Votre Critique de Ratatouille

Whoa! I didn’t know that was [spoil]Brad Bird![/spoil] Thanks for sharing!

Garion - You are most welcome for the welcome! :wink:

Nice observation. I also noticed this little aspect of the moment in question, but I didn’t dive deeper into it like you did. It’s interesting to note certain movements, facial expressions, gestures, and the like of the characters, as you stated, which is why I love to watch favorite films for a second, third, and twentieth time, because I notice something different – a new action or expression – every time…

To add onto that last sentence of yours (in the quoted paragraph above), Pixar employees also observe people in real life – at the park, in the mall, and any other public setting. This helps them to get a feel for the characters/personalities they mold and to add more life to their creations.

Gasduude - Puh-ha! Yeah, I love that, too.

If you look close enough, you’ll notice that [spoil]one of the boats’ “propellers” was actually an egg beater[/spoil]. Ingenious. :laughing:

I also found this interesting, especially since his voice is practically unrecognizable. I didn’t know that that was him playing the character until much later on in the game, but it’s a cool tidbit of information to know, in any case. And yeah, you’re right: It sure is dissimilar from Edna! Then again, the [spoil]Ambrister[/spoil] is pretty short too, so I guess it makes perfect sense. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, I loved that! It’s almost like a mirror of the first time he did something similar, which would be when Remy [spoil]went back to get the book, Anyone Can Cook, with the prospect of getting blasted in half in the process[/spoil]. I love how that played out; how he’d risk his own life for something seemingly unimportant.

– Mitch

Hey! That was me that wrote that about the body language, Mitch. :neutral_face: :wink: But yeah, the body language in this film is such a treat to watch. I also like how they exaggerate body movements for characters like Linguini, as well.

Heheh. I’ll look out for that next time! :smiley:

You think so? I always just thought that [spoil]Ego was really tall.[/spoil]

I had never made that connection before. [spoil]Or even after Remy got blasted by the lightning, he still wanted to do it again another time. (If memory “serves” me correct).[/spoil]

Well, maybe for Remy, life isn’t worth living if he can’t cook, so he has nothing to lose. :wink:

BTW, thanks for analysing Ratatouille with me, Mitch. I really enjoy looking deeper into the film.

rachel - Whoops! Oh dear. Sorry about that, rachel! I just assumed that it was Garion who made that statement because it was in his post. Curse my knack for jumping to conclusions! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmm. Yeah, I really don’t know. The [spoil]Ambrister[/spoil] always looked rather short to me, but maybe it is just [spoil]Ego[/spoil] that makes him cower like an ant… It’s been weeks since I watched the movie, so I’m not quite sure. I’ll have to view it again…

Oh yeah, the same thing happened during the whole “lightning” incident! I forgot about that one… (Ha! “Serves” you. I just got that. Man, why am I so daft today? :blush: :stuck_out_tongue: )

Yes, my point exactly. What I meant was that it may be seemingly unimportant to another individual, but not to Remy.

(I swear, something’s wrong with me! I’m arranged words like the-… Ohhh, I know what it is. Heheh. I haven’t been reading enough books lately…)

Oh, no problem, rachel! :wink:

– Mitch

I’m sick of Ratatouille

Ha! Alright, I know what you’re thinking, and, yes, it is only temporary. I made this very mistake when I became ubber-obsessed to the point of exhaustion as far as Finding Nemo was concerned; I watched that particular film everyday for a billion hours until, after the sixty-fourth (64) viewing, I said, “That’s it. I’ve had enough!” Alas, I haven’t felt like watching the film in question until now, which would be approxiamately two years after I made the above statement…

This time around, I am only going to watch Ratatouille when I really feel like it, otherwise I’ll eventually get sick of it after seeing it a bazillion times (although I shall never completely tire of watching Remy turning tail on the screen as I did with Nemo). This film is too beautiful to ever deserve a flush down the toilet (which I didn’t do with Finding Nemo, though I got pretty close…).

