I just plain suck at drawing, thats why I don’t draw a lot of things myself.
I can take hours just to get a couple of lines right before I am happy with the result, and because of that I never made a lot of own drawings.
But I do enjoy it to digitally colour linearts made by other people.
I’m still wading trough a lot of old stuff I’ve made, but I wanted to show a piece of work I am doing right now. It’s been a while since I’ve done something like this so everything is still very rusty and crudely done but here’s a first look at a picture that I am colouring right now.
It’s a picture of Violet when she is older then she is in the movie.
It was drawn by PPF’s own PixarVixen a loooong time ago and I always said I would colour it sometime, but real life sneaked up on me as it usually does and I totally lost sight of the whole thing (and I also lost the time I could spend on the old forums as well as chatting with a lot of friends of that time T_T )
But now I am having some time on my hands again I hope to pick up those old fun habits again ^^