Up Release Dates


August 14th??!!!

Just like WALL·E and The Dark Knight last year!!

This is going to be a true nightmare :frowning: Last year I didn’t care because I spent the summer in Panama and time passed fast, but I don’t know what I’m going to do now. I was happy thinking “June 12th”…

Why is it that Greater Union, Hoyts and Village Cinemas all have changed their Aus release date for Up to September 3rd? Why am I not surprised? Why have I not yet throttled somebody? Specifically the person in charge of the distribution of Disney films in Australia?


WHAT?!?!?!!?! WHAAAAAAAT??!??!??!?! ?!!?!!?
watkinzez - I’m more than happy to help you throttle those responsible. Maybe go further than that to vent my frustration…

It makes kinda sense because of the UK release, but why, oh why, do they have to do this to us? What have we done wrong?!


I knew this would happen!!! Why why why!!! They do this every freakin year! They act as if Australia is going to get the movie a few days after the US, then at the last possible minute they change it to some ridiculous date later on in the year! I knew I couldn’t trust Disney and it would be too good to be true… Now this is going to affect Radio Pixar because neither I or Thomas can talk about Up because we haven’t seen it yet. Disney are just too darn cheap to fork out the money to produce more quantities of English reels. Maybe Greater Union will do an advance screening again this year. But still… siiiiiiigh.

Heh. I’m glad I don’t live overseas… :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously, though, that’s nothing less than the epitome of pure torture. Why the heck do they have to draw out the release dates for these films for international countries? The way I see it, they’d make just as much dough if they let it loose in the cinema around the same time as in other areas than if they extended the dates. Does not compute.

– Mitch

I just noticed that on my cinema site as well and came here hoping it was a mistake.

Damn it!!! The last time a Pixar film was released here at the same as the US was Cars. They did it then, so they can do it again! It’s three movies later and I’m not taking this crap anymore. We - or someone - should write a letter or article about how International fans are banding together in protest and will download UP rather than wait (I know most of us actually won’t, because we appreciate quality and feel Pixar deserves to be paid) but it might scare them into doing something?

Just found out from a Facebook group page that can be found from the site below:


that for the Philippines it is August 12!

Torture… Just nasty torture!

Is there a petition we can do where we can collect this much thousands of signatures to push the date Up to at least June! Singapore is just a neighbor country and it gets released just within a week of release from the states! Why push it further down at least 2 months??? Why? When one of the creative geniuses at Pixar is a Filipino (Nelson Bohol), why? why? why?


Same with Ronnie del Carmen.

But I don’t think a petition will change the release dates. Because the Pixar fan base is so small, unlike, say, the Trekkies out there, we’re unlikely to cause enough waves to make Disney release Pixar’s films at relatively the same date worldwide each year. They have to take into account other movies played at the same time in that country (for example, Pixar delayed the release in Japan so WALL-E wouldn’t go against the new Studio Ghibli film) as well as school holidays. In the end it’s the almighty dollar they think about. Which is fair enough, but I have to wait 3 months (2 if we end up getting a preview screening), so I feel your pain. D=

August 12 is really, really, REALLY far off from May 12. My nephews are all hyped up about this already, and how can I stop his eagerness about this film? I’m having a hard time convincing myself that we can just wait it out. How much more can I convince the kids? If their thinking $$$, they should put in consideration that even if it will go against other films, their target date is a school month. Not a good season to be showing a film aimed for young audiences as well. Schools is just about beginning. I do no want the kids missing out on a Pixar film, like they did with Wall-E. They just waited for the DVD to come out. And that’s an August release as well.

I guess what I’m saying is, since they are releasing the film in the US during summer, why is it not a good idea to show the movies as well to a country who has the same season, when everyone’s going out and checking the theaters. It may even inspire repeat viewings, which I highly doubt possible on August, when everyone’s already busy.

Do we have to live with Dreamworks’s crap until then? As far as I can tell, the whole summer here does not have any line up of films that can be aimed towards kids. If i wanted to make money, I’ll do the premiere on June, when everyone’s out in the malls getting ready to go back to school. It’s a great treat before heading back to our busy lives.

Yeah. It’s no use trying to go through the logic of why Disney chooses to make certain countries wait months for a Pixar film to be released, and others they don’t. It will just do your head in. Maybe you’ll be lucky and the Philippines will get an advance screening at a cinema chain, if you keep your eye on the newspaper and websites, so that might cut off a few weeks at least.

I don’t remember that there was one for Wall-E last year. But I do remember that prior to Wall-E, there’s always an advance screening, Monday and Tuesday, 2 weeks before the actual release date here in The Philippines.

