"Up" coming to Blu-ray/DVD.... in November

I liked the “Many Endings of Muntz” bit - it’s interesting, between that and the commentary, seeing the various ideas they go through, and realizing that, in the end, the decisions they made always seemed to be the best ones for the story.

One thing I found really interesting in the commentary: [spoil]Pete saying they were “deliberately ambiguous” about Russell’s family situation. So much for getting that bet settled! But, I guess it leaves things open to however we want to interpret them.[/spoil]

Yeah, I actually forgot to mention that. Kind of an interesting decision, but it works. At least we mostly have a consensus about that. Overall, the DVD is fantastic. I want more! Darn technology getting so expensive

Well I bought Up on Blu-Ray today, and I’ve been enjoying everything it has to offer. I watched “Dug’s Special Mission”, “The Many Endings of Muntz”, and that documentary of the Pixar team’s trip to South America. Amazing stuff!
I also watched the movie with my family. This marked my mom and dad’s first time seeing it… My mom actually cried much of the film, and both my mom and dad were just saying how beautiful it was after it finished.
I’m loving this new Blu-Ray. It’s probably gonna consume my life for at least a few weeks now. :slight_smile:

I actually found an easter egg on my Blu-Ray copy… Literally… :laughing:
I’m not too sure if they have it on the DVD versions of the movie, but for those of you who have the Blu-Ray copies… On the main menu on the main disc, if you click left on your remote, it will take you to a secret behind the scenes featurette titled “The egg” (Or something like that). The featurette basically gave an explanation to why [spoil]Muntz was so young in the movie when he really would be dead in reality.[/spoil] Any one else found this secret Blu-Ray easter egg yet, besides me?

Best Buy cash register clerk: “Every customer today has been buying that dvd”

You should have been paying more attention to the dvd instead of the steelcase or whatever it was, miafka. I’ve been confused for weeks about what to get, and finally a week ago when I came here to this thread and also physically went to Best Buy and looked at their circular, then I came to the conclusion that something was terribly wrong.

Disney isn’t the only company doing this sort of stuff. The IceAge3 offerings were confusing as well, the one disk option there was just terrible, with only film, commentary, and a Purina Cat Chow commercial (I Am Not Lying). And you could buy 2 dvd’s wrapped in a 2 case set, featuring a Scrat special dvd also, and then a multi-disc blu-ray thingee, similar to Up, except for the overall quality…hee hee.

Back to UP: if you go back to page 4 of this thread and look at the Big Pictures that eerik provided of the actual dvd options, you will see the truth about the 2-dvd ‘deluxe’ edition, it’s not very deluxe at all. I wish they would just include that extra dvd and not even add it to the advertised total # available, it’s purposefully confusing, a marketing ploy, that I first saw with the ‘3’ disk Wall-E special. I only bought the 1 disk Ratatouille dvd, didn’t know there was more…

There are indeed 3 Up options: regular dvd with the film and No commentary, the cloud short, the new Dug featurette and No other features, then the ‘2’ disk ‘special’(which miakfa describes above), and finally the ‘4’ disk blu-ray special, with the ‘deluxe’ dvd, plus a blu-ray version of this ‘deluxe’ dvd, and then finally a blu-ray exclusive extras disk. I didn’t bother to mention the final disk, since it’s not very important. Here is a repeat of the linked website:


Edit: rented the Up regular dvd for $1, it had No menu, just movie, previews, and an advertisement starring John Ratzenberger to buy the deluxe dvd (I Am Not Lying). No special features, nothing. But the regular dvd in the store does indeed have Partly Cloudy and Dug’s Special Mission.

Btw: I bought the ‘4’ set for $23.99 at Best Buy. I will try to rent a blu-ray player at some sort of rent center to view the extras I can’t see right now. For this price it seemed to be the best deal, and I will just accumulate blu-ray only disks until the day I rent or buy one. I’m going to go home now and verify the features.

We aren’t the only ones that have been squawking since August 10th. Maybe these companies are hoping that blu-ray demand will turn consumers off to regular dvd rental disks, which cost them a great deal of money. Then when everyone has blu-ray in a few years, they will again try to foist yet another format on us.

Oh boy oh boy oh boy!

