Up Release Dates

the italian release date is now October 16, 2009…

A few more countries and dates…

Spain - 12th June 2009
Argentina - 9th July 2009
Iceland - 28th August 2009
Germany - 24th September 2009*
Norway - 25th September 2009
Netherlands - 8th October 2009*
UK - ?? October 2009*

  • date has been changed

According to Empire Online, they still have the release date as 17 July 2009 in the UK, but then it says on another page that the release isn’t until October, so I don’t know. It doesn’t look like the Australian date has been changed (yet). holds breath

I guess it was to be expected. We got WALL-E, what, a couple of weeks after it was released in the US? So it was silly to hope that we’d get a good release date two Pixar films in a row. Looks like if the October date is correct, it’s going to be released during half term, when ‘kiddie films’ tend to do well.

Thanks for the update, Rachel. Looks like this is going to be a Ratatouille all over again.

Yeah, I feel your pain, lizardgirl… it really stinks that they have to change the dates. I wish Disney would take the approach of making the release of Pixar films be a world-wide event, like with the Harry Potter movies etc And I wish Disney would stop being so darn cheap, and just print more copies of the English reels, instead of making the other countries wait for months later when the US cinemas are finished with them. I bet the Aussie release date will end up being changed, too.

WAIT! Isn’t the release date for up in Australia around the same time as Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince? I really hope not! Because I really want to see Up and Harry Potter! I can probably only see one! So it could be alright if the change the release date to either one! but also, if they come out at about the same time, families probably won’t see up, because most of the families will be watching Harry Potter instead. :frowning:

I don’t think either movies are for the same market, anyway. Harry Potter isn’t so much a kids franchise these days, but Up seems to be for kids aged 5 and “up” (sorry, I couldn’t resist.) IMDb has the release of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince as 16 July in Australia. The supposed release for Up here is 10 June (hopefully), so not that close that they would change it. Fingers crossed.

As far as having a simultaneous worldwide release, it is done sometimes with certain movies. I personally think it’s a win-win idea for everyone to do so, because not only does it let everyone see it at the same time, but it prevents piracy by releasing the “real thing” all around the world. I always thought it was in the studios’ best interests to try to release major tentpole films at the same time worldwide. Even with local considerations, I think it would still serve them better in the end.

I suppose there are certain reasons… such as wanting to release a certain type of film at a certain time of year (for instance, you’d want to release an animated film when kids are on holiday, you’d probably want a “popcorn movie” to be released summertime instead of in the middle of the winter in a different hemisphere… in the case of Wall-E I’m sure the Japan delayed release was so Pixar didn’t go against Ghilbi’s “Ponyo”).

I’m sure there are lots of highly-paid people who figure these things out at the studios (between lunches). Personally I think that times have changed enough from the old days, and the benefits of a simultaneous release now outweigh what used to be the benefits of waiting for certain times in other territories… but again, what do I know?

Speaking of release dates… just curious if anyone knows the release date for South Africa (heck, has “Wall-E” even been released there yet?) For some reason South Africa never seems to be included on the lists…

My predictions for the release of Up in the Philippines.

Late July to August. :wink: No exact date though.

More dates…

Australia - 4th June 2009*
Bulgaria - 4th September 2009
Germany - 24 September 2009*
Turkey - 16th October 2009
UK - 16th October 2009*

*date has been changed.

The Aussie release date has been changed from June 10 to June 4, so I guess that’s good news. Better for it to be released a few days earlier than months later. I’m still not convinced they won’t go and delay it, though.

I don’t know yet even from looking, but if I find out I’ll post here.

Looks like im calling off of work on May 29th!

Why does Pixar hate the UK so much? :laughing:

I’m used to waiting by now anyway, hoping to be in the USA for a holiday in june anyway so i may try and catch it then.

But still, i will grumble at us Brits having to wait again.

Grr! And all that!

August 14 is the Estonian release date. Kind of like always for Pixar movies… two or three months after USA.

New dates…

Singapore - 4th June 2009
Estonia - 14th August 2009
Brazil - 4th September 2009
Finland - 16th October 2009
Japan - 19th December 2009

I feel sorry for any Pixar fan living in Japan.

Yes! Finally, I’ll get to see a Pixar movie in Singapore cinemas! That hasn’t happened since… Cars, actually. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yippee ki yay…

I am now amazingly Unhappy!