Don’t worry about me. It’s just 4 months of ranting… Hahaha… No but seriously, I know for sure that it will be worth the long wait… No question about that. If i were rich, my statement would be, “it will be worth the plane ticket and much more…”

In my eyes, it just leads to piracy. People are going to pirate anyway you may say, and while that’s true, many people who pirate are willing to see good movies in the cinema. Just look at The Dark Knight. Make good movies that people want to see and they will pay to see them. Pixar make good movies that people want to see but then get stuck having to wait months to see them so they revert to piracy. Hopefully for Pixar it means people see how good the movie is and then go pay to see it on the big screen.

You’ve got that right. Piracy is a big problem here in the Philippines. But I won’t let my kids miss out on the 3D experience for UP. Which is a bit of a problem to me as well. IMAX would’ve been a great adventure for the kids but for some reasons, Disney movies usually stay away from the IMAX screens? Why so? I know that they have this “Disney 3D” thing going but are we ever going to experience that here in the Philippines?

I don’t think you can ever justify downloading a movie simply because you have to wait for it longer than someone in the US, and it is stealing, but at the same time, I wouldn’t blame anyone else who chose to download Up, rather than wait 3, 4, 5 months to see it in the cinema. Why wait to see it when you can just download it in fairly ok quality in 10 mins with fast broadband? At least if there’s the choice to see it in a cinema, more international fans may make that choice rather than download. I don’t understand why Disney is punishing us.

Payback for you giving us Rupert? :slight_smile:

Yeah, unfortunately there’s not a lot that can be done with release dates. I know domestically (North America) a lot of thought (and pressure) goes into selecting the dates – with studios often jockeying and playing “chicken” with each other (if, for instance, two studios want to release a major tentpole movie on the same date). Both Star Trek and the next Potter were originally to come out at Christmas, but their respective studios moved them, saying a summer release would generate more money than a Christmas release. I can only assume that a lot of thought went into selecting the dates for overseas releases as well. For those countries that don’t have to deal with dubbing (ie, English-speaking countries) it doesn’t make as much sense to wait (especially with the piracy problem). But studios aren’t going to sacrifice their bottom line, and they’re not going to do something that will cut into their profits if they can help it. And most places (except Japan) will see a release before the DVD is released anywhere. But yeah, especially in other English-language territories, it is kind of disappointing to see such a delayed release. Hey, maybe it’s time to finally take that trip to North America…

Well, look on the bright side! At least you australians don’t have to wait until…shudder October…

I’m very much torn, to be honest. I could just get the dvd by then from an american website, but i would like to have seen it fresh in the cinema. The same thing happened years ago with Finding Nemo. By the time it was released over here, it was already out on DVD in America. I went to see it in the cinema, and then came home and watched it again with my mum and dad :laughing:

I can’t think of any reason why we have to wait that long though, they must think that the movie isn’t going to do too well over here. So that makes me think that they can’t be too worried about when they release it. Still, i guess we at least have Coraline finally coming out in May.

And we won’t get the princess and frog until next christmas, knowing our release dates :laughing:

Oh my gosh! :shock: September 3rd? Really? Well, that’s a [i:2i6rean2]downer[/i:2i6rean2] (pun unintended).

I was under the impression they’re going ahead with a June release. Just last Friday I went to see Fast and Furious at the George Street cineplex (the most popular one in Sydney) and they had all these Up standees! I was sooo excited! They even had one display where all the character were strung from the hose like in the poster!

Even more interestingly, they had that annoying "Only at the movies" tagline (As if! :-\ Wait a few months and it’s out on DVD!) and the release date set as "June". If the updated release dates on the website are true, that would have been a [u:2i6rean2]major[/u:2i6rean2] promotional boo-boo on their part to have put up posters and promotional artwork fooling the patron into thinking they’re getting an earlier opening! They were even playing the trailer on the flat-screen TVs (and I’ve been to that cinema often enough to know they don’t start playing in the lobbies until the release is only a few weeks away, which would be true if it was the original June bow). Next time I remember to bring my camera (and provided they don’t take it down if it was a mistake) I’ll take some pictures.

On the other hand, my neighbourhood cinema, Ritz, says it’s September 18th. What gives?

Very strange… I really really hope all the cinema chains are not up-to-date or they made a presumption, and that June (which is what all the ‘official’-looking cardboard standees [i:2i6rean2]that have been printed in ink[/i:2i6rean2] have been saying) is the actual target date.