“The amazon” of The Netherlands, bol.com, has just posted a December 16 releasedate for the dvd and blu! They even have a special offer to win a Balloonflight for 5 people. In this offer they state the releasedate of December 16 again, so i geuss it’s really going to happen!

We get four different versions, it seems:

  • 4 disc blu-ray (2 blu’s, 1 dvd, 1 digital copy)
  • 2 disc blu-ray
  • 2 disc steelbook dvd
  • 1 disc dvd

The difference between the 4-disc and the 2 disc blu is only 3 euro’s! I know which one i’m getting :sunglasses: .


Hell yeah, thanks for posting this up here man! Kudos kudos kudos!


@Czarine: I really think it’s true :smiley: ! Further evidence:

Someone on the dvd.nl boards posted that the system at his video-rental store also showed a December 16 date! And since Disney doesn’t keep a window between the rental and retail release it must be December 16 for us!

I’m so getting the 4 disc Blu day one!

I bought the Up 4 disc edition,and the Monsters Inc on Blu Ray!Everything about up was amazing as expected…just got done watching Monsters Inc and I can say honestly it’s like watching a whole new movie…details on EVERYTHING and the sound is great too.

I got the Up and Monsters, Inc. Blu-Rays at Best Buy yesterday, getting a $10 off promo for the combo purchase. Today, I came across two coupons (news.cnet.com/8301-13845_3-10395158-58.html) totaling $18. I went back and they accepted them, so I got an $18 refund, paying $20.67 for both. Not bad!

Yeah, I found this all out yesterday too. At Target, the BluRay was $19.99, where as the deluxe 2-disc DVD was $22.99. I don’t have a BluRay player yet, but since I know how much the BluRays can run, this was a better deal because i was getting the bonus features of the BluRay, and the bonus features on the deluxe DVD for less than the DVD was selling for. Kind of annoying…

Just got my first Blu-ray viewing. I said I didn’t expect the Blu-ray to be much better looking than the DVD. WRONG. Blu-ray is GORGEOUS. The picture quality was outright stunning, the DVD pales in comparison. I NEED a Blu-ray player SO BAD. Absolutely magnificent

That was pretty much my exact reaction when I got Cars on DVD.
This disc was screaming “what do I need HD for?”, but when I got to see the Blu-ray I was stunned by the amount of additional detail.
Unless you count a couple of minor issues* with two of their early DVD releases, Pixar is the place to go to for reference quality in any delivery format.

  • that would be “A Bug’s Life” U.S. version (non-anamorphic, letterboxed version) and “Toy Story 2” German version (partially interlaced and possibly incorrectly flagged, kicks my player’s deinterlacing way off course in some scenes)

I was finally able to snag my copy today! And, I am shocked that they are selling the Blu-Ray cheaper than the DVD. Way to go Disney! Now, if I could only get my hands on a Blu-Ray player…

Anyways, I’ve discovered that 1 out of every 10 or so people have actually seen Up. Lame highschoolers… Can someone say movie party? And we almost watched Dug’s Special Adventure in DGA, but the teacher had to resist. Maybe on Monday morning before school… :smiley:

But we have a football game tonight :confused: Have to wait until I get home! D: (That’s over 8 hours from now! Grrr… Dx

It looks great in HD. Worth the investment. A great film to add to the library!

I had a rich feeling it was only a matter of time before you’d be saying this. :wink:

little chef

Pixartalk.com has some pictures of a cool Costco exclusive you get with the Up Blu-ray: the Ellie Badge! :smiley:

The article also mentions that the Up discs were #1 in the first week of release (nearly 5 million copies sold), with Monsters, Inc. being the #2 Blu-ray. Awesome!

You gotta be kidding. Kudos to Pixar for getting the #1 and 2 spots for the week, but this extra stuff a week after bugs the heck out of me, especially since an Ellie Badge is like my MOST WANTED Up item ever, except maybe the snowglobe. >:\

Anyone else order the “free” baby Kevin plush from the Disney Movie Rewards thing? Mine came yesterday. I wouldn’t typically get plushes but he/she/it is rather neat.

ROTFL! :laughing: Great little “story” there, Fett! I haven’t ordered my Baby Kevin yet, but I think I may have to: that’s really cute.