I now hate living in Britain, (Although Loving Being Welsh!)

I had my entire summer Pinned on Watching the Movie, several times probably, and already had my Christmas List sorted, with only one thing… Up!

NOw I got to Change My Plans?

Does it really need almost 6 months to transport Celluloid across a vast expanse of Water?

Why reshedule it to the Half term Holiday?
(Which should be a Week later starting on October 26th… I should Know I always have my Birthday During half term, and 26th this year sees the Start of Half term in my area, although could be nice as it was good to see Ratatouille with My Girlfriend in Bristol on My Birthday when this happened last time)

This Scheduling moves UK DVD releases out of order and pushes my Number one Christmas Gift, to a Number One Valentines Day treat (Ratatouille and Pixar 2007 all over again for me)!

Someone… Needs to rectify this injustice on the British Public! It could seriously backfire and cost the Box Office Reciepts at the end of the Day… Unless the UK get something out of it that US Audiences won’t until The Princess and the Frog is released at Christmas!!

I feel your pain, Captain Pan. Australia was given the same treatment with Ratatouille a couple of years ago, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the same thing happened this year with Up and the release date got delayed once again. I think the main reason why they do this is because the US gets the English reels first, and you have to wait until there’s enough reels that are finished with before they can be sent to the UK or Australia (I’m pretty sure that’s why). This also explains why we get the films with the blotches and scratches on them. Maybe when cinemas turn digital, this problem will go away.

They should try the Star Wars approach and make Pixar films a worldwide event, I think. Maybe Pixar doesn’t have a big enough fan-base for them to consider doing that? And frankly, when Disney staggers the release dates like this, I really don’t feel sorry for them when I see the good quality versions of the movie available for downloading. I wouldn’t download a Pixar film if I was forced to wait 6 months (well, maybe 6 months I would, but not 3), but I understand other fans who would because they just can’t wait that long.

I must admit, the UK release date is bugging me now. I’ve actually worked up a level of excitement for the movie. And October is a long time away! May really isn’t!

I wouldn’t mind if this was just a one time thing. But the UK always seem to get the short straw! I can remember the Incredibles, ratatouille and a some others that seem to have been delayed release over here. They’re so unkind to us and their movies always do quite well money-wise over here. I don’t get it :laughing:

I unfortunately think Pixar and Walt Disney Studios have got their dates wrong with the UK release date… and are unfortunately releasing it 7 days earlier than they should…

October Half Term is a Tradition for myself to be spent with Friends and Family watching movies and going places, celebrating my birthday… Only twice in my entire Educational Career have I been forced to Celebrate it in a classroom…

rachelcakes1985 Thanks for the Empathy. Its kind of nice to get some every once and a while! Thinking back Ratatouille was released (Someone from the UK may want to Verify it for me) in October 2007 and I’m Starting to hope Pixar aren’t going to make it a Bi-Annual thing! Having a movie released during the Summer in a year ending in an Even number, and releasing it in the Autumn for a year ending in an Odd…

Right now I feel like Pixar have done two things… Ruined My Summer and Ruined my Christmas!

But then I could be wrong and have just remembered that in the UK, English Schools normally have a half term either a week before or a week later (for some reason children’s TV Channels for get about us Welsh and we get stuck with normal Daytime TV instead of the Childrens)

Rant over… Sorry :blush:

I think I can confirm that the half term this year is from the 26th of October, so basically Pixar has failed pretty majorly in releasing the film when all the children are still going to be at school (myself included, as our Sixth Form follows the same dates). I think our half term is the same as yours, Captain Pan, so Disney and Pixar have got this wrong and I can see the opening week numbers for the UK for Up being much poorer as a consequence of this.

I don’t mind waiting and I don’t mind Pixar delaying the film for certain countries, because even though it is annoying knowing that more than half the world will have seen the film by then, it’s understandable and there are reasons behind it, as Rachel explained. What I do mind is them getting the dates wrong and screwing both us and the audiences over. A bit silly, really, but there’s not much we can do about it.

Oh, 12th June. Well, it was worse when WALL·E came out. :laughing:

The thing is I won’t be able to see this in 3D. In fact, I’ve never seen a film in 3D.

(And the dubbing obsession is also annoying to me. You can’t dub a Pixar film, thats a crime :angry: )