Up Critical Reviews

The guy using Chicken Little as an example of good character writing while dissing Up and WALL-E makes me laugh like a maniac.

chud.com/articles/articles/19643 … Page1.html
Devin from CHUD.com with his glowing review gave it a 10/10.

I loved this movie…period. It awsome in so many ways, the movie knows when to it gets serious, I just loved it. It actually made me want to …I don’t want to spoil it but it was that good. :smiley:

(Re-posted because I did not notice the blatant topic labeled “Up Critical Reviews”.)

thatguywiththeglasses.com/videol … 7789-bumup

“Chester Bum” Is one of the many roles Doug plays on his popular video review website, where he is best known as “That Guy With The Glasses”, or “The Nostalgia Critic”. Doug’s “Bum” role is best known for bringing comical relief to a recent film within a short span of 1 to 5 minutes.

Be warned, Doug is well known for using crude humor and is not suitable for younger audiences.
ALSO, Doug reveals the movie. If you haven’t seen it I’d suggest you wait until afterwords before you spoil it in five minutes with this guy. (XD)

My mother and I are the film critics for a local newspaper, the Santa Maria Sun. Here’s a link to our review on their website:

CLICK HERE TO SEE FULL REVIEW: santamariasun.com/film/

Note that we have limited space and also try to avoid spoilers, so there are a few things we didn’t get into.

Poor Charles Muntz (and his fantastic voice actor, Christopher Plummer) didn’t get mentioned at all, and I thought he was such an interesting character, a great warped reflection of Carl’s own obsession. When Carl said, “I finally meet my boyhood hero and he’s trying to kill me!” I was thinking, I’m glad Brad Bird didn’t react that way when I got to meet him! Speaking of which, while Kevin was a great name for the bird, I thought it would have been funny if the name had been Brad (I know he wasn’t directly connected to this movie, but he is a Pixar guy :slight_smile: ).

I knew that Muntz was the villain from the start, because of that “does anyone know where they are?!?!?!” clip from the trailers. Mom, on the other hand, was surprised.)

I also had a reference in there that I later cut, about how, in a way, Carl and Russel’s relationship reminded me of DuckTales, with curmudgeonly, treasure-hunt-obsessed Scrooge bonding with Huey, Dewey and Louie (who were Wilderness-explorer like “Junior Woodchucks”) as they went on adventures together.

“Weird Al” Yankovic stated in his UStream live Q&A sessio ntoday that he “loved Up” He commented further that he thinks

I have audio of this, and will post the link here when I get it hosted.

Cool! Definitely post the link, AJD08. He must have been making the talk show rounds for his new single that dropped today. (It’s good! Check it out!)

It wasn’t or talk show- it was just a simple Q&A he did via UStream for fans (in conjunction with his “Craigslist” release). Anyway, here’s the audio: [link]

Whoops, didn’t realize there was a fan review thread! my bad, i’ll move this over there.

Kudos to Pixar for this great movie, and their service to Colby Curtin, may she rest in peace. Love you guys.

He’s just a little late to the party, but Confused Matthew, infamous for his controversial opinions on well received movies (he’s done the Incredibles before), has done a review on Up (contains mild language… I think)
I’m usually a fan of Confused Matthew (he did a review of Lion King, which in my opinion is the best traditionally animated film affiliated with Disney, and I still enjoyed his review), but here… he’s talking out of his behind.

Yeah, CM is a jerk. I hate his Disney/Disney-Pixar related videos. I’d watch, but I would probably cry.

That review is a FAIL. That guy really underestimates kids. And anyone who calls Pixar movies children movies should not be trusted.

He just has no life, so he bashes some of the most beloved movies out there to cause people like us pain. That’s mature…

Wow, this guy’s an idiot. You don’t want to listen to his ‘Incredibles’ review. There was swearing, but he called it the worst Pixar movie, until he did Up. He called it cynical, depressing, and mean-spirited. And dude, PIXAR FILMS AREN’T KIDS MOVIES!!! IT WAS RATED PG!!

I watched all the segments of The Incredibles review about 6 months ago, and I’ve hated this guy’s guts since. He needs to get a life, and a taste for good film.

I don’t think he’s an idiot just because he disliked movies we enjoy. I mean, I for one enjoyed his Back to the Future II and Lion King reviews, even though they are two of my favourite movies.
However I do agree that the points raised in his Up and Incredibles reviews are ridiculous. He seems to hammer on the point of “WON’T SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!?”, when the film isn’t really aimed at children; and the ones I do know who have watched it all love it anyway for the humour/tension. If he’s going to make the blind assumption that all animation = family films, lord knows what he’d think of “Grave of the Fireflies”… :unamused:
And he praises the likes of Toy Story 3 and Finding Nemo to high Heaven despite the fact that they have just as many dark/depressing moments as Up and the Incredibles… so I dunno. :confused:

He likes Toy Story 3 and Finding Nemo the best? Wow, now I like him even less. Yes, he is entitled to his opinion, but I’m also entitled to the opinion that he’s an idiot :smiley:

What’s wrong with Toy Story 3/Finding Nemo?

Nothing, I just don’t see how THOSE could be the best Pixar films in his eyes. The original Toy Story was better than both of those.

I watched that whole thing. I thought that they were really annoying. What I disagreed with the most was how they were saying that children wouldn’t understand and would dislike the movie. I know so many children who adore this movie! I don’t know, I just felt that they were talking down to children, children are more aware of things then they are giving them credit for.