Wall-E and EVE among the plants-some pictures I took.

Dude, I swear I have never seen anything so cool! Nice work dude! Cool pictures.

Very well done, I especially like the way you made EVE float.

if my eyes don’t decieve me, those look like the action figures of them. so please, just tell us what we’re all wondering here:

How the heck did you get EVE to look like she’s floating?

Edited for shouting. – Mitch

He used Photoshop :wink:

Very nice and well done pics! They look completely natural in their scenes. Do more :smiley:

Glad to see people like the pictures. Here are a couple more. I may try to make this a summer picture-taking theme.


“We got snow up on the mountains, we got rivers down below”

Wall-E stops to observe some flowers.

You should let Wall-E give EVE a flower, that would be cute!

YES! :smiley: That would be awesome!

Oh my goodness, those shots you did wer totally adorable. Very nicely done.

i like the last one! i’ll probably make it my desktop background.

I love WALL•E in the tree. Post some more photos!

You wouldn’t happen to have any higher resolution pictures available, would you? I’d love to use some of them for my ever cycling background wallpaper!

Wow, those shots are beyond awesome!

I third the flower suggestion. :smiley:

Those are incredible! It Looks like is actually floating.

Hi all,

Thanks again for the comments.

Currently, the images on Flickr are the highest resolution. I took them at 3M on my camera.

I may consider the Wall-E/EVE flower thing, but I don’t know how much further I could push the photographs.

I had considered sending a little ‘congratulations on success’ letter to PIXAr and include the pictures.

Though I’ve had several encounters with PIXAR, I don’t know if I should keep doing so.

Wait, so how did you PS Eve into floating again? Did there used to be some kind of support device that you erased later in Photoshop?

Very Good :wink:

I think I figured out how you made EVE look like she was floating if you didn’t use Photoshop.

[spoil]Since in none of the pictures EVE back is visible and there is always some thing like plants or rocks behind her, you had someone hold her up by the back through the rocks or plants and then angled the camera so that they are not visible.[/spoil]

Then how do you explain this one?

Obviously, uruseiranma is a genius! :nerd:

good point…
oh well. Good job dude.