So yeah. No more viewing talking whiskers and hapless garbage boys unless it’s an emergency, which, of course, may not be too far around the corner… :stuck_out_tongue:

– Mitch

I can’t believe you’ve already seen it as many times as you have. After watching it that many times I’d probably be running around trying to stab people if I so much as heard about a rat.

Then again, the main reason I watch movies in theaters is because I have such a short attention span that I can’t sit through an entire film unless getting out of my seat to do otherwise is awkward and embarrassing and involves maneuvering around complete strangers. So your mileage may vary.

(Speaking of which: crap in a hat, this movie is long. I thought I was gonna pull a Tycho Brahe by the end of it because, again, didn’t wanna get up OR I MIGHT MISS SOMETHING.)

Mitch: How can you be tiered of it already? Oh well, it does that to you some times. Wierd, I already know someone who has seen the movie for a full straight 24 hours and you know what he said after that? “I must have more! I’m hungry!!!”

By the way, Mitch, I’ve been meaning to ask you… What in the world movie theater kept Ratatouille on so long that you were able to see it so many times!!! I mean, by around the end of August, all the theaters around me stopped showing it!

Mitch- The same thing happened with me and MI- despite the fact that I was so desperate to see it again on DVD the first time, by the 50th showing, it got a little tedious. :laughing: You’ve just gotta find the balance- I watch MI once a month now, and it’s just the right amount. Try seeing it once a week or something, and see how it goes. It’s sort of like tackling a nicotine or alcohol addiction, but instead of nicotine or alcohol as the toxic substances, it’s Pixar films. :laughing:

kageri - The main reason why I was able to see it in theaters as many times as I did was because, a) there is a theater in our area that played (and still plays) the film in question for a ridiculously exteneded period of time, and b) I’m a hard-core, drunk, stuck-to-the-film-like-glue…fanatic. I did everything in my power to see Ratatouille when I had the chance to upon its theatrical release, even if it meant watlking 20 minutes to a local theater that was showing it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ha! I’m glad I don’t have your short attention span. I’d probably never watch any film all the way through if that was the case. (snigger)

A “Tycho Brahe”… (snigger) Where do you come up with these things? :laughing:

The Star Swordsman - It happens. As addicted as I am to the film, it is possible for me to get slightly full of Ratatouille. Heheh.

Colette Linguini - Well, there is a local theater in the area in which I reside that will play select films for a good long time, and by that I literally mean months over the normal time limit. in fact, the cinema in question is still playing the production to this day, although the quality of the film reel is terrible and the movie skips in one part. However, I did not know about that particular theater until much later on in the game (as in after I had seen Ratatouille 23-24 times). The first 22-23 viewings were acquired by my seeing the film 1-2 times a week. Yeah, I was addicted, but in a good kinda way! :wink:

lizardgirl - Cha, you start to get a little tired of it after a while. I like your method of waiting a week or a month before seeing your favorite film again! I believe that my mom posed the same suggestion to me some time ago. I should practice that technique/trick. Heheh.

Ha! You nailed it right on the board there. T’was only yesterday when I said to my mom, “It’s like a drug! I can’t stop watching it…” (snigger) :laughing:

– Mitch

Heheh. Yeah, you should take lizardgirl’s advice and find just the right balance between watching the movie too much that you get sick of it, and having withdrawal symptoms. And yeah, it is like being addicted to alcohol or cigarettes! :stuck_out_tongue:

Mitch and rachel- Haha, we should start PAA- Pixar Addicts Anonymous! :laughing:

Hahah Mitch thats an a really intriguing topic you brought up! :laughing:

I think being addicted to a particular movie is alright…its not as harmful as being addicted to harmful substances like drugs or alcohol or potentially serious ones like gambling. I think its more akin to being addicted to gaming or the internet, but the difference is that even those can be harmful in the long term effect (i.e. if you spend nothing all day but just sitting down in front of the gaming console or computer). I think its ok to indulge in a particular movie, as long as you don’t get too affected by it psychologically or something, or to the point where it actually starts affecting your health and mental well being, as well as your relationships with your loved ones (thats what gaming/internet addiction does, well to extreme cases :open_mouth:)

Bottomline is: watch the movie as many times as you like, but don’t let it overwhelm all aspects of your life in the process.

