I’m a massive fan of Wall-E and I recently made this short freeware adventure game using the Adventure Game Studio engine. All the pixel art is original.
It was for the MAGS (monthly adventure game studio) competition for May.
Thought it would be worth posting here. Hope you all enjoy.
Thanks to Pixar for Wall-E and it’s amazing pixel art credits, which inspired this game!
Hey markbilly, and welcome to the forums!
From what I can tell, you’ve definitely got something interesting here. You’d actually be the second person to create a Wall-E Fangame (that I know of) the first being me! XD
Unfortunately, my Windows computer has gone a-wall so I’m going to have some trouble getting it over to it to play, but I think it’ll be worth it. I’ll be back to give my thoughts when that’s been done.
EDIT: Wasen’t bad. The graphics where pretty good, but the whole game felt like it was just for kids - not for everyone. Which made it even more strange when I got to a puzzle I could not solve. These puzzles should be simple enough to figure out, or the player should at least be informed on what Wall-E and EVE can do. I had no idea what I was suppose to do at one point and simply gave up because there was no clues or anything to help guide me.