Video Games

Yeah, they have. It was released when the movie came out. It’s okay at best, but pretty much your typical movie cash-in.

Welcome to the forums by the way.

Yes, welcome kateadover!

JUST 10 Days AWAY from [size=150]E3 2011[/size], GO NINTENDO!!!

Can’y wait to see what the new console looks like.

it’s a mistery despite of the information we can find out there, so excited for the upcoming month, JUNE FOR THE WIN

The E3 convention almost upon us already? Oh boy, how exciting!

Really excited about E3 and June in general…can’t wait for the 3DS eShop. E3 should be exciting, but Project Café will have to wow me (or have Pikmin/Smash Bros.) to get me to buy it, because as school goes on I don’t have as much time to play games during most of the year. Then OoT 3DS comes out shortly after :smiley:

I might ask for Brink for my birthday, has anyone played it? I’ve heard it has some online problems, but it sounds like a pretty interesting game.

Project Cafe
so far (RUMORS) these games are the ones to be shown:

3DS and Project Cafe:

Mario Cafe
Mario 3DS
Zelda OoT 3DS
Zelda Skyward Sword <3
Kid Ikarus
Pikmin Cafe
Grand Theft Auto V
Metal Gear
New Pokémon Game
Kirby Epic Yarn 2
Modern Warfare 3
Eternal Darkness (Retro Studio)
Metroid Dead
Donkey Kong Dot Heroes
StarFox 64 3D

I’m gonna die,

JUNE 7, there I go

Really can’t wait for some of those games. I hope GTA V does come out for one of them. Now your playing with power. NINTENDO POWER!

Nice list! I’m actually excited for a numer of the games just listed.

I heard Apple is thinking of making another game system.

LOL, I love that phrase

[size=150]8[/size] DAYS TO GO

Ah Nintendo. The thing i couldn’t grow up without when i was a kid.

[size=150]5 [/size] To GO!!

I heard rumors that it will be called the Nintendo Stream.

^ I heard the same, hope not to be true,but if so, I’m sure the name will grow on me

What ever the name is, it’s supposed to be good, heres the rumors

1080p Graphics
Can play it’s own games and Wii games, some sites say Gamecube
Blu Ray player
Will look like a modern SNES
About the size of an Xbox
screens on controllers
will go back to memory cards
and the price may go from $350 to $400.

Portal and Portal 2 are the best games ever.


TCM playing video games? Who knew.

disappointing conferences for both Microsoft and Sony, the best thing of them were Uncharted 3 and Halo 4, but those games were kinda obvious to be announced, let’s see how Nintendo does later…

Who will be live streaming the NINTENDO E3 conference???

here are some links: