work that Russell is uninterested in, he gets tired. But if it’s something he’s totally interested in, he’s willing to use his energy and go wild.
Sound like the typical kid to you?

“But I don’t wanna clean up my toys… I’m too tired to do anything today.”
Five minutes later that kid is found dog-back riding his dog outside pretending to be an Indian.

So after watching the latest trailer, I can tell Russell’s and Carl’s relationship in the movie is going to be really entertaining. I was giggling at that scene with Russell on the porch :laughing:
They both look so cute (I mean, cute old man and cute kid)! Pixar always comes up with really endearing characters and character relationships so I expect this to be no different.

Yep, I wonder where the dog is gonna end up…

Amazing character design, but what else do we expect by now, honestly?

My favorite detail on Russell is that one teeny tiny space on his sash, presumably for that Assisting the Elderly merit badge he’s missing. So clever!!

Oooooh nice catch RaeKasey! It’s all in the little details…

Wow, I hadn’t spotted that before! Pixar always manages to think of these things. Well done for spotting that, RaeKasey.

I’m so glad with the diverse character choices that Pixar goes for. I mean, they’re always pushing the envelope, while other studios are still stuck doing ‘talking animal’ movies, they have already explored talking toys, cars, and robots! And now not only have they an elderly man as a lead, but an Asian kid as a supporting character! Pixar has always been fearless when it comes to stuff like this…

Anyway, forgive my ignorance, but where’s this dog you guys are talking about? Any stills or shots of him from the trailer? I don’t really recall any dog from Ratatouille… :frowning:

I totally agree wtih you, thedriveintheatre! Pixar’s characters have always been unique and they always bring us such unlikely heroes. Just like I never thought two robots could fall in love (and care so much about them!), I never would’ve imagined a 78-year old man and an 8-year old boy to go on a wilderness adventure together. It’s not just the characters that they come up with, it’s the stories they tell with them…

Yeah. I’m no minority (well, not ethnically) but I’m still really glad to see an Asian character as a lead in a Pixar film… plus Russell is SO cute!

Towards the beginning of the movie when Remy is running in and out of people’s houses looking for food, there is the shadow of a dog barking at him.

And here’s a piece of concept art of the dog…