Please forgive me if the answer to this is already posted somewhere. I looked but I’m a stupid insomniac who has a tendency to miss things right in front of her on occasion.
Soooo why are the usernames different colors? I mean, I know some of the colors like admin and stuff, but I’m talking about why is my username blue, for instance?
I honestly have no idea what the blue usernames are for. I’ve seen a couple members with the same color, and they’re not mods or admins. I know that red, dark green, and green are admin/global mod/mod colors, though.
Phileas used the colors to help members differentiate between regular members and staff members, and I think it’s a very helpful addition. However, I’m confused about the blue, too! Someone enlighten us!
little chef
hmmm i have never noticed the colors before, i wish i knew what they meant though.
Red- Brain Trust Member
Blue- Pixar Planet Staff Member
Green- Moderator
And don’t forget Dark Green = Global Moderator.
The name color changes help the members, especially new members, know who to go to when they need help with something. If you’re part of the Pixar Planet Staff, you get a nifty name color change.
Hope that answers the question. Locking up.