How’s this for a possible ‘cure’ to your addiction Mitch, perhaps each time u feel like watching Rat, try renting out some other movie instead? Or perhaps having a new hobby will also help to distract you too. :smiley:

Just some thoughts…

rachel - Yes, I’ll simply watch a dose of “rat-patooty” whenever I feel the urge to pop the DVD into the player for a bit of inspiration or such. Heheh.

lizardgirl - Puh-ha!! Yeah, we should. :laughing:

Garion - Heheh. Yes, there is such a thing as overdoing anything. I just have to cut back on the caffee-…er…ratatouille. (snigger)

Ha! Just reading that sent my brain into a mentally panicked state. It only lasted a couple of seconds, but still… That’s so pitiful, man. :laughing:

– Mtch

I don’t worry so much about you in this situation Mitch heh heh.
Sometimes if we watch something so much, we get so use to it. However…if we manage to find different things to spot, we get a whole new outlook on it. For instance, watch a film, at the end you know the villains and the heros. Who lives, who…doesn’t…and each one’s turning points. At the end, with that knowledge, you watch again and get a new outlook. A person finds something out of place, you look at it again and find another outlook.
Ratatouille, from what I see, may have some mystery in it still. Who knows. Might find something worthwhile.

But in any case. Watching of the film may decrease…but passion for who’s in it will, hopefully, never die.

Nexas - Heheh. Oh yes, I find something new in Ratatouille whenever I watch it, whether it be visual or non, and that’s one thing that I love about Pixar’s productions.

– Mitch

I wasn’t sure where else to place this, and I did not wish to create a separate thread on the matter at all, so I decided to display this little “factoid” here:

So I was browsing Thomas Huxley’s/bawpcwpn’s blog, Upcoming Pixar, when I found myself within the depths of Mr. Capbianco’s official blog. Posted on this blog was…this:

leoanimation.blogspot.com/2007/1 … html#links

Does that belong on a t-shirt or what? They’ve gotta make prints of it, man.

You can access Jim Capbianco’s “leonardo” blog via this link:


The link itself was supplied by Upcoming Pixar and can be found on this page:

pixarplanet.com/blog/your-friend … olden-book

The Upcoming Pixar blog itself is an associate of Pixar Planet, is run by administrator Thomas Huxley, and can be viewed by way of this link:


Thanks for helping me discover that page, bawpcwpn! I had a good laugh because of it. :laughing:

– Mitch

Thanks for that, Mitch. :mrgreen:

That is so clever. The Pixar employees never cease to amaze with the depths of their creativity. It took me a second to understand it, but now I loves it!

Apparently there were t-shirts made by Pixar with that old skool logo - they were given to the crew who worked on the credits for Ratatouille… I waaaaaant one. Hopefully one will turn up on eBay, but I imagine it will be mighty expensive since they were made in limited quanties.

My pleasure, rachel! :wink:

Ah yes, you’re right. I forgot that they did make t-shirts out of 'em for the “credential” crew mates. I wouldn’t mind purchasing one off of eBay though, if I had the dough. (snigger)

– Mitch

this is mi first post…i no i shouldn’t be nosing in stuff like this but still…
i’m a ratatouille fanatic.
I memorized the theme song just a few weeks ago and had to watch it once a day…
sure is some special type of addictive…

anyway, i kinda went overboard and i haven’t been watching it for a week now, which is just really sad.

that kinda was my cure for stopping…

i feel awkward…