Wall-E DVD Thoughts, Comments

Wasn’t sure where to post this, but this thread is still alive and decided to put it here since it’s making such a big stink on the internet and is by far the biggest story about Wall-E, outside of the special event happening in NewYork next month. This is a real world cautionary tale:

geek.com/articles/mobile/man … -20090427/

Hi gang. This weekend marks the 1st year anniversary of the Wall-e dvd release. :sunglasses: I mentioned last week on another dvd thread about this, but this is the more appropriate thread.

What are you going to do with your Wall-E dvd to celebrate? I bought an extra copy of the 3 disk set, and lent it to a friend whose daughter saw the movie 4x in theaters and had the regular dvd. Watched ‘The Pixar Story’ again, and ‘Notes on a Score’ and a few other ‘Behind the Scenes’ feature/featurettes. I have yet to get feedback, but my friend told me a year ago that the main event was “grand”.

I didn’t know who Jeffrey Katzenberg was when I first saw this disk, and it was easier to appreciate the creation of Toy Story and his interference. To his credit he saw the first version of the movie and asked “Why is it so bad?”. It was his insistence on the requirement for ‘edginess’ to co-opt the adult audience. I didn’t like some of the flavor in those early to mid 90’s Disney films and stopped watching them, the male characters were too smart-asz.