Wall-E makes garbage cubes. Everyone knows that. However, in Monsters Inc. I noticed that when Boo looses the eye on her costume and it falls in the trash, it’s then thrown into the trash shoot. After that, Sully watches in horror as the eye goes through the trash compacter, thinking it’s boo, he turns to his right and notices the trash coming out, IN CUBES! That’s right, cubes of trash that look shockingly similar to Wall-E’s cubes. I was shocked, because I never thought of it before. It’s crazy!!!
I noticed that, too. I think I mentioned it in the thread WALL-E observations- or was it the WALL-E predictions…
Yeah. Wasn’t it me who mentioned that? I saw MI again after WALL-E and couldn’t help but laugh. i think it was just a coinsidence though.
Well, Pixar have been known to re-use models in later movies so this doesn’t seem so out of the ordinary to me.
It makes sense to use generic models again, as opposed to recreating them.
I never actually realised that. And I haven’t had time to go through that other thread properly. So, whoever spotted it first, nice one!
Unless you take screenshots and make direct comparisons, it’s just a coincidence. Trash cubes are a very common thing.
The models aren’t the same. The one from MI is a bit more rounded.
i think its just easier to do 3D cubes then scattered trash…
Yeah, I noticed that! I couldn’t help but start cracking up. But that was way before WALL-E, so Pixar didn’t know WALL-E was going to have the same trash cubes.
Moreso of a coincidence than anything. But I bet there would be a trash cube somewhere in WALL•E that looks the same as one that the garbage compactor spit out in Monsters, Inc.. If so, that would be cool and an actual in-joke, yes.
maybe one of the trash cubes in Wall-E will have boo’s costume eye in it.
mo: That was my thought exactly! Though, that would be a lot of garbage cubes to look through until if we wanna find it.
Oh yeah! I honestly didn’t even think of that until you pointed it out! I’m sure it’s just a coincidence, or like it was mentioned, they reused old models.
I didn’t really think about that. I reckon that they do have that Boo’s eye thing in one of the garbage things in Wall-E… I think I remember watching closely when I saw Wall-E to see if it was in one of them.
One day, as WALL-E was compacting garbage, he found out that one of his cubes had the Boo’s costume eye on it.
WALL-E : “Whoa!”
Suddenly, Sulley and Mike came from nowhere and crashed WALL-E!
Sulley (holding the cube): “I can still hear her little voice.”
? : “Mike Wazowski!”
Mike : “Hey, I can hear her too.”
??? : “Mike Wazowski! Mike Wazowski! Mike Wazowski!”
Mike : “How many kids you got in there?”
Sulley & Mike : “WALL-E???”
Then, someone came and …
…Okay, I know. That’s very stupid!
Really? Nice observation, Netbug009. I never noticed that before.
I wonder when they first came up with the idea of making Wall-E a trash compactor? It was 1994 when they thought of him being the last robot on earth, the one they forgot to turn off. Stanton said he worked a bit on Wall-E during the 2000-2003 production of Nemo…
I noticed the cubes and their size resemblance about the day this thread was started, but I went back and looked at the compactor and didn’t see anything else about it that look suspiciously